List of loaders that would be nice to have:
[ ] X3DLoader
[x] DDSLoader
[ ] TIFFLoader
[x] SVGLoader
Very extensive list !
I also propose AMF ( loader.
(3d file format used for 3d printing).
I already have the basics of the loader done, so I could modify it a bit and add to the examples.
Most of these loaders are more important for special cases such as an editor, because for let's say games it might be better to convert into the three.js format straight away, right? In these cases the converters/exporters are more important.
We've tested glTF as a replacement for three's formats as an optimization - there the data is binary and can be compressed with geom compression.
Herst [email protected] kirjoitti Oct 28, 2014 kello 5:38 PM:
Most of these loaders are more important for special cases such as an editor, because for let's say games it might be better to convert into the three.js format straight away, right? In these cases the converters/exporters are more important.
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@kaosat-dev Added to the list!
@Herst Yes. It's mostly for editors or apps that don't require fast load times.
I am also looking for a IGES loader. I would even maybe start building one myself but not sure where to start.
how about adding 3DM (used by Rhinoceros) to the list?
@nyaaao added. thanks!
About 3DS Loader :
Hi everyone, long time ago, I needed to make a 3DS loader for 3DzzD Web 3D engine, that was a little hard to do... not difficult to obtain some first results but rather to handle all the chunks correctly, but after some times I managed to produce a pretty efficient loader. the 3DS file format spécifications are difficult to find, but I finished to find one that worked pretty well. I 've built the loader for 3DzzD with this documentation and it works even better than the one in the current photoshop (better handle on pivot/smooth groups/scale/ keyframe/etc...), so here is the spécifications I have used (3DzzD source code is opensource and may help but code is really ugly... a ten years old project...)
About OBJ Loader :
I modified the current OBJ loader and get about at least 10/15 FPS more on a lot of 3d models, but for now I did not found how I should do to post these changes ?
The problème was mainly due to the fact that the current OBJ loader create too many objects (more than the original 3d model, one object created at each material change) and also the 3dFaces with same material was not groupped together even within the same object, and was producing too many WebGL calls
Thanks! Added to the first post.
The problème was mainly due to the fact that the current OBJ loader create too many objects (more than the original 3d model, one object created at each material change) and also the 3dFaces with same material was not groupped together even within the same object, and was producing too many WebGL calls
Oh! Interesting. You mean the OBJMTLLoader
one though. Right?
Oh! Interesting. You mean the OBJMTLLoader one though. Right?
Yes,, to be more precise the "if ( /^usemtl /.test( line ) ) " block create a new object/mesh for each material switch, this ends with poor performance and a wrong objects hierarchy.
I will post a simple test case showing the difference between both the current loader and the one modified (difference is mainly noticeable on mobile device)
Here is the test case for the current loader and the one optimised :
I got 10 FPS on GalaxyTab3 with the current loader and more than 60 FPS with the new one, difference may be hard to see on fast devices
PS: If you wonder where the 3D model comme from :)
Does anyone know about IGES. I could really use an IGES loader. If someone could just point me in a direction to start on how to build one? Or if there is one out there somewhere. I noticed the folks at and some of the other 3D visualization sites are using ThreeJS and allowing for IGES uploads.
K3D.js (MIT license) has a parser for OBJ, 3DS, MD2 and Collada. See #3843.
how about NIfTI for doctor?
@jugl Do you have any information about the format?
I really hope for the .m2 models, its a huge community arround. I would offer my help with model files etc. you can contact me for that case on skype: deexone . As hint from one lib developer could be maybe used to transform his lib to js.
Hey I have a BVH loader that parses through a BVH file and outputs a THREE.Skeleton and AnimationClip for easy use with the Mixer:
and the working example:
It's mainly tested on the CMU BVH files and some others.
Are there any guidelines on how the loader API should look like?
@herzig Sweet! A BVHLoader
would be awesome! Loaders basically have a .load()
and .parse()
. You can use MD2Loader as reference, but I would be happy to clean up your code if you do a PR with what you have now (an example + sample animation would be much appreciated too).
Hi there,
just to sync this list with files loader in the repo...
3MFLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
BinaryLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
DDSLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
FBXLoader is unchecked but already implemented.
HDRCubeTextureLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
MD2Loader is unchecked but already implemented.
NRRDLoader is unchecked but already implemented.
PCDLLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
PlayCanvasLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
RGBLLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
SVGLoader is unchecked but already implemented.
TGALoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
TTFLoader is missing in the list but already implemented.
ASCLoader should be added to the list, and PR will be send in few days.
LASLoader should be added to the list, and PR will be send in few days.
XYZLoader should be added to the list, and PR will be send in few days.
Best regards,
just to sync this list with files loader in the repo...
