(on Chrome clicking play on the video element shows an upside down render of the video on the canvas element. In Safari/Firefox texImage2D
is real upset)
Is the upside down issue part of the problem?
Upside down is not part of the problem. That was me being lazy >_<
I can reproduce here. Have you tried having an in-between canvas?
:+1:, in-between like a canvas 2d?
Yep, use a canvas 2d as texture and do drawImage of the video to it.
Looks like in Safari there is no DOM Exception 18
thrown, but the image is not transferred. Same with Firefox. Does that mean it's a browser implementation thing?
Facing the same issue. Safari throws Dom Exception 18, Firefox doesn't load the image but also shows no errors. @jonobr1 are you getting any errors in firefox?
No errors in Firefox, but also no image. I'm going to file bugs with WebKit
and Mozilla respectively and see if any additional information comes up.
I don't know about you guys but I haven't seen any demos of streaming video
uploaded to a WebGL texture. Maybe there is one with YouTube as the source?
On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:11 PM Taha Sabih [email protected]
Facing the same issue. Safari throws Dom Exception 18, Firefox doesn't
load the image but also shows no errors. @jonobr1 are you getting any errors in firefox?—
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Streaming video in itself is not an issue. If you create a video element in js and use video.src to set the source of the video element, the video streams fine. Adaptive streaming with shaka is a problem. I feel like the problem is with CORS implementations in webkit and gecko hence the DOM Exception 18 in Safari. The example below works perfectly with same domain video sources on all browsers.
var video = document.createElement( 'video' );
video.width = 640;
video.height = 360;
video.autoplay = true;
video.loop = true;
video.src = "<your mp4 source>";
// adding the line below makes cross origin videos work, but just for chrome
// video.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
var texture = new THREE.VideoTexture( video );
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map : texture } );
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
Just to clarify I don't think video.src = "<your mp4 source>";
is streaming. I believe it's progressive download. But, yes I agree with you.
Guys are people still only working this out. It is only going to get worse now people are trying to do VR video.
Thankfully there is a ticket open or else if I tried to communicate this I'd get shut down.
For years Safari has had issues with CORS. It's a serious flaw and they have treated it with full contempt. 2D canvas drawing is also affecting.
I have created a ticket with Apple directly because an issue with webkit has been sitting there since July 2014 unassigned. WebGL video is basically useless on IOS and Safari until then. But then Iphone playing inline video is also required.
I believe filing duplicates with Apple might help them hurry it up.
Please see these. I have almost finished getting video textures and 360 video working fully on Android, Chrome Dev has only just fixed rendering issues I had to work tirelessly with chromium on that. There is now video playback performance issues with Chrome.
I'm now onto this mess with Safari !
This is a radar of the actual apple ticket with the issue word for word
The actual webkit issue. They are a piece of work.
Basically this has nothing to do with three.js but @mrdoob please keep this open it's important.
You need to do reverse proxy hacks that will never scale just like with canvas 2D drawing for snapshots. It is documented here for now
location /video/ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_pass //;
proxy_redirect off;
That will forward to cloudfront. It will work on any video including HLS.
It seems this is more intentional sabotage than anything to block this on IOS. Firefox on IOS doesn't have CORS support either for no reason at all. It's showing up my CORS proxy hack fallback feature. I thought at least Firefox would be fully functional.
this still doesn't explain why firefox desktop won't draw images. It sends the origin headers, and if used without Shaka works fine. Only when the video source is being referred to a blob (as is the case with adaptive streaming) does it fail to draw the image. It also reports no errors which is frustrating.
Dash works fine with Dash.js and video textures. But I will confirm across Windows/OSX once I'm done refactoring their changes.
Firefox OSX and Windows is fully functional. With Dash or normal html5 streaming.
Apart from the following:
I get these logs appear on both OSX and Windows.
Error: WebGL: Disallowing antialiased backbuffers due to blacklisting.
I am running Firefox on Windows 10 in Vmware. Because of this I think Firefox is blocking Webgl. It was falling back to the CanvasRenderer. I had to specifically enable webgl with this config.
