Terminal: Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks

Created on 30 May 2019  ·  65Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/terminal


Windows build number: 10.0.18362.116
Windows Terminal version (if applicable): 71e19cd + changing toolset to v142 and SDK version

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone, build, package, install and launch _Windows Terminal (DevBuild)_.
  2. Execute docker run --rm -it mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1903
  3. Select multiple lines and right click.
  4. Paste in any text editor. I used VSCode.

Expected behavior

I expected to see the same thing I saw in the terminal - specifically multiple lines.

Actual behavior

One line with lots of space.


This is different from #65 since it was about conhost and I'm talking about the new terminal, and I didn't have Shift pressed.

Area-TerminalControl Issue-Bug Needs-Tag-Fix Product-Terminal Resolution-Fix-Committed

Most helpful comment

This is a pretty brutal bug. Just a note to help indicate criticality.

All 65 comments

Huh, I'm not seeing this - @carlos-zamora thoughts?


@zadjii-msft There's some terminal state change that causes it. Repro steps:

1) Open up a bash.exe session
2) ls -l to generate some multiline text
3) Select and copy it -- works as expected
4) edit a file with vi
5) Select and copy text -- now the endlines are missing


I've been well aware of this working on the clipboard stuff, but haven't tracked down the bug yet. The bug probably manifests in TextBuffer::GetTextForClipboard, but I haven't had the time to debug it yet.

Closing in favor of #1091.

It turns out that this is a different issue.

I edited the issue to add correct instruction to reproduce.
@d-bingham @zadjii-msft, it happens with docker and not only with WSL.
Also happens if I open the console with hcsdiag console id instead of using docker run.

I'm seeing this as well. My shell is Powershell Core 6.2.0 and everything I try to copy has this problem. It seems that the copy functionality copies the whole buffer. Ie, if I'm trying to copy this:

get-content myfile.txt


It copies this, where ^ denotes a space and my terminal is 30 chars wide:


I'm having same issue. when entering a copied command like:

apt-get install -y make build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev libbz2-dev libzip-dev \
libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libffi-dev \
wget curl libldap2-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z1-dev uuid-dev

It only runs the very first line... when using WSL directly, works as expected.

I also have this issue when copying text out of an SSH session to a Linux host.

Currently working around it by having this script on my desktop and giving it a double click when I have something I need to paste out of Terminal:

from pyperclip import copy, paste
from re import sub
copy(sub(' {10,}', '\r\n', paste()))

I think I found an easier reproduce steps.

  1. Open cmd or PowerShell
  2. cls to clear the screen
  3. Run some command that writes output such as dir
  4. Copy output text
  5. Paste to somewhere (e.g. notepad)
  6. Pasted text doesn't include line breaks

I'm also facing this issue when running WSL Ubuntu distribution. If I open a WSL tab in Windows Terminal and run something like ls -1, then copy some lines using my mouse (hold left-click, drag, then right-click), the copied text does not include any newlines.

Note that if I directly open WSL Ubuntu (standalone, NOT inside Windows Terminal), copying works fine (the newlines are included).

I've tried all the workarounds I've seen listed, from ctrl-c, shift-ctrl-c, right clicks, shift right clicks, etc, but I'm having an absolute nightmare with pasting out of WSL.

It's definitely not handling newlines right, and sometimes when I paste stuff into neovim I get an extra line between every single line. It's very weird, it's almost enough to stop me using the terminal at this point. :(

I've tried all the workarounds I've seen listed, from ctrl-c, shift-ctrl-c, right clicks, shift right clicks, etc, but I'm having an absolute nightmare with pasting out of WSL.