OpenCTM might be a good addition, since Autodesk is using it for their
cloud service
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 6:33 AM Mr.doob [email protected] wrote:
just to sync this list with files loader in the repo...
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@dlabz We do have a CTMLoader
I'm working with some iOS devs in the AR space, might there be a loader for the binary SCN files used by Apple in ARKit? I'm working on making use of the BinaryLoader and we'll see if I can get that working.
Is there a spec somewhere for that SCN
@mrdoob Sorry I'm so late. NIfTI is a NMR data format which transferred from DICOM. My current solution is get a 3D shape from it as VTK/OBJ format.
I see. Is there a spec somewhere?
How about IFC loader. This format is using very common in construction for its 3d model
@mrdoob Thank you very much.
@mrdoob what are the guidelines + knowledge prerequisites to build a three.js loader ?
I want to build one, but it want to be sure to make it the right way. Thanks
@Aarbel what format do you want to build a loader for?
@looeee .ifc files
The basic structure of your loader would look like this:
import {
} from '../../../build/three.module.js';
function IFCLoader( manager ) { this, manager );
IFCLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {
constructor: IFCLoader,
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var path = ( this.path !== undefined ) ? this.path : LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );
var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
try {
scope.parse( text, path, onLoad, onError );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( onError !== undefined ) {
onError( e );
} else {
throw e;
}, onProgress, onError );
parse: function ( text, path, onLoad, onError ) {
// parsing logic goes here
} );
thanks, will work on it next month
Good luck! 😊
Should default crossOrigin
be Anonymous
I've reused the pattern from GLTFLoader
and ColladaLoader
I would like to see a LWO loader.
File spec is well documented here:
I often see LWO file size around 1/10 that of OBJ, and the format can contain morph data and a number of other features OBJ won't allow for. Also many of the models NASA makes available are only in LWO format
If I knew what I was doing, I would attempt to get this rolling, but writing a loader is beyond anything I've done before.
FWIW there is an LWO parser here: ... hypothetically that would be a good start for a loader or a converter, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to support the particular version of the LWO format that NASA is using. It expects LWOB (binary?) but the magic version string on the NASA model I tried was LWO2. If you do find a working parser written in some language other than JS, it may be easier to write a converter to something three.js supports, rather than trying to write a new parser in JS.
Hi, my schedule changed a lot so no time to work on .ifc loader for three.js. Could be great to fetch the contact of this guy :
I'm sorry I didn't realize
I was making a loader of "LWO 2". However, I thought that there was no demand and I did not complete it.
I hope it will be helpful for something.
Hello everybody,
I saw that M2 is in the list.
This is interesting for me because I would like to realize a character, object, NPC and item viewer with Three.
In connection with M2 is synonymous BLP2 (Blizzard Picture File) that similar to DDS S3 Texture Compression used.
I have found so far:
.m2 =
I myself try to add it, but I'm still a little too inexperienced with the whole :D
@adrs2002 A LWOLoader
would be great! Would you like to do a PR with what you have?
I myself try to add it, but I'm still a little too inexperienced with the whole :D
Take your time 👌
A LWOLoader would be great!
I wrote an LWO3 loader a couple of months ago, working for
We agreed on a period of exclusivity then we'll contribute it here. Hopefully sometime around the end of February.
I think @jds580s is Justin from on the z, perhaps he can give a better idea of when we can add it here.
@mrdoob @looeee
I think that commit of LWO2 loader
is unnecessary if looeee's LWO3 loader
will committed.
LWO3 format is because it contains all succeeds of LWO2 format.
LWOLoader has landed! 😁
Any update on the IFC loader? Would be nice for construction views!
I gave a try to an IFCLoader and how to say... This is quit impossible ! The whole code required to be able to parse correctly the IFC format is around 650 class files. (I know it because i did it). The loader will be 5 times bigger than the Threejs library.
About spec if you want implement your own:
I could release my code, and some help on it would be cool. But don't hope to see this loader in ThreeJs before a while...
I could release my code, and some help on it would be cool. But don't hope to see this loader in ThreeJs before a while...
Why not?
BTW: I've lately spoken with a colleague and he told me that IFC is based on the STEP format which is well known in the CAD community. In general, STEP is really hard to parse and you would need to write a custom parser similar to VRMLLoader
. However, IFC files can also be expressed in XML (they have the .ifcxml
extension). Such files would be way easier to handle (see 3MFLoader
or ColladaLoader
) so the loader could focus on the actual geometry data building. Maybe it's easier to create a loader that only supports .ifcxml
at the beginning?
@mrdoob, @Mugen87
Why not?
The loader will be 5 times bigger than the Threejs library.
and i use Class
with latest javascript features.
IFC is based on the STEP format which is well know in the CAD community.
Yes, one day i will show you what i'm doing with Threejs ;)
IFC files can also be expressed in XML (they have the .ifcxml extension).