You need to check for WebGL support and fallback to the CanvasRenderer but I don't believe that is your issue.
Both WebGL and Canvas need CORS support to work so Firefox is ruled out. It's all those webkit bludgers and Apple now.
FYI this is what my generated video tag looks like.
You need the crossorigin property that is the whole fuss with Safari. Whoever said it doesn't work on Firefox that is not correct.
Safari have failed to implement it for years and that is why WebGL does not work with it for cross domain videos which requires the reverse proxy hack.
IE support for CORS is also dodgy. IE11 has failed to implement it also. Edge browser is fine with CORS and Webgl.
<video crossorigin="anonymous" x-webkit-airplay="allow" preload="auto" webkit-playsinline="true" src="blob:http%3A//localhost%3A8000/8a0dd373-8cb1-4a1d-9ad2-60d0b8f001bf" width="1024" height="512"></video>
Hey @danrossi, love the enthusiasm! Do you have an online example of it working in dash.js?
Also, I filed bugs with both Safari and Firefox. You can see the progress on both of them here:
Try dash.js with video tag like that. I will confirm with the proxy hack if safari is working with dash.
I suggest to get Apple to get involved with the CORS issues by firing off duplicate tickets on the CORS issue with them like I have. I mean the webkit ticket may be sitting there since July 2014 but something as crippling as this they should have taken action over.
Confirming the proxy hack does nothing when using MediaSource on Safari it is fine with mp4 files. So even if they finally implement CORS this will still be broken.
I've left a comment there in the webkit issue, but considering the major CORS ticket has been left unassigned since 2014 , Safari and IOS is pretty dead for VR.
Firefox is perfectly fine for me on Windows 10 and OSX. Firefox does not have CORS on IOS so useless there. I might make a ticket for them to do so, so at least something is working on IOS.
I've left another comment on your webkit ticket. They are related to the main CORS issue and probably should be merged and dealt with at once.
What really drives me crazy is your ticket is assigned but the ticket for the actual CORS problem has been left high and dry for 2 years rendering VR on Safari useless.
Again this one has nothing to do with three.js but should be left open for those only realising Safari and IOS is stuffed.
OK after doing some research for inline video hacks for Iphone which I've already added to the Apple ticket it does seem drawing to the 2D canvas is ok without CORS. Its when trying to get a data uri from it it has the problem so my mistake. So it seems when using WebGL it is also a problem because Safari lack of CORS support and have to resort to the canvas renderer instead.
It won't or does not perform well on IOS as it drops frames and I believe it needs an audio tag running to play the audio through so that won't work out well for mpeg dash.
Just to keep things simple I've updated this raw webgl example to use mp4 for safari. I've also updated that webkit ticket. It's because of the lack of CORS support.
"SecurityError: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent."
Thanks for taking care of reporting the issue. I've seing this outside three.js as well, and it's very annoying..!
Apple ! It needs a mass wave of duplicate tickets if possible. I mean heck Youtube are sure of themselves with WebGL support but Safari will not work and does not work in their current 360 player so I'm not sure why they aren't doing anything about it. I have confirmed also even with the proxy hack Iphone will not play inline so VR and VR glasses is useless on an Iphone completely. It requires a very dodgy hack of playing audio separate and updating the time of the video to get a new frame so not actually playing the video. That won't work with dash.
And it's not a legal issue with format rights being the real non-technical issue? So you've tried the other formats I'm assuming? webm ogg apparently there's also the idea of Media Source Extensions MSE there are also different high profile settings to MP4 H.264 that don't run on lower end hardware (issues).
I recall problems with video format compatibility being non-technical and more licensing and legal or just control freak issues.
Anyway so shocking so +1. I guess we can always boycott, in the end no one will use the stuff that doesn't work. I use Android and Chrome exclusively for many other reasons including this one.
It's a webkit issue with lacking of CORS functionality. They've let it go to waste for years thinking they could get away with it. Only now people trying to use Webgl have a problem and just realising. An accident waiting to happen. The same with forcing Iphone not to play inline. Same domain videos is not a real world usage.