It's definitely not handling newlines right, and sometimes when I paste stuff into neovim I get an extra line between every single line. It's very weird, it's almost enough to stop me using the terminal at this point. :(

Me too. This is the one feature (copying from terminal) that I rely on heavily, so I can't really use this until it's fixed. :|

I'm facing same issue, I've tried following for reproduce steps

original text

(venv) PS hdformat> Get-Content .\test.txt
[2019-08-27 10:42:25,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] scheduler.push_new.send_push_on_time[c6a36103-80f9-44e8-8ddd-f406b563cded]: waiting countdown=9:48:00
[2019-08-27 10:43:25,051: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] ドキドキ
[2019-08-27 10:40:24,915: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] 두근두근

Windows Console (120 columns, powershell core 6.2.1)

right click & paste

(venv) PS hdformat> Get-Content .\test.txt
[2019-08-27 10:42:25,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] scheduler.push_new.send_push_on_time[c6a36103-80f9-44e8-8ddd-f406b563cded]: waiting countdown=9:48:00
[2019-08-27 10:43:25,051: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] ドキドキ
[2019-08-27 10:40:24,915: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] 두근두근

Windows Terminal 0.4 (120 columns, powershell core 6.2.1)

right click & paste

(venv) PS hdformat> Get-Content .\test.txt
[2019-08-27 10:42:25,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] scheduler.push_new.send_push_on_time[c6a36103-80f9-44e8-8ddd-f406b563cded]: waiting countdown=9:48:00                                                                                          [2019-08-27 10:43:25,051: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] ドキドキ
[2019-08-27 10:40:24,915: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] 두근두근

alt + c (binding copyTextWithoutNewlines) & paste

(venv) PS hdformat> Get-Content .\test.txt                                                                              [2019-08-27 10:42:25,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] scheduler.push_new.send_push_on_time[c6a36103-80f9-44e8-8ddd-f406b563cded]: waiting countdown=9:48:00                                                                                          [2019-08-27 10:43:25,051: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] ドキドキ                                                               [2019-08-27 10:40:24,915: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] 두근두근                                                               (venv) PS hdformat>   

shift + right click & paste

(venv) PS hdformat> Get-Content .\test.txt                                                                              [2019-08-27 10:42:25,084: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] scheduler.push_new.send_push_on_time[c6a36103-80f9-44e8-8ddd-f406b563cded]: waiting countdown=9:48:00                                                                                          [2019-08-27 10:43:25,051: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] ドキドキ                                                               [2019-08-27 10:40:24,915: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] 두근두근                                                               (

Hi guys!

I'm facing the same problem. Is there any ETA to fix this? As someone mentioned this bug makes very difficult to use the Terminal since every developer relies heavily on copy and pasting.

Thanks for your effort!

I am also still seeing this issue, surprised to see that it's been open since May.

Haven't found any workarounds yet, trying to figure out if my bash / zsh configuration is contributing to this. Right click copy, copy on select, ctrl+shift+c, all copy a ton of white space instead of line breaks.

Windows Terminal Preview - Version: 0.4.2382.0

Same problem in a DOS window. Totally unusable. I copy out of my text editor in a DOS window and paste into a text email within Thunderbird and I have garbage. It worked up until I upgraded to 1903. This needs to be fixed. Or add an option. This might be useful when pasting into a word processor where you want to reformat but not the way I use it. I have been able to use this capability for many years and now it is broken.

@EdLy3 Could you file a separate issue to track that regression? This issue is specifically for the missing line breaks in copied text from the Windows Terminal, what it sounds like you're seeing is a regression in conhost.exe, the legacy console for cmd.exe, powershell.exe, wsl.exe, etc. Make sure to include what commandline application you're copying from. Thanks!

I ssh into a linux server, and need to copy-paste some text both ways.
When copying from notepad and pasting into the terminal window, there are empty lines between lines.
When copying from terminal window and pasting into Notepad++, the newlines are gone, and there are spaces for all the selected area - that means the size of the pasted text is dependent on the terminal window size at the time of copying.

Just as a remark: when I use a Powershell window for ssh, copypaste works great, without any of these issues.

I just wanted to add I'm also seeing this issue with Windows Terminal 0.4.2382.0. I can confirm previous comments are correct. Issue seems related to state and affects tabs individually. I can reproduce quickly using both cmd and PowerShell using the cls method posted above, and my WSL immediately falls into the bad state on start (I assume based on my shell setup). After the tab gets into a bad state, it appears to not recover. Only way I have been able to reliably fix the issue is closing and re-opening the tab.

This isn't a set of reproduction steps, but on WSL I'm running zsh with "oh my zsh", "af-magic" theme, and "zsh-syntax-highlighting" plugin. Copy+paste is immediately broken on any command (no newlines, lots of whitespace). Perhaps that helps someone create a faster test.