Maybe it's easier to create a loader that only supports .ifcxml at the beginning?
The parsing is clearly not a big problem. But The geometries generation is ! Because ifc format does not contain any geometries. But use interpolation/interaction between objects to determine the final geometry.
Anyway, if you want it, maybe you should create a specific branch for this before taking any decision. Just to see the BIG thing.
The loader will be 5 times bigger than the Threejs library.
Well yes, if the loader is not so compact as the others, it's probably better to put the code into a separate repository.
@Itee Any plan to release the IFCLOADER anytime soon?
Would be interested to see the BIG thing
Not aware of anyone willing to contribute it and maintain it...
I'm using IfcOpenShell 's IFC converter happily, it makes nice geom and materials, can do Collada DAE (which we use to import to Unity), IIRC OBJ and was there glTF nowadays too
I'm using IfcOpenShell 's IFC converter happily, it makes nice geom and materials, can do Collada DAE (which we use to import to Unity), IIRC OBJ and was there glTF nowadays too
But do you use any of the IFC data like Buildingstorey, Site, etc?
There's no doubt the web would be better off being able to parse IFC and not this shitty client-server thing everyone's dealing with.
I've given this a shot recently. I've managed to generate some geometry
But it should actually be this:
The basic thing that went wrong is the actual placement and rotation here and my 3D maths are next to non-existent (I simply don't have the patience).
Though there are many classes in the IFC schema. The eventual filesize could be reduced by using Typescript interfaces and using functions to look up and apply the arguments of each 'STEP' in the file.
Bottomline, for an IFC Loader; I don't know if we've got ourselves a 3D Maths genius, because that would solve a lot of problems parsing the mathematical relations while constructing the geometry.
But do you use any of the IFC data like Buildingstorey, Site, etc?
Yes, via Tridify's conversion service, which uses IfcOpenShell as well (I've also used it locally) for the geom. I figure those metadatas are what is easy to parse.
The geometry generation is indeed nontrivial. If you wanna do it in the browser, maybe you can compile IfcOpenShell to WebAssembly and use it as a library from your Javascript. It's plain C++ with no GUI or anything, just a library for which there is a commandline interface separately, so it might be easy to build for the web too. Parsing IFCs is kinda heavy so getting the WASM performance and low memory footprint might be nice. And the lib does a beautiful job at creating the geom.
@MaartenBreeedveld I can help with the maths, for the theoretical basis I have non doubt and I have some experience with ifc, in fact there could be several transformations in series required for the world coordinates. For the implementation in three.js perhaps it will be possible to optimize it.
But do you use any of the IFC data like Buildingstorey, Site, etc?
Yes, via Tridify's conversion service, which uses IfcOpenShell as well (I've also used it locally) for the geom. I figure those metadatas are what is easy to parse.
The geometry generation is indeed nontrivial. If you wanna do it in the browser, maybe you can compile IfcOpenShell to WebAssembly and use it as a library from your Javascript. It's plain C++ with no GUI or anything, just a library for which there is a commandline interface separately, so it might be easy to build for the web too. Parsing IFCs is kinda heavy so getting the WASM performance and low memory footprint might be nice. And the lib does a beautiful job at creating the geom.
We've tried this in the past. But the WASM compiled version is a 40MB download I guess this is due to all the referenced libraries in ifcConvert.
@Jesusbill, Awesome! Currently, I've got no time to work on this project. But if it's okay, I'll come back to you.
Awesome! Currently, I've got no time to work on this project. But if it's okay, I'll come back to you.
Sounds good @MaartenBreeedveld
Added VDBLoader
to the list.
Any idea about IFCLOADER? @mrdoob
Regarding a 3dm loader: I've started work on this now that the openNURBS library has been compiled to wasm thanks to emscripten (rhino3dm).
I'm working on this here and have mesh, breps, extrusions, pointclouds, materials, layers, and groups support started and working.
Relevant files:
I hope to submit a PR that has support for more object types sometime _soon_. I must admit that I've little experience with web workers, and am leaning on the draco and basis loader examples. Hopefully #18234 simplifies this a bit.
p.s. we are already adding threejs support directly to the rhino3dm.js library like here and here.
Edit: update links to point to McNeel org fork.
We can check this one off ;)
Most helpful comment
Regarding a 3dm loader: I've started work on this now that the openNURBS library has been compiled to wasm thanks to emscripten (rhino3dm).
I'm working on this here and have mesh, breps, extrusions, pointclouds, materials, layers, and groups support started and working.
Relevant files:
I hope to submit a PR that has support for more object types sometime _soon_. I must admit that I've little experience with web workers, and am leaning on the draco and basis loader examples. Hopefully #18234 simplifies this a bit.
p.s. we are already adding threejs support directly to the rhino3dm.js library like here and here.
Edit: update links to point to McNeel org fork.