Testthat: `library` before `context` throws error?

Created on 8 Jan 2018  Â·  8Comments  Â·  Source: r-lib/testthat

Hoping this is reproducible:

  1. Created a new R package (via new project) using RStudio.
  2. usethis::use_testthat()
  3. usethis::use_test("example")
  4. Modify test-example.R to


test_that("multiplication works", {
  expect_equal(2 * 2, 4)
  1. devtools::test() gives
> devtools::test()
Loading tmp2
Testing tmp2
√ | OK F W S | Context
Error in x[[method]](...) : attempt to apply non-function

== Results =====================================================================
Duration: 0.2 s

OK:       0
Failed:   2
Warnings: 1
Skipped:  0

but if the context comes before library in test-example.R, everything works. Is this expected? I'm using testthat 2.0.0.


Most helpful comment

Hi Chaps,

Did this one get resolved? I am still experiencing this issue.


All 8 comments

I'd say yes, context() should always be the first line.

Re-opening because this bug is super confusing

Hi Chaps,

Did this one get resolved? I am still experiencing this issue.


I didn't have a "context()" line in any of my tests either. Adding a context() line as the first line of each of my test-*.R scripts fixed this issue for me. No more "Error in x[method] : attempt to apply non-function" error.

Is there any way to update the example code in the "Testing" chapter of "R packages" (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/tests.html)? It currently has a context call after a library call. This chapter is linked to from the testthat README.md so it's a natural place to look for introductory documentation.

context("String length")

test_that("str_length is number of characters", {
  expect_equal(str_length("a"), 1)
  expect_equal(str_length("ab"), 2)
  expect_equal(str_length("abc"), 3)


@ctberthiaume I sent a PR to the book at https://github.com/hadley/r-pkgs/pull/478

I had to create a line with context() in each test. This seems to be a bug. (Version 2.0.0)
Many thanks @jimhester !!!

Is it not a bug to have context mandatory ?
Should not that not be allowed to have tests without context ?

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