Any progress on this issue ?

Turns out, the clipboard code is correct. ConHost uses the same clipboard code. The issue arises with the wrap property on the CharRows. Windows Terminal does not set them properly. Significantly more info below.

In the example above, say the output is displayed as follows (line numbers on left):

0 c:\project-system>set path                                                                                                                                                                                    
1 Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\master\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow;C:\Users\dav
2 kean\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\davkean\.dotnet\tools                                                                   

This means that the wrap is supposed to be...

| Line # | wrap? (ConHost) | wrap? (Windows Terminal) |
|-- |-- |-- |
| 0 | false | false |
| 1 | true | true |
| 2 | false | true |
| 3 | false | true |

@miniksa and I tried doing a proper fix in branch dev/cazamor/bugfix-copy-newline, but that caused more issues to arise. Specifically, take a look at line 2. In the VT Renderer, we called _EraseCharacter() to put spaces until the end of the line. We noticed that that would trigger the text buffer to set that line as "wrapping". The branch changes it to instead call _EraseLine(), which should be more efficient too.

We also updated the TerminalApi for Terminal Core to writeLine() instead of just Write() in Terminal::EraseInLine().

The result was the following:

| Line # | wrap? (dev/cazamor/bugfix-copy-newline) |
|-- |-- |
| 0 | false |
| 1 | false |
| 2 | false |
| 3 | false |

@miniksa was saying that this is a combined problem between the TerminalApi and the VTRenderer. May also be related to #780.

@zadjii-msft @miniksa Thoughts?
Removing the "Help-Wanted" tag because this is out of that scope now.

EDIT: I just tried reverting the change to the TerminalApi and this particular instance is fixed. Is that correct?

Turns out that duplicate #2275 was the same as this, and a bunch of info got put in there.

@DHowett Wait, the duplicate #2275, you referenced is closed which was opened after this one, and the code change / PR for #2275 was later deemed unfit and closed out...I don't see any other avenues on how this is going to be resolved. Can you please clarify if I missed another PR or open issue?

The PR in question from #2275 can be found here: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/2755

@DHowett Wait, the duplicate #2275, you referenced is closed which was opened after this one, and the code change / PR for #2275 was later deemed unfit and closed out...I don't see any other avenues on how this is going to be resolved. Can you please clarify if I missed another PR or open issue?

The PR in question from #2275 can be found here: #2755

Yeah. I didn't realize it was a dup until after I fixed it. The PR that fixed it was #2797. #2755 was an incorrect approach to solving this problem.

the paste problem was not resolved. please check https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/2275#issuecomment-534936850

For me the paste problem is also not resolved :(

With the current release when I cut and paste I get one giant line with no linebreaks at all.

This is a huge issue, how anybody can be working with this tool, please fix ASAP.....

I still get this copying from Ubuntu 18.04 on latest version of WSL (in Windows10) and pasting to stackoverflow/pastebin in Firefox (latest), and NotePad (latest). Getting one giant line.

I've been using the Windows Terminal now since it was first pushed, all the way back to when I had to compile each version and this has never worked. Attempting to copy and paste using the shortcuts has issues and the default ctrl+c ctrl+v functionality clearly has problems as well. Combine that with the related issues caused by WSL and I have to question who this is even being built for at this point.

Its nice that you have CI/CD going but clearly its not got great regression testing because I've seen some variant of this bug open/closed/ and then reopened the whole time with no comprehensive solutions. What I don't understand is how every time I've been able to reproduce it easily within minutes so how is this code getting pushed without being tested?
it seems to me that this is all hamstrung to issues inherent in ConPTY which hasn't seen a push in 5 months which smells of project priority issues to me and really should have had a solid year of work on it before this ever saw the light of day on github, because pushing a Terminal that can't even copy and paste at half a year in is paramount to saying "hopefully someone else will fix this for me in the open source community" which is a perfectly fine request of a 1.0 > project with promised features delivered but somewhat distasteful at what appears to be a prototyping phase.

For those of us who are using this to SSH into *nix systems and use vim on our windows box at work which I assume is quite a few of us, or are prototyping in WSL even if just for small things...this piece of software is effectively _useless_ until it can at least pretend to have basic parity with a *nix terminal or even the CMD. Even trying to copy and paste in a CMD session between two files in windows is a dubious proposition at best which makes this an inferior product to the default command prompt bundled with the OS currently.