Android Chrome has webgl issues also rendering to canvas. I've just spent the whole month dealing with that and finally confirmed in that ticket the latest Dev is now working again. At least Android will work with VR glasses and WebVR, Iphone will not.
I will try once more with an actual local loaded dash file and see what happens.
There is a status update on the webkit ticket. I believe they had to fix something else to work on that ticket but still nobody assigned to the actual cors bug ticket. Absolutely everything is counting on them fixing it and hopefully get a release into both IOS and safari. This should be highly embarrassing for apple. They let this go for many years for no reason.
@danrossi thanks for keeping us up to date! 😊
@danrossi amazing work! Thanks for all the updates
??? Webkit dev working now ?
I have not seen a status update saying otherwise but noise of commits. I will confirm.
this is the last update. Who knows if this actually fixes the lack of CORS support also.
Who knows if it will ever make it into IOS. Iphone inline video playback issues are of concern also. Should I make another bug ticket to Apple about that ?
Oh sorry I thought you said it was working hah. Very close it seems. I have a radar ticket for Apple and they have never responded. It requires duplicates made if they are ever to take action or care that VR works on their platform.
So I believe the pressure is mounting on Apple. They closed my ticket claiming there was a duplicate which you can't see or comment on and it looks like a very early ticket. But that still doesn't explain Iphone inline video playback for WebGL. It requires heaps of complaining for them to provide that it could take years.
I've gone back to check up with Chrome people and it seems Chrome Dev Android is still broken rendering WebGL. There is some flag that can be turned on to get it displaying but it will cause severe dropped frames.
The stock Android browser has CORS issues like Safari so useless. Firefox IOS lacks CORS support also and going to add a ticket to get them to implement it. This CORS stuff crippling everything is just shocking.
So if you guys need a support vector for mobile with all features working. Android Firefox nightly as they fixed orientation bugs there and that is it. Very sad.
If of interest I have formally made a ticket here so at least Firefox on IOS may have WebVR working and forget about Safari. I've yet to confirm if it can play inline video on Iphone though. They might be quicker to act on CORS support but shocking it does not.
Confirming Apple's disabling mechanisms force video into a native player for Firefox also. Intentional sabotage from the looks of it.
this does not show anything on canvas in firefox on mac either (does work in chrome), not an ios issue.
oh, ff starts to show the picture after about 2:50
Don't get mistaken here. This is a CORS issue it has everything to do with IOS / Safari. I don't know anything about that dash example but I have tested Dash with video textures on Firefox on OSX and its fine.
With Dash on Firefox it seems to be a problem with the segments you make when you are processing the video files to make them dash compatible. Not segmenting the files seems to work on Firefox (might also explain why the last few seconds of a segmented video plays).
On 13 Mar 2016, at 9:51 pm, danrossi [email protected] wrote:
Don't get mistaken here. This is a CORS issue it has everything to do with IOS / Safari. I don't know anything about that dash example but I have tested Dash with video textures on Firefox on OSX and its fine.
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This is my packaged files I have tested fine with three.js. I used bento4. the h264 keyframe interval is still (2,3,4) * frame rate like HLS. Not a problem with WebGL. The CORS issue is very much an issue for Webkit and Apple and Firefox on IOS. You have to specify the "crossorigin" attribute.
Sorry to bring this here but people need to know.
Hi guys I just worked out something really wrong and backwards and the same old for mobile which brings me a world of pain.
Samsung Gear tries to launch it's own app with a browser on the S7. I had someone test WebGL / WebVR and when putting on the Gear glasses it launches its own application instead of Chrome. The whole point of WebVR is to launch the WebGL canvas when going fullscreen into the Glasses.
So what is happening is it seems their silly app uses stock Android browser code instead of Chrome and therefore has no support for WebGL video textures and cross domain video and even WebVR api.
Apps are so old news, expecting entire content downloaded to play it. So is progressive downloading mp4 files, it's all segmented streaming now so that model is out of date.
I just worked out that production Chrome seems to render WebGL video textures on the S7 but my S3 is completely broken and been trying to figure it out with chrome devs for months.
