Typescript: JSX element type does not have any construct or call signatures in v3.2.0-rc

Created on 21 Nov 2018  ·  27Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/TypeScript

TypeScript Version: 3.2.0-rc, 3.2.1


import * as React from "react";
import { Component, ReactType} from "react";
function App(props:{component:ReactType}) {
  const Comp: ReactType = props.component
  return (<Comp />)

Expected behavior:
Should output normal as TypeScript 3.1.6

Actual behavior:
TS2604: JSX element type 'Comp' does not have any construct or call signatures.

Bug JSTSX Duplicate

Most helpful comment

for me the solution was:

export type WrapperProps = {
    mainApp: React.ElementType

All 27 comments

This is missing the rest of the error message but, to be sure, make sure you are on the latest version of @types/react and that there are no duplicates of it left around in your node_modules or lock file.

EDIT: you probably mean to use ComponentType and not ReactType


I have make sure using the latest @types/react 16.7.7 and no duplicates @types/react in yarn.lock.
If the issue is because of duplication of @types/react, it will return the error Duplication of definition ....

I revert back to "typescript": "^3.1.6" then it work normally.

Typescript 3.2.1

other example

interface P1 {
  p?: boolean
  c?: string

interface P2 {
  p?: boolean
  c?: any // if you replace c with string, error goes away
  d?: any

declare var C: React.ComponentType<P1> | React.ComponentType<P2>

const a = <C p={true} /> // element does not have any ...

It looks like, the problem is related to new "nullable discriminants" changes. Looks like ts can't find common interface for those types.
Other example

interface P1 {
  p?: any
  c?: string // remove this and it's ok

interface P2 {
  p?: boolean

We have a similar problem, quick example:

import * as React from 'react'

// Types

interface Config<P> {
  ElementType: React.ReactType<P>

interface EmptyProps {

interface Props {
  a?: string

type HProps = {
  configEmpty: Config<EmptyProps>,
  config: Config<Props>

// Component

const H: React.FC<HProps> = ({ config, configEmpty }) => {
  const A: React.ReactType<EmptyProps> = configEmpty.ElementType // assigned
  const B: React.ReactType<EmptyProps> = 'div' // assigned

  const C: React.ReactType<Props> = config.ElementType // assigned
  const D: React.ReactType<Props> = 'div' // in this case assignment failed

  return (
      <A/> {/* TS2604: JSX element type 'A' does not have any construct or call signatures. */}


export default H

I see this behaviour as completely invalid, because A and B have the same types. In the same time, B and D have _similar types_, but D is not assignable 🤔

Code in repo: https://github.com/layershifter/ts-issue

They do not, because you're using const. The type of A is typeof configEmpty.ElementType, but the type of B is 'div'. Using lets will show the same behavior on both.

@Kovensky what about A and C? Why C works while A fails with does not have any construct error?

That is because I improved the type of ReactType to exclude components that would not be able to receive the props you are giving it. Because none of the DOM elements can receive { a: string | undefined }, they are all excluded, and only function/class components are still allowed to be assigned to it.

@Kovensky thank you 👍 Now the issue with assignment is clear for me, but what about this?

import * as React from 'react'

// Types

interface Config<P> {
  ElementType: React.ReactType<P>

interface Empty {}
interface Props { a?: string }

type HProps = {
  configEmpty: Config<Empty>,
  config: Config<Props>

// Component

const H: React.FC<HProps> = ({ config, configEmpty }) => {
  const A: React.ReactType<Empty> = configEmpty.ElementType // is React.ReactType<Empty>
  const B: React.ReactType<Empty> = 'div' // is string
  const C: React.ReactType<Props> = config.ElementType // is React.ReactType<Props>

  return (
      {/* React.ReactType<Empty> */} <A/> {/* <--- TS2604: JSX element type 'A' does not have any construct or call signatures. */}
      {/* React.ReactType<Empty> */} <B/>
      {/* React.ReactType<Props> */} <C/>

export default H

A and B has the same obviously defined types, why A fails? It's really confusing thing.

I would probably say @rexpan and @goloveychuk's error is similar to #28795 and #28768 based on conditional JSX constructor.

Hm, so the issue is that ReactType<any> returns a union of _every builtin jsx tag_ (plus ComponentType<any>, but that part's not problematic), and the signatures for those components do not trivially simplify (there is not a signature that perfectly encompasses all the others). This, too, relies on #7294 to be fixed. On the plus side, the underlying change needed to fix for all these JSX issues that get reported is the same.

For context, we effectively manufacture a type like this:

declare const JsxSigs: {[K in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: ((props: JSX.IntrinsicElements[K]) => JSX.Element)}[keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements];

which ends up as being a union of a ton of unique signatures.

Before I changed it to be a union of all builtin jsx tags it was _just_ string | ComponentType<any>, which was even worse.

Aye, especially since prior to 3.2, a string type in a tag just quietly _disabled_ typechecker, because the "index not found" error it was supposed to issue never occurred.

This issue has been marked as a duplicate and has seen no activity in the last day. It has been closed for automatic house-keeping purposes.

