Troika: "Large number of open WorkerModule requests, some may not be returning" warning

Created on 30 Mar 2021  路  14Comments  路  Source: protectwise/troika

Hi there, I am seeing a large amount of warnings coming from troika-worker.utils.esm.js with this message.

Screen Shot 2021-03-29 at 8 19 42 PM

Everything seems to be working fine though

any idea?

All 14 comments

Hmm, that warning doesn't trigger until there are >1000 open worker requests. Do you have a very large number of text instances?

I do, but not over 1000 (at least not intentionally)

more like a couple hundred

Here is what I am rendering

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 11 03 39 AM

But so what you are saying that maybe there is a bug on my side where I create more instances than I actually need and once I cross the 1000 count it starts throwing an error?

I have been setting instances that have no content to .visible = false

but I guess that still means the instance exists

would you recommend instead of using the .visible prop to remove unused instances entirely?

Ahh, that could explain it. Any calls to .sync() will still be issued to the worker in the background even if visible:false, and they'll pile up.

I do think I'd personally opt to create/dispose the labels on demand, or at least prevent .sync() calls for hidden ones. Those worker requests all use the same worker so if it's busy processing hidden labels then that could delay the processing of your visible ones.

I'm making some assumptions, though, not having seen your exact LabelView code. It's still possible that there's a bug on my end, so LMK what you find.

Just tried to only call .sync() when .visible === true

but still getting the warnings

if instead I only create instances for for visible objects and destroy unused ones then the warnings go away

Hmm, Text itself only calls sync() in onBeforeRender, which _shouldn't_ trigger if visible=false.

Is your LabelView wrapper code available anywhere I can take a peek?

It's part of a closed source project

but here is the relevant class, which might be enough

import {Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial} from "three";
import R from "../../../../../../../../../../resources/Namespace";
import BaseView, {ViewType} from "./BaseView";
import {Text} from "troika-three-text";
import {GeometryInstances} from "../instances/GeometryInstances";
import {MaterialInstances} from "../instances/MaterialInstances";

export enum TextAlign {
    left = "left",
    right = "right",
    center = "center",
    justify = "justify",

export enum HorizontalAlign {
    left = "left",
    right = "right",
    center = "center",

export enum VerticalAlign {
    top = "top",
    topBaseline = "top-baseline",
    middle = "middle",
    bottomBaseline = "bottom-baseline",
    bottom = "bottom",

export interface ILabelData {
    content: string;
    fontFace?: string;
    fontSize?: number;
    alignment?: TextAlign;
    horizontalAlign?: HorizontalAlign;
    verticalAlign?: VerticalAlign;
    color?: string;
    opacity?: number;
    backgroundColor?: string;
    highlightable: boolean;

export default class LabelView extends BaseView {
    get viewObject() {
        return this._viewObject as any;

    get content() {
        return this.textMesh.text;

    set content(content: string) {
        if (content !== this.textMesh.text) {
            this.textMesh.text = content;
            this.textMesh.visible = !!content;


    private syncIfVisible() {
        // Better for perf:
        if (this.textMesh?.text && this.textMesh?.visible && this._isVisible) {

    set textAlign(alignment: TextAlign) {
        this.textMesh.textAlign = alignment;

    set horizontalAlign(alignment: HorizontalAlign) {
        this.textMesh.anchorX = alignment;

    set verticalAlign(alignment: VerticalAlign) {
        this.textMesh.anchorY = alignment;

    private backgroundMesh: Mesh | undefined;
    private readonly textMesh: any;
    private readonly foregroundColor: string;
    private highlightable: boolean;

    constructor(labelData: ILabelData) {

        this.foregroundColor = labelData.color || R.colors.elements.labels.foreground;

        this.highlightable = labelData.highlightable;

        if (labelData.backgroundColor) {
            this.textMesh = this.createTextMesh(

            this.textMesh.addEventListener("synccomplete", () => {
                if (this.backgroundMesh) {

                if (this.textMesh.text) {
                    const bounds = this.textMesh.textRenderInfo.blockBounds;
                    this.backgroundMesh =
                        this.createBackgroundBox(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], 0);

        } else {
            this.textMesh = this.createTextMesh(



    public onFrameRendered(elapsedTime: number) {
        if (this.highlightable) {

    private setLabelHighlightState() {
        const labelMaterial = this.textMesh.material as MeshBasicMaterial;
        if (this._isHighlighted) {
        } else {

    private createTextMesh(content: string,
                           fontFace = R.layout.labels.font_face.regular,
                           fontSize = R.layout.labels.font_size,
                           textAlign =,
                           horizontalAlign =,
                           verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.middle,
                           color: string,
                           opacity = 1,
                           zLevel: number) {
        const labelMesh = new Text();

        labelMesh.font = fontFace;
        labelMesh.text = content || "";
        labelMesh.fontSize = fontSize;
        labelMesh.position.z = zLevel;
        labelMesh.color = color;
        labelMesh.textAlign = textAlign;
        labelMesh.anchorX = horizontalAlign;
        labelMesh.anchorY = verticalAlign;

        labelMesh.material.opacity = opacity; = "LabelView";

        return labelMesh;

    private createBackgroundBox(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number, zLevel: number) {
        const paddingLeft = 1;
        const paddingRight = 2;
        const paddingTop = 1;
        const paddingBottom = 0;

        const width = Math.abs(startX) + Math.abs(endX) + paddingLeft + paddingRight;
        const height = Math.abs(startY) + Math.abs(endY) + (paddingTop + paddingBottom);

        const geometry = GeometryInstances.getInstance().getPlaneGeometryInstance(width, height);
        const material = MaterialInstances.getInstance().backgroundColorMaterial;
        const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);

        const posX = ((startX + endX) / 2) + (paddingLeft / 4);
        const posY = ((startY + endY) / 2) - (paddingBottom);

        // The z level of element in accordance with standards defined in resources
        mesh.position.set(posX, posY, zLevel); = "LabelBackgroundBox";

        return mesh;

Hmm, my hunch would be syncIfVisible() is getting called before .visible is set to false, but it's hard to say for sure without knowing how your view system works.

Something else I'm noticing is that you're issuing syncIfVisible calls after every individual property change (content, textAlign, horizontalAlign, etc.) which will be issuing more calls to the worker than necessary. If your view system has a lifecycle where you can issue a single sync call after all individual properties are set, that would be much better.

From what you've described, I think this warning is behaving as expected; it correctly highlighted a performance issue. I'm closing this issue; feel free to reopen it if you believe differently. Thanks!

Just getting back to this

So it turns out I easily have over 1000 text instances in my scene. But there just not all visible at the same time

Many of them just appear on mouse-over of certain objects

So I am wondering what the best way forward is here:

  1. create instances only for visible text and then unmount as soon as it becomes invisible?
  2. use ThreeJS CSS objects instead?

Personally I'd go for the first option. I could be wrong but I don't think there's any benefit to having all those hidden label objects present in the scene graph.

Got it

I need to be able to show them quickly on mouse hover of objects

Would you recommend just destroying them after use and creating new ones on hover or just remove them from the threeJs scene instead?

Honestly I don't think there's going to be a noticeable difference either way. I'd start with whatever's simplest to manage and optimize only if you notice an issue.

Personally I've done the create/destroy approach a lot, and it's always plenty snappy for me.

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