When attempting to updating an ecs_service.capacity_provider_strategy the resource is replaced. It should be possible to update the capacity provider strategy without replacing the ECS service with UpdateService https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateService.html
$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.18
+ provider.aws v2.42.0
ECS service updates without replacing the resources
ECS service is recreated
resource with a capacity_provider_strategyterraform apply
terraform apply
Yes, it must force a new deployment but not have to destroy/re-create the service:
aws ecs update-service --cluster democluster --service demoservice --capacity-provider-strategy capacityProvider=FARGATE,weight=0,base=2 capacityProvider=FARGATE_SPOT,weight=100 --force-new-deployment
@danieladams456 this works well enough if you're using FARGATE .. but there doesn't seem to be a pre-defined name for the "default" EC2 provider .. so you can't reset the service to regular EC2 mode without recreating it .. this might be a limitation of AWS right now .. I might be wrong here :)
@piotrb definitely works (just POC phase for now) but even in Fargate it destroys and recreates the service. That will cause downtime as opposed to just creating another deployment.
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# aws_ecs_service.service must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_ecs_service" "service" {
cluster = "demo-service"
deployment_maximum_percent = 200
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = 100
desired_count = 1
enable_ecs_managed_tags = true
health_check_grace_period_seconds = 60
~ iam_role = "aws-service-role" -> (known after apply)
~ id = "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:service/demo-service/demo-service" -> (known after apply)
+ launch_type = (known after apply)
name = "demo-service"
platform_version = "LATEST"
propagate_tags = "SERVICE"
scheduling_strategy = "REPLICA"
- tags = {} -> null
task_definition = "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:task-definition/demo-service:10"
- capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
- base = 0 -> null
- capacity_provider = "FARGATE_SPOT" -> null
- weight = 100 -> null
- capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
- base = 2 -> null
- capacity_provider = "FARGATE" -> null
- weight = 0 -> null
+ capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
+ base = 2
+ capacity_provider = "FARGATE"
+ weight = 50
+ capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
+ capacity_provider = "FARGATE_SPOT"
+ weight = 50
- deployment_controller {
- type = "ECS" -> null
load_balancer {
container_name = "demo-service"
container_port = 8080
target_group_arn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:targetgroup/demo-service/c44b99f42280a4a7"
network_configuration {
assign_public_ip = false
security_groups = [
subnets = [
+ placement_strategy {
+ field = (known after apply)
+ type = (known after apply)
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.
Yep for sure, just saying it doesn't work in all cases, so the fix isn't to just remove the flag from the field .. it has to be a bit more than that
We also observe flip-flopping of capacity_provider_strategy
on every deploy, without any changes to capacity_provider_strategy
. I.e. without any changes to our template, on every deploy it shows
- capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
- base = 0 -> null
- capacity_provider = "FARGATE_SPOT" -> null
- weight = 1 -> null
EDIT: More specifically, the flip-flopping happens when we set default_capacity_provider_strategy
for aws_ecs_cluster
, and then _don't_ set it for aws_ecs_service
. The workaround is to remove default_capacity_provider_strategy
from the cluster and add it to the service.
Just dog piling here, I can confirm I had the same issue. Using default_capacity_provider
inside an aws_ecs_cluster
block caused my service to be replaced on every run (with no changes). I had the same output:
- capacity_provider_strategy { # forces replacement
- base = 0 -> null
- capacity_provider = "my-awesome-cap-provider" -> null
- weight = 1 -> null
I had no capacity provider set for the service and used the workaround mentioned by @dinvlad . Removing default_capacity_provider
from aws_ecs_cluster
and adding capacity_provider_strategy
to my aws_ecs_service
block caused it to start working properly and not try to recreate the service every time.
I'm super new to terraform so it could be something about my configuration. I'll be happy to post more details if needed.
Terraform v0.12.24
We also observe flip-flopping of capacity_provider_strategy on every deploy, without any changes to capacity_provider_strategy. I.e. without any changes to our template:
This seems to be happening for the services created _after default_capacity_provider has been specified for the cluster_. e.g. if you create cluster _with no default_capacity_provider specified_, create service and then return back and update cluster to include default_capacity_provider subsequent plans are not showing perpetual diff for the service. At least, this is how I worked the issue around.
Hope this helps.
I've managed to workaround this using lifecycle
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
This is causing us some issues given that we can't move from one capacity provider to another (as we recycle ASGs) without Terraform reporting that it's going to destroy the service. This isn't required when using the API unless the service didn't start life without a capacity provider.
To me, this seems like a fundamental breaking issue if one cannot recycle the underlying capacity provider without having some kind of service outage.
Looks like the resource needs a customize diff function adding to support the dynamic nature of whether a service can be updated in place or requires replacing, depending on whether the service has a capacity provider already or not.
Most helpful comment
I've managed to workaround this using lifecycle