I don't need tabs, I don't need Acrylic, I don't need some cool new font, in fact the one aesthetic thing that would have been nice was an actual settings menu instead of a profile.json which is another ticket that has been open for months in various states of incomplete.

In summary I need your product to work at a fundamental level where I can actually use it! I don't expect it to be perfect or bug free at any point but its clear you've focused on the wrong things when determining who would want this, what for, and why because currently its just a sad conversation piece about what could have been and talk about how excited and naive we were to think this would turn out well in 6 months.

This is a pretty brutal bug. Just a note to help indicate criticality.

On Windows 10 Pro (version 1903), using Windows Terminal (version 0.5.2762.0) and PowerShell Core (version 6.2.2), I am having the same problem. I connect to multiple Linux-based systems in my daily job, this issue prevents me from copy-and-paste commands/ text effectively.

Is nobody working on this?

At this exact moment, we've been focusing on making sure the in-box console continues to work well for the upcoming release of Windows. Sorry about the radio silence! 😃

This is the basic need of any ssh client l, we can take learning from putty how consistently it is working. Even Android client are good at copy paste.

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From: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) notifications@github.com
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:56:38 AM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

At this exact moment, we've been focusing on making sure the in-box console continues to work well for the upcoming release of Windows. Sorry about the radio silence! 😃

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This problem appeared in a DOS window with my upgrade to 1903.
Is the DOS window code driving this? I can no longer copy
out of my Hessling editor. I am ok if I save the file and
use notepad but this is a real nuisance.

On 10/16/2019 10:46 PM, mikkushukla - [email protected] wrote:

This is the basic need of any ssh client l, we can take learning from putty how consistently it is
working. Even Android client are good at copy paste.

Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/ghei36

From: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) notifications@github.com
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:56:38 AM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line
breaks (#1073)

At this exact moment, we've been focusing on making sure the in-box console continues to work well
for the upcoming release of Windows. Sorry about the radio silence! 😃

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I hope you are kidding, you have major bug that affect the way people interact with the tool and there is no focus on fixing it but you do have time to upgrading it to new windows versions....

Take learning from mac terminal, if you are building a good echo system, you should focus on terminal. Event open-source ubuntu terminal work like charm.

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From: Peter notifications@github.com
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 9:35:13 PM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

I hope you are kidding, you have major bug that affect the way people interact with the tool and there is no focus on fixing it but you do have time to upgrading it to new windows versions....

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I hope you are kidding, you have major bug that affect the way people interact with the tool and there is no focus on fixing it but you do have time to upgrading it to new windows versions....

Well technically this software is still in preview stage and not even stable yet...

Everyone relax, this is a beta product, don't use it for production. There are other Microsoft terminal programs that function properly so just use those while this isn't working.

I hope you are kidding, you have major bug that affect the way people interact with the tool and there is no focus on fixing it but you do have time to upgrading it to new windows versions....

Well technically this software is still in preview stage and not even stable yet...

This is community's feedback which tries to use the tool, i think the major frustration is that nothing is happening on tool side, especially for major bug as this which was reported months ago...

Would be nice if somebody just let us know that you guys are looking into it.

There are other Microsoft terminal

LOL, which ones???

LOL, which ones???

  • The one provided when installing a WSL distro (normally Ubuntu)
  • Powershell console
  • cmd console

If you want to stay in ubuntu subsystem, ubuntu one is the only option however as we all know it is basic so we all have been hoping that The Terminal could be the tool.

Please prove us right :)

To those who are impatient and contributing nonsense like 'Copying and pasting works in Putty, it should work here!', do consider that the developers of this are dealing with higher severity issues: crashes, freezing, rendering issues, etc. Those critical issues can rightfully take priority over this. If you want this resolved sooner, you can help debug the issue, apply to their development team, or contribute your own code.


Even putty like copy paste is not working in windows terminal, copy multiline text and it will paste your content with extra \n per line which is very irritating, every time i have to delete extra line.

Yes you are right freeze is very common whenever ssh host startresponding slowly.