No idea what is even going on with IOS still. IOS is completely useless for VR right now too. Webkit still stuffing around with cross domain security support they failed to put in for years rendering VR useless. Hence all this above.
FYI: this commit fixes the issue for Firefox 👍
Hi according to this by stealth as Apple ignored my bug tickets and closed them, it seems Apple have fixed it but forked the code it seems in Safari but in macOS. An OS and browser nobody are even using yet.
If they don't merge it back into webkit and provide patched updates to current browsers then people will have to wait but still provide legacy proxy fallback.
This will still be broken for Dash though the proxy hack does not work on does but will confirm again.
Hey guys thanks for all the info,
but actually, if someone could explain in detail how to implement the 'reverse proxy hacks' listed here:
that would be great
For apache
ProxyPass /video/ //
ProxyPassReverse /video/ //
For nginx
location /video/ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_pass //;
proxy_redirect off;
From what I gather current webkit browsers will never see the change. They will have it ready for a mac and IOS OS nobody even has. They are still mucking around with CORS for IOS because of "framework issues" holding it back.
Might have to resort to a Flash solution if Stage3D can render hardware accelerated but it doesn't like like it can. It's constantly drawing bitmapdata.
thanks for the speedy reply
ok, so no workaround for me yet, until Apple fixes this.
What about catching "DOM Exception 18" for fallback options? How can i catch it?
I tried to put it on the render() call of a THREE.WebGLRenderer object but it does not get caught.
You do the detection on a temp video. ie
You can also just do a browser detection. Its Safari and IE 11.
Just a heads up about this crazy issue. I can't test VR mode on IOS yet unless I deploy to my Ipad.
Cordova apps use WebView. It has options to play inline so works around that pesky problem. It works around user interaction. This one is the craziest of them all and has been driving me crazy.
WebView seems to work around CORS completely even if its a local html file running on file://. WebGL is working in Cordova apps without the need for the crossorigin attribute. This is both shocking and good news. It won't need the proxy hack but Safari IOS/OSX will.
I can't check pseudo VR orientation controls but touch controls is working so is the old cardboard stereo effect. I will be updating that Webkit ticket.
Testing on Android is a problem because of the Chrome rendering bug that I spent 3 months trying to get the Chromium people to fix and gave up. It's completely black sadly and hopefully not a CORS issue that isn't showing errors.
so did I get this right? it is STILL the only way to use webgl video textures with webgl by implementing that proxy hack on the server?
Safari is completely and utterly bolloxed and so is IOS. If you use Cordova WebView based apps, you can play inline, auto play and don't ask why but CORS is not an issue. That would be for mp4 / HLS on IOS.
But as I've reported and found out . They throttle older devices and slow them down to force people to upgrade. The Ipad 3 is useless for WebGL and renders back at 5fps. It needs to be a newer device.
In Safari on OSX, mediasource is completely and utterly bolloxed. the CORS proxy doesn't work there. It needs to be an mp4 file or native HLS also. With native HLS you provide a CORS proxy url.
These duds at Apple are planning to release fixes in macOS , so in something nobody even has yet.
They are trying to fix underlying framework issues in IOS. So I doubt CORS will even be fixed in the next release of IOS.
Neither have WebVR either, both are a joke. They treat WebVR as some kind of joke and are years behind.
Well WebVR on desktop needs the Windows SDK's so OSX is not an option yet anyway but at least the apis could be there for client testing ? If Android has a default cardboard display no idea why IOS can't and have WebVR enabled ?
They left this CORS issue lingering for years and this is the product of that.
This sounds really crazy.
(Sorry, I'm not a full stack developer)
I just want to be sure: all in all if I dont have access to the server video textures on webgl are not possible on ios? WITH the proxy hack it works on ios but NOT on osx?
You could try an iframe. I haven't tried that yet. The player will have to be sitting on cloudfront with the video files.
doesn't help with dynamic code though. ie some pseudo links.
a video link is //
The iframe page is //
Apple are leading the way with standards I believe. Where you need static file iframe pages for your players.