Running into a problem that might be related. I have the following component:

function MaybeLabel(props: { useLabel: boolean }) {
   const { useLabel } = props;
   const TagName = useLabel ? 'label' : 'div';

   return <TagName>Woookie</TagName>

which results in

error TS2604: JSX element type 'TagName' doesnothave any construct or call signatures.


function MaybeLabel2(props: { useLabel: boolean }) {
   const { useLabel } = props;
   const TagName = useLabel ? 'span' : 'div';

   return <TagName>Woookie</TagName>

is completely acceptable to the typescript compiler. As is:

export function MaybeLabel3(props: { useLabel: boolean }) {
    const { useLabel } = props;
    const TagName = useLabel ? 'label' : 'div';

    return React.createElement(TagName, 'Wookie')

Where the only difference in MaybeLabel2 is that I'm using span instead of label (using span instead of div also seems acceptable). MaybeLabel3 makes it even stranger, as that should be exactly what MaybeLabel compiles to.

Using latest version of @types/react and @types/react-dom, and verified the problem in typescript 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.3.0-dev.20181219. In 3.1.6 it all works as expected (none of the examples produce errors)

for me the solution was:

export type WrapperProps = {
    mainApp: React.ElementType

@TacB0sS please elaborate.

I might have misunderstood the thread, but I wanted to pass a reference to an jsx Element to another jsx element:

export const AppWrapper = hot(module)((props: WrapperProps) => {

    const MainApp = props.mainApp;
    if (!MainApp)  // <-- JSX elements MUST start with upper case!!
        throw new ImplementationMissingException("mainApp was not specified!!");

    return (
        <Router history={BrowserHistoryModule.getHistory()}>
            <MainApp prop1={"value"}/>

Together with:

export type WrapperProps = {
    mainApp: React.ElementType<{prop1:string}>

@TacB0sS For me the main trick was adding if condition. Looks like it doesn't matter whether you use React.ComponentType or React.ElementType

I'm not sure i understand the outcome of this. I have a similar error that I have not been able to resolve. Here is my use case:

// Logo.tsx

import classNames from 'classnames';

interface Props extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {
  tag?: React.ReactType;

const Logo: React.SFC<Props> = props => {
  const { tag: Tag = 'div', className, ...rest } = props;
  return (
      className={classNames(styles.logo, className)}
      dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: logo }}

and then I'm using it like such in another component like so:

const Header: React.SFC<{}> = () => {
  return (
      <Logo tag="h1" aria-label="Syn By Design: Eric Masiello's Portfolio" />
      Header online

When I run the compiler, i get this error:

components/Logo.tsx:13:6 - error TS2604: JSX element type 'Tag' does not have any construct or call signatures.

13     <Tag

Found 1 error.

Any ideas how to make this work?

Instead of Component, use ComponentClass

I got this error because I imported default but declared the corresponding export as named instead of default in the .d.ts file...confused me for awhile

Just wanted to add this here. Not sure if this was already said but if you are doing a hirer order component you want to use the type React.ComponentType

. "https://flow.org/en/docs/react/types/#toc-react-componenttype"

@ericmasiello I ended up using React.ElementType for a dynamically passed in component. My use case is basically the following:

type Props = {
    heading: React.ElementType
const Header: FC<Props> = props => {
    const Header = props.heading ?? 'h2';
    return (
        <Header className="some-class"><children /></Header>

@ericmasiello I ended up using React.ElementType for a dynamically passed in component. My use case is basically the following:

type Props = {

    heading: React.ElementType


const Header: FC<Props> = props => {

    const Header = props.heading ?? 'h2';

    return (

        <Header className="some-class"><children /></Header>



Cool! What version of Typescript and what version of @types/react do you have installed?


Cool! What version of Typescript and what version of @types/react do you have installed?

[email protected]
@types/[email protected]

I solved this problem by doing any of these two things:

Case 1:

.d.ts file:

declare module "foo" {
   interface PropFoo {
      propy: string;

   class MyTypedComponent extends React.Component<PropFoo> { }


import MyTypedComponent from "foo";

function AnotherComponent() {

   /* Notice in here we have to use the dot operator and reference the component */
   return <MyTypedComponent.MyTypedComponent /> 

Notice that, in order to use the newly typed component, we have to write _MyTypedComponent.MyTypedComponent_ . This may be obvious to some people, but I wasted alot of time when all I had to do was to use the dot operator on the import and reference the component.

Case 2 [just another way of writing Case 1]:

.d.ts file:

declare module "foo" {
   interface PropFoo {
      propy: string;

   export default class MyTypedComponent extends React.Component<PropFoo> { } //Notice the export default in here


import MyTypedComponent from "foo";

function AnotherComponent() {

   /* Since this component is default exported, no need to use the dot operator */
   return <MyTypedComponent /> 

Soo, basically, check your exports, default exports, and imports and make sure you are referencing correctly.

I'm very sorry for my English and I hope this helps.

for me the solution was:

export type WrapperProps = {
  mainApp: React.ElementType

niu b

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