Hey guys,
Thank you for the awesome package! Although, I have a couple questions:
So I have
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Where I run my tests, a couple of these fail:
docker@0131698d01ec:/# R -e "setwd('/folder/path'); devtools::test()"
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
> setwd('/folder/path'); devtools::test()
Loading package.here
Loading required package: testthat
Testing package.here
[1] "Testing message foo"
.[1] "Testing message foo"
1[1] "Testing message foo"
.[1] "Testing message foo"
Failed -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Failure: Testing message bar (@test-compute-test.R#46)
another.compute(...) not equal to `result`.
Component “disabled”: Mean relative difference: 0.147403
2. Failure: Testing message bar2 (@test-compute-test.R#129) -------------
awesome.function(...) not equal to `result`.
Component “somekpi”: Mean relative difference: 0.001006787
DONE ===========================================================================
Unfortunately the exit code, still 0
docker@0131698d01ec:/# echo $?
Any suggestions, how to make testthat return the exit code when any of the test fail?
As a side question: does testthat by any chance supports XUnit export? I do use Continuous Integration and would be quite convenient to export results of tests, so it could be used for other purposes.
Thanks for the help!
@jimhester do you have any smart way to handle this?
@lc0 see #481 for a XUnit reporter
Oh, now I remember: our expectation is that you're running the tests in a such a way that R quits when you get an error:
R -e "stop('error')"
echo $?
@lc0 More specifically testthat::test_check()
calls stop()
when there is a test error (at the end of testthat:::run_tests()`), so will set the error code appropriately.
If you are trying to run tests in a CI environment like Jenkins you should probably be usingR CMD check
, which will run your testthat tests and perform a number of other useful package checks and will return a non-zero error code if there are failures.
In case it's useful to others searching... I wanted to see more verbose output in CI than R CMD check
permits, so I used:
R CMD check "${PKG_TARBALL}" --as-cran --no-tests
Rscript -e 'res=devtools::test(reporter="summary");df=as.data.frame(res);if(sum(df$failed) > 0 || any(df$error)) {q(status=1)}'
As far as I can tell, that has the added benefit of running all tests, including any in testthat::skip_on_cran
Part of the second line is based on all_passed
Bumping, it's a little surprising that devtools::test()
doesn't send an error signal on failure. The workarounds are ok though.
If you want to make sure there are no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs, this command is also something that could be used for CI:
Rscript -e 'stopifnot(all(sapply(devtools::check(), length) == 0L))'
Or if you just want to catch ERRORs:
Rscript -e 'stopifnot(length(devtools::check()$errors) == 0L)'
is designed for interactive usage, so it's not that surprising. There are many other ways to run tests as you can see in this thread.
There's also a "stop_on_failure" flag in testthat::test_dir()
. Set it to TRUE, and once the tests are complete, you'll get an error iff something failed. See https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/testthat/testthat.pdf
Most helpful comment
In case it's useful to others searching... I wanted to see more verbose output in CI than
R CMD check
permits, so I used:As far as I can tell, that has the added benefit of running all tests, including any in
blocks.Part of the second line is based on