It would be useful to have a class diagram tool for typescript classes where i could drag multiple classes and create a visual overview of the methods and properties for each.
It would also be useful if the editor would show dependency arrows between the classes when a class is a constructor parameter of another class
Note: TypeScript is awesome, elegant, and amazing :)
Big +1. Even if it is read-only. Often times it is a hassle to look through inheritance to find public fields in a class. IntelliSense helps with this but a class diagram would be so much better!
+1 +1 +1 !!!
+1, microsoft, pliss!
I'm working on a class diagram view (ref : / )
released with 0.0.51 :rose:
@basarat what would be useful is to be able to do UML class diagram . and it would read all .ts files, I need to see the big picture rather than just what is a single file. On another topic, how would you compare React and Ionic2 (they adopted typescript) which made it attractive but I still struggle with injection, providers, etc... I don't have a good grasp of what pattern to follow, so I thought I would hunt for a class diagramming tool. I come from .NET so I am at least half brain damaged :)
how would you compare React and Ionic2
@AlGantori I cannot comment personally on Ionic2 as I haven't used it. But people who use it love it :heart:
I can also tell you that plenty of TypeScript developers love React :rose:
Use what makes you happy 🎉 🤗
@basarat It would be amazing if the class diagram would show the UML diagram across files, start at the selected file, and make a diagram based on all classes encountered in the dependencies of that file.
Specifically I would like to see PlantUML <-> TS
This is a nice tool to play
@leocaseiro Oh, that's nice!! And it works in the web, so it'd be very easy to put this inside Atom for example. Thanks for sharing this!
I managed with
Most helpful comment
I'm working on a class diagram view (ref : / )