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From: Ian notifications@github.com
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 1:17:29 AM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

To those who are impatient and contributing nonse like 'Copying and pasting works in Putty, it should work here!', do consider that the developers of this are dealing with higher severity issues crashes, freezing, rendering issues, etc. Those critical issues can rightfully take priority over this. If you want this resolved sooner, you can help debug the issue, apply to their development team or contribute your own code.


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Looks like this one will be fixed shortly.

To give credit where credit is due, _that fix is thanks to @d-bingham_. 😸

Thank you, @d-bingham, from all of us waiting on the issue.

Now, can we get feature to move tabs around by using cursor and if you have many tabs they don't hide behind '+' character please! LOL 💃

It's not on-topic for this particular issue, but the tabs are getting a bit of a boost in 0.6. See the tree of issues linked from #3027.

:tada:This issue was addressed in #3239, which has now been successfully released as Windows Terminal Preview v0.6.2951.0.:tada:

Handy links:

Still not fixed, when you copy it will add new line.

Sent from Mailhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986 for Windows 10

From: Carlos Zamora notifications@github.com
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 5:45:03 AM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

Closed #1073https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/1073 via #3239https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/3239.

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yes, I can confirm that still doesn't work on v0.6.2951.0

Copy from VSCode and paste in Windows Terminal on vim:

This bug is not related to pasting into Terminal, it is pasting from Terminal. I believe what you're referring to is discussed in #1091.

I use different terminal emulators in Win10 1903 and all of them have the same problem.

Clipboard: govc find / -type m -name 'dev1-' | xargs govc vm.ip -a -v4
Pasted as: govcfind/-typem-name'dev1-

Those are definitely not line breaks that you’re missing... would you mind filing a new separate issue and following the issue template? Thanks.

For what it’s worth: if multiple terminal emulators experience the same issue, it’s probably something in your shell.

Terminal freezes during post laptop sleep and network disconnect. Every time I have to force kill the app via task manager.
Is this a known issue?

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From: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) notifications@github.com
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:53:38 PM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

For what it’s worth: if multiple terminal emulators experience the same issue, it’s probably something in your shell.

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From: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) notifications@github.com
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:53:38 PM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Comment comment@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

For what it’s worth: if multiple terminal emulators experience the same issue, it’s probably something in your shell.

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@mikkushukla, please open a new issue to report the problem: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues


Terminal freezes during post laptop sleep and network disconnect. Every time I have to force kill the app via task manager.
Is this a known issue?

The problem you described is not related to this issue.

Windows Terminal (Preview)
Version: 0.7.3291.0

Still experiencing this.

Because of freeze issue I have stopped using terminal. I am using command prompt as it is more reliable. If this is fixed in 0.0.3291.0 I will start using again and will update If i face the same issue.

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From: Stanislav N. notifications@github.com
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2019 10:09:13 PM
To: microsoft/terminal terminal@noreply.github.com
Cc: mikkushukla shubhanshu.shukla@live.com; Mention mention@noreply.github.com
Subject: Re: [microsoft/terminal] Copy and paste from the Windows Terminal doesn't include line breaks (#1073)

Windows Terminal (Preview)
Version: 0.7.3291.0

Still experiencing this.

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@pztrn, you may be best served opening anew issue and referencing this one. Ensure you provide all relevant information to reproduce the problem.

@mikkushukla: Your statement has nothing to do with this bug report. If you have issues that are unrelated to line breaks in copy and paste functionality, please open a new bug report.

meet this in terminal 1.0 wsl2 ubuntu 18.04

  1. hold ctrl + shift , use cursor to copy multiple lines. (I mean right click mouse to do quick copy)
  2. paste in vscode or other editors , lose line break


  1. make selections
  2. ctrl + shift + c did copy the line breaks

Found this issue too
terminal 1.0

If I copy from terminal pasting preserves multiple lines. But If I am inside vim when copying and pasting the line breaks dissapear. Resulting in one long line.

My full environment is: Windows terminal, powershell, logged via ssh to a linux box that is running tmux and inside is running vim.

@JesusCoyotzi could you submit a new bug report here? Please include specific steps on how you performed the copy/paste and what you're running there. Sounds like a real issue but we should be tracking this in more detail separately.

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