I saw that Chrome for iOS will be adding inline playback:
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 5:18 AM danrossi [email protected] wrote:
You could try an iframe. I haven't tried that yet. The player will have to
be sitting on cloudfront with the video files.doesn't help with dynamic code though. ie some pseudo links.
a video link is //
The iframe page is //
Apple are leading the way with standards I believe. Where you need static
file iframe pages for your players.—
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Yes! 🤘
I just tested Chrome on IOS. I didn't know they had one.
It looks like it also uses Webkit like Firefox. And suffers CORS issues. It's hard to remote debug Chrome on IOS because of obvious Apple hard limitations on their side and weinre keeps crashing. But I changed my CORS work around url and I get a black frame. So I know CORS is crippled on Chrome, Firefox and Safari on IOS. With the proper CORS proxy url it is "working"
inline playback is only part of the problem and only an issue for Iphone.
inline playback is coming on iOS 10. The iframe solution works for the CORS issue, but you loose devicemotion
and orientationchange
events in the child window
Yeah only getting inline playback is only half the issue. The CORS issue is far more important but it won't be coming to IOS 10. The CORS issue may be completely fixed up for Safari but in macOS.
The Iframe work around is not an option requiring to sit on the same domain as cloud storage for instance. Maybe there is some kind of DNS hack to make it look like cname is but no idea.
@thiagopnts So would those events be disabled in a iframe embedded player even in fullscreen ?
@danrossi from what we tested, all events attached to the window
are not fired when inside an iframe
Nice one Apple !
@thiagopnts Cann you give an iframe example fixing the cors issue? Thanks!!
@cheesyeyes here:
the page is under github pages, then the iframe and the video are loaded from google drive
yes that works on Safari but not very practical. a static html file for each video sitting on the CDN ?
Guys, should this issue be closed?
I think so there is nothing you can do. Just like the "older Idevice intended throttling to make it obsolete" as we just found out with the fps issue.
Something truly bizarre has changed in Safari on Yosemite that was not there before. It has broken feature detection with CORS in alot of things I have done.
Just a heads up people just working how broken it really is.
var testVideo = document.createElement("video");
testVideo.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
In IE11 it returns false as expected. In Safari it's true but the CORS bug is still obviously there. The feature detection is there to obviously require the proxy hack. Madness.
So I can't help to think some half baked change was pushed ?
This strange change with the crossOrigin flag is in Safari 10. So a half baked implementation. Safari 9 didn't have it.
I have reported on a few webkit bug tickets.
They've gone and sabotaged the CORS proxy hack on an IOS update. macOS also is reported to not have fixed the CORS issue in Safari either.
I have to now figure out how to work around their sabotage.
Seriously making me work up a sweat haha.
Everyone, do your part and convince the people you know to stop using Apple devices. Let them know that Apple is the new IE5.
Well sad to say CORS on IOS is a framework restriction I believe which they didn't bother to fix in IOS 10. Apart from that anything that uses Webkit is a problem.
Apparently the CORS issue is fixed in Safari in macOS but the very latest updates. The inline video playback is also working in IOS 10.
Here is two tests on for mp4 streaming another for HLS. The HLS one requires extra work because of a separate bug with FlipY that is still a problem on OSX Safari.
HLS rendering on IOS 10 is displaying but has colour artifact issues. The frames stop working but I believe its an issue with the emulator and frames dropping. I now have no device that can be updated to IOS 10 because of obsoleteness and bloaty programming on Apple's end. The HLS one still doesn't show up at all on IOS 9. Both require the CORS proxy for mp4 and HLS.
Now stuck with a situation that the crossOrigin feature detection cannot be used because it reports of support in OSX 10.11 but there is no such thing. have to try and detect which OSX safari is used in also. very bad.
This is a bit absurd and is really holding iOS back from any real video based WebVR development. Im trying to pull a cross domain resource as part of a current project, and this is the only thing holding me back now. Working on all android and desktop/laptops but of course it doesnt work on iOS...
@theDrGray You may try the iframe hack but iframes block orientation apis which need another hack I believe ? I'll investigate an iframe demo soon.
