Tedious: Cannot connect to SQL Azure database

Created on 11 Sep 2014  路  13Comments  路  Source: tediousjs/tedious

I have used tedious succesfully in the past to connect to various stanadrd SQL Server instances. I have spent the whole day to try and connect to an database hosted on Azure, to no avail.

At this point I have activated the debug options (available here) and it seems that it fact a connection is established, but is closed right after the login has been sent. The _encrypt_ option is set to true, and I can connect to the database with the same credentials by other means (SSMS).

I am using the latest 1.5.1 version.

Any idea?

Most helpful comment

A mi me funciono de esta forma:

const sequelize = new Sequelize('DB Name', 'Username', 'Password', {
host: 'Host',
dialect: 'mssql',
dialectOptions: {
options: {
encrypt: true,

All 13 comments

This might have something to do with the recent Availability Group stuff I put in place. Could you possibly post the debug output so I can take a look?

Sorry, my previous post did not make it clear: the output is available at https://gist.github.com/mcartoixa/c32db3279510775c8ce4

Hmmm.... that's odd. can you set the following debug options and show me the output?

debug: {
  packet: true,
  data: true,
  payload: true,
  token: true

This'll turn on all available debugging output.

I've set up a (temporary) test case so that no information contained in the output should be sensitive. This way you could also reproduce the behaviour.

The connection options:

{ options: { debug: [Object], database: 'Tedious.Test' },
 server: 'd31kysgmf5.database.windows.net',
 userName: 'tedious.user@d31kysgmf5',
 password: 'p@ssw0rd',
 encrypt: true }

The debug output:

connected to d31kysgmf5.database.windows.net:1433

  type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x002F, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
  0000  00001A00 06010020 00010200 21000103 00220004 04002600 01FF0000 00010001  ....... ....!... ."....&. ........
  0020  02000000 000000  .......
  PreLogin - version: 1, encryption:0x02(NOT_SUP), instopt:0x00, threadId:0x00000000, mars:0x00(OFF)
State change: Connecting -> SentPrelogin

  type:0x04(TABULAR_RESULT), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x002B, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
  0000  00001A00 06010020 00010200 21000103 00220000 04002200 01FF0B00 04DF0002  ....... ....!... ."....". ........
  0020  030000  ...
  PreLogin - version: 2, encryption:0x03(REQ), instopt:0x00, threadId:0x00000000, mars:0x00(OFF)

  type:0x10(LOGIN7), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x00E4, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
  0000  DC000000 04000074 00100000 00000000 20180000 00000000 E0000008 88FFFFFF  .......t