Typescript: Decorator Metdata: expose array element type

Created on 20 Feb 2016  ·  40Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/TypeScript

TSC 175, target ES6, Node 5.6

Sample class with decorated properties:

export class User implements IUser {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    friends: User[];

Property decorator:

export function DMProperty(target: any, key: string) {
    var type = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", target, key);

Current behaviour:
When the decorator gets called for property "friends", "type" is "Array" and the captured type ("User") is lost.

Expected behaviour
"type" should contain the captured type ("User"), too

Following very dirty work-around does the job: I modified tsc's method "emitSerializedTypeNode":

function emitSerializedTypeNode(node) {
    if (node) {
        console.log("*** emitSerializedTypeNode: node.kind: ", node.kind);
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 157:
                // Begin dirty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                var _elemType = node.elementType.typeName.text;
                write("{name: 'Array<" + _elemType + ">', type:'Array', elemType:'" + _elemType + "'}");
                console.log("*** emitSerializedTypeNode: Array, type: ", node.elementType.typeName.text);
                // End dirty -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            case 150:


Decorators Needs Proposal Suggestion

Most helpful comment

You may see low reaction numbers for this feature but it is waited by a lot of people. We need to transform JavaScript/Typescript and make it compete with languages like Java.

For example, this feature will allow me to build a very beautiful database ORM just by using class properties and no any workarounds with decorators.

All 40 comments

Hi Mohamed,
sorry to bother you again. I don't think it's a duplicate of 4521. 4521 deals with the order of loading the modules, respectively circular refernces. That's not a problem in my case. All the modules are loaded correctly but as I can see from the compiler code (emitSerializedTypeNode), the captured type of a generic array is not emitted. Only "Array" gets emitted. So this behaviour is not (yet) in the compiler's code.

thanks. changing the title to reflect the request.

Thanks a lot!

Running into the same issue here. Would be very helpful if we could get to the full nested type information.

This problem apparently still persists. And it really is a dealbreaker for one of my current projects. In an attempt to implement a workaround of my own, much like and inspired by @mindruptive , I created a fork of the TS Compiler, which currently achieves JS outputs along the lines of e.g.:

__metadata('design:type', {name: 'Array<Array<Number>>', type: Array, elemType: {name: 'Array<Number>', type: Array, elemType: Number}})


__metadata('design:type', {name: 'Array<InnermostTestClass>', type: Array, elemType: TestClass_1.InnermostTestClass})

for (nested) Arrays as well as lessen the condensing of UnionTypes like so:

__metadata('design:type', Boolean | Number | String)

I realize that this workaround, which is sufficient for said project, creates a breaking change to the behavior of metadata, as (e.g.) the return parameter of Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', target, key?) is no longer guaranteed to be a constructor.
My question (and request) now is: can/will this be resolved?

It seems as though there is actually some progress regarding this issue. From what I can tell after looking at the current TSC, there seems to be a modified implementation of the metadata decorators (and two separate instances of said decorator emitters (function addOldTypeMetadata and function addNewTypeMetadata); the new one (when enabled) currently emits javascript code like this:

__metadata("design:typeinfo", {
  type: () => Array

I'd suggest modifying the output to emit:
(e.g.: number[][])

__metadata("design:typeinfo", {
  type: () => Array,
  elementType: () => {
    type: () => Array,
    elementType: () => Number

This approach is obviously more elegant than building custom constructor functions (with or without a class or object mantle) to inject the elementType into.

I should note that Decorators have a new proposal in TC39 that should facilitate adding additional meta-data fields such as this one. I would expect TypeScript to implement the new proposal in the coming releases.

Are there any informations when design:typeinfo will be available?

Are there any informations when design:typeinfo will be available?

No updates since https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/7169#issuecomment-250860376.

@mhegazy Do you know of any workaround that can be used in the meantime? This is a major pain for a couple of our projects.

I think a workaround is only possible by defining the type in the decorator manually.

@DominicBoettger @mhegazy @abierbaum
Since I still need this feature (I create a query-schema from TypeScript metadata) and I don't want to add unnecessary type info to my decorator, I patched the current version of tsc again:

function serializeTypeNode(node) {
    case 163:
    case 164:
        // MR patch -------------------------------------
            // Patch comment out: return ts.createIdentifier("Array");
            console.log(">>> serializeTypeNode: " + node.kind + ", elementType.typeName.text: " + node.elementType.typeName.text );
            // Pass the name of the captured type to "createIdentifier()"
            return ts.createIdentifier("Array", node.elementType.typeName.text);
        // MR end patch --------------------------------   

// MR patch: add paramter "elemType"
function createIdentifier(text, elemType) {
    var node = createSynthesizedNode(70);
    node.text = ts.escapeIdentifier(text);
    // MR patch -----------------------
        if (elemType) {
            node.text = "{type:" + node.text + ", elemType:'" + elemType + "'}";
    // MR end patch ------------------
    node.originalKeywordKind = text ? ts.stringToToken(text) : 0;
    node.autoGenerateKind = 0;
    node.autoGenerateId = 0;
    return node;

Finally to use the generated metadata in my property decorator:

function DMProperty(target: any, key: string)
    var type = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", target, key);
    if (type.type && (type.type === "Array" || type.type.prototype instanceof Array || type.type === Array)) {
        // Do something with the type info, in our case: Save it to a schema property of the class.
        target[Schema].arrayTypes[key] = type.elemType;

From a compiler designer's perspective this might be dirty. TypeScript is great and the static type info makes any kind of schema-generation much easier. This slight enhancement even more so. :-)

   function serializeTypeNode(node) {
             case 164:
                    // MR Patch (case was empty before) *****************************************************
                    let typeNameText = undefined;
                    let typeName = node.elementType.typeName;
                    if (typeName) {
                        console.log(">>> serializeTypeNode: " + node.kind + ", elementType.typeName.text: " + typeName.text );
                        typeNameText = typeName.text;
                    } else {
                        let typeNameText = ts.tokenToString(node.elementType.kind);
                        console.log(">>> serializeTypeNode: " + node.kind + ", typeName is undefined => primitive type, using ts.tokenToString(): array elementType: " + typeNameText );
                    // Pass the name of the captured type to "createIdentifier()"
                    return ts.createIdentifier("Array", typeNameText);
                    // MR Patch end *************************************************************************

and time goes by so slowly, ...


Hi, any news?

Any progress after more than one year? Thanks :D

Excellent question! :-)

You may see low reaction numbers for this feature but it is waited by a lot of people. We need to transform JavaScript/Typescript and make it compete with languages like Java.

For example, this feature will allow me to build a very beautiful database ORM just by using class properties and no any workarounds with decorators.

@JCWolf Exactly. This would be super useful for ORMs. For example, if TypeORM were able to see the metadata type, you could change this code:

@OneToMany(type => Photo, "user")
photos: Photo[];

to this:

photos: Photo[];

I desperately want this feature.

@NSExceptional The same goes for libraries like TypedJSON.

@mhegazy Can you give us some updates on this? What's the next step to add this on the master branch(beside the actual merge request)? Maybe @thomas-mindruptive cand help with this.

@JCWolf I can provide the "patch-code" I have posted above. But I think it's more of a general discussion within the TS team if and how they want to do this. It would be easy (technically) for the transpiler to decorate additional type-info. Maybe they are waiting for the EcmaScript-specs for these features. (Which would be boring because TS was always ahead! :-))

And the years go by: > 3


This would be really awesome... Been waiting on this feature awhile.

I feel like emitting generic type information is the next step towards having a strongly reflective language. At the same time I'm sure there must be technical/design dilemmas that haven't been covered in this thread. Either way, a comment from the typescript team here would be very welcome

Any update on this? Would be nice to emit something like the following structure:

interface TypeMetadata {
  name: string;
  value: any;
  parameters: Array<TypeMetadata>;

So, for example, the result for Map<string, MyInterface> becomes:

  name: 'Map',
  value: Map,
  parameters: [
    { name: 'String', value: String, parameters: null },
    { name: 'MyInterface', value: Object, parameters: null },

To make this even more unambiguous, perhaps it can be useful to also include a path parameter with the value of the absolute path to the file where a custom type like MyInterface is defined. This way people can use this information at runtime to accurately get types from metadata.

Any progress after more than one year?

Looking forward to updates. XD


I wish I am the last one to post this question: Any update?

I've wrote a small example showing the use of decorators for request validations. Now i came across this issue.
I could do a dirty workaround like this:

example attr declaration

foo: bar;


if (Array.isArray(obj.foo)) { 
     obj.foo.forEach((elm) => {
            if (elm instanceof bar  === false) {
                return false

But then again i would rather prefer this:

example attr declaration

foo: bar[];


function prop(): any {
    return function (target : Object, key : string) {
        let type = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", target, key);
        console.log(type.isArray()) // true
        console.log(type.constructor.name) // "bar"

For everyone else who is, like me, wondering why this isn't getting any attention, a Redditor had this explanation for me:

TypeScript's decorators are based on an older proposal, and the JS specs around decorators have gone in a different incompatible direction. I believe they're avoiding changing how decorators work until the final goal is specced. Another way of saying this is that you should avoid using decorators, because they are unlikely to see improvements any time soon.

With the disclaimer that this is just him reading the tea leaves.

@NSExceptional That's a bit sad but I know what the TS team feels and they are right. It's so hard to do something that doesn't have a spec.

I hope decorators will get specced soon because they are super awesome and save you from writing a lot of code and makes it look really expressive.

Sometimes its better to ship implementation and made spec out of it based on real world needs. Decorators are super usefull and saves tons of code.

It's a pity. TypeScript used to lead the way and provide new functionality, which was not available in JS.
Decorators have been around in TS for about 4 years. They are easy to use.

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