That means on your CDN you need static video player setups per video which is bad. What I might play around with is
filename.html is parsed and the filename loaded is filename.mp4 , filename.webm, filename,m3u8 filename.mpd etc. Then a private token could be loaded on that like filename.html?t=token.
If only an Amazon Lamda function could work on the same domain as the videos cname the players could be dynamic ??
If all else fails you need a CORS proxy and to detect for this is a problem now. They sabotaged it in Safari 10. Safari 10 reports of support for "crossOrigin" but it really doesn't in IOS 10 and Yosemite. You need to do a secondary check for OSX 10.12 haha
Here is what the CORS detection looks like in my ES6 player project
static supportsCORS() {
let testVideo = document.createElement("video"),
hasCORS = false;
testVideo.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
hasCORS = testVideo.hasAttribute("crossOrigin");
testVideo = null;
if (hasCORS) {
if (WebVRUtils.isSafari) {
if (WebVRUtils.isIpad) return false;
return WebVRUtils.isNewSafari;
return true;
return false;
static get isSafari() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
return (/Safari/i).test(userAgent) && !(/Chrome/i).test(userAgent);
static get isIpad() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
return (/iP(hone|od|ad)/i).test(userAgent);
static get isNewSafari() {
const version = /Mac OS X (10[\.\_\d]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1].split("_")[1];
return +version >= 12;
Same issues here.... Works everywhere except iOS. So upsetting. What a big hole in my deliverable. It ONLY works (terrible frame rate may I add) when the source path is relative... Not ideal for scaling system. Ugh.... Well.... At least I can stop banging my head.... It's impossible.... For now... Now to build around it... And ux fallbacks and messaging.
@danrossi Thanks for your comment "Apparently the CORS issue is fixed in Safari in macOS but the very latest updates," however I have not been able to find other details anywhere else besides your comment. Do you know what version of macOS and Safari this works with? Would that be a "sign" that Apple will propagate that fix to iOS?
One can hope...
On Dec 1, 2016 3:50 PM, "Kieran Farr" wrote:
@danrossi Thanks for your comment
"Apparently the CORS issue is fixed in Safari in macOS but the very latest
updates," however I have not been able to find other details anywhere else
besides your comment. Do you know what version of macOS and Safari this
works with? Would that be a "sign" that Apple will propagate that fix to
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@kfarr whatever the recent update for macOS is. Previous versions of OSX and Safari have the issue still. That is how Apple roll. They force users to update to get fixes.
Confirmed this works as expected (bug fixed) when testing against this test URL using latest macOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2659) Safari Version 10.0.1 (12602.
Bug is still NOT fixed in Mobile Safari on iOS 10.2 Public Beta 3 (14C5077b). There is a newer Beta 4 available but I have not yet installed or tested.
Yes its still an issue on IOS. If you use WebView Cordova based apps. There is no CORS issue at all, that is the strangest part.
Hhmmmmmm.... Cordova wrapper fixes it!?! Odd...
On Dec 1, 2016 6:59 PM, "danrossi" wrote:
Yes its still an issue on IOS. If you use WebView Cordova based apps.
There is no CORS issue at all, that is the strangest part.—
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Yes works around any CORS restriction and doesn't even need the crossOrigin attribute. Hopefully they don't sabotage that as it's an option.
Any idea what causes this behavior for Cordova WebView? I tried reading through this source and cannot spot anything related.
@matti777 As far as I am concerned as long as it works and hopefully they don't find out and sabotage it on purpose , so be it haha.
I need to confirm this is still the case on IOS10 though sorry. For now I detect for Cordova and don't try to use CORS proxy sources. My feature switches to CORS proxy sources when needed.
Well I meant if I knew what Cordova was doing differently with its UIWebView, I would replicate that code in my own native app to have the CORS support for my html5 videos which I also use as THREE.js textures.
We are using Vimeo hosted videos and while the public URLs of the form:
..dont work, the videos DO work with the URLs that these get redirected to:
Perhaps their has a reverse proxy feature installed then? I guess I should ask Vimeo.
