Tooling: Scaffolding a view shouldn't require a DbContext?

Created on 19 May 2016  路  5Comments  路  Source: aspnet/Tooling

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator view testview edit --model MyModel

Please provide a valid dataContext

Why scaffolding an Edit (or any template for that matter) of a View needs to know anything about the dataContext?

Looks like a bug to me.
It would be great to use this for BindingModels and ViewModels...

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@prafullbhosale actually I think this is a mistake. Because the recommendation is to NOT use EF models directly in views/controller stuff (, so scaffolding something that not only is not recommended, but also dangerous, makes this whole tool for demo only purposes and have little to no value and draw a straight line to failure for new comers.

The metadata is already on the class, no need for a dbcontext, also controllers shouldn't be created based on EF entities passed as action parameters in humble opinion. I hope this metadata can be retrieved from something else but EF.

Scaffolding with a placeholder like:

// insert your logic here

instead of db.SaveChanges() would be way more useful!

I will be happy to help on these templates if there is interest.

note: this also applies to right click vs -> add controller/view of course.

All 5 comments

/cc @prafullbhosale

@Bartmax Right now scaffolding retrieves the model's metadata using the dataContext.
I will sync up with EF guys to see if there is a way to get that without using the dataContext.

/cc @sayedihashimi

@prafullbhosale actually I think this is a mistake. Because the recommendation is to NOT use EF models directly in views/controller stuff (, so scaffolding something that not only is not recommended, but also dangerous, makes this whole tool for demo only purposes and have little to no value and draw a straight line to failure for new comers.

The metadata is already on the class, no need for a dbcontext, also controllers shouldn't be created based on EF entities passed as action parameters in humble opinion. I hope this metadata can be retrieved from something else but EF.

Scaffolding with a placeholder like:

// insert your logic here

instead of db.SaveChanges() would be way more useful!

I will be happy to help on these templates if there is interest.

note: this also applies to right click vs -> add controller/view of course.

Totally agree. Ideally this should create

Services \ [ControllerName]Service.cs (hook EF stuff here)

then inject that service into the generated Controller class.

At least that would follow some kind of acceptable pattern.

TFS: 224858
I've added this to our internal TFS, we will reply back here soon.

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