I must say I am highly annoyed by this. Thank you Steve.
I'll be trying the IFRAME-solution. Not quite sure how to do it though. I am creating the video element / canvas from code (and never adding them to the DOM, of course) so I was wondering if something like:
self.iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
self.iframe.setAttribute("src", '');
.. is enough.
So, uhm, after having given up on iOS video textures, I turned to Android, just to notice a similar behavior through THREE.js; my CORS video plays (I hear the audio) but video does not render -- all I am getting is a black screen. I tried this with THREE.js r79 and r84, just now. The strange thing here is that works just fine on Android?
This is the code I'm using on Android - well all platforms, for that matter - (running inside native app in a webview, with hardware accelerating turned on and WebChromeClient installed):
The only difference to the working raw WebGL thingy is that theyre uploading the texture straight from the video element instead through a canvas - is this my problem? I would really need to render through canvas to add stuff over and around the video image.
The only difference to the working raw WebGL thingy is that theyre uploading the texture straight from the video element instead through a canvas - is this my problem?
Maybe? Have you tried passing the video directly?
This ticket in regards to CORS issues with Safari. Safari 10 in macOS is fixed completely even for Dash.
IOS 10 is still a problem with COR and requires CORS proxies. Or use Cordova Webview apps which doesn't use CORS restrictions at all.
Android stock browser does not support CORS and even the CORS proxy does not work.
Chrome and Firefox only on Android.
This particular issue has nothing to do with three.js I'm afraid. I wouldn't even use canvas drawing that will drop too many frames.
@danrossi can we see what you're building? Sounds pretty impressive!
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017, 8:41 AM danrossi wrote:
This ticket in regards to CORS issues with Safari. Safari 10 in macOS is
fixed completely even for Dash.IOS 10 is still a problem with COR and requires CORS proxies.
Android stock browser does not support CORS and even the CORS proxy does
not work.Chrome and Firefox only on Android.
This particular issue has nothing to do with three.js I'm afraid. I
wouldn't even use canvas drawing that will drop too many frames.—
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@danrossi Safari is completely fixed for you? Are you using the proxy hack to get Safari going now? I'm still getting
SecurityError (DOM Exception 18): The operation is insecure.
on with the Safari 10.0.3 on El Capitan.
@timothyallan I have had too many other projects to concentrate on as I develop many different video player features. As far as I can tell they have fixed it in macOS Safari every other Safari is vapourware as far as they are concerned. I saw no updates for older OS even security updates.
IOS 10 is the deal breaker here and still the problem. I've had to explain to people all the time why it is not working and how to avoid it.
Apple expect people to update to new operating systems and that is final I believe.
The webgl issue with Dash in Safari I see dribs and drabs of status updates on that ticket but in my test I think that was also working in macOS.
Just an update here. These bludgers have provided some incite although very quiet still.
The cors fix is in IOS11 beta. IOS10 won't get it.
New update. IOS 11 beta on devices reported to have CORS fixed. Now require a brand new device that supports IOS 11.
Don't even bother with the simulator it's broken and doesn't have the CORS fix.
On Aug 11, 2017 2:53 AM, "danrossi" wrote:
New update. IOS 11 beta on devices reported to have CORS fixed. Now
require a brand new device that supports IOS 11.
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Confirming CORS is fixed in IOS 11.1. I just finally got the budget to get a hardware device for testing. It has taken this long.
There is no need for CORS proxy with 11.1. I don't think CORS attribute support can be properly tested with Safari. Have to do client version checks.
There is major HLS/webgl regression issues to go through now though.
Great. Thanks!
On Nov 5, 2017 1:36 AM, "danrossi" wrote:
Confirming CORS is fixed in IOS 11.1. I just finally got the budget to get
a hardware device for testing. It has taken this long.There is no need for CORS proxy with 11.1. I don't think CORS attribute
support can be properly tested with Safari. Have to do client version
checks.There is major HLS/webgl regression issues to go through now though.
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Everyone, do your part and convince the people you know to stop using Apple devices. Let them know that Apple is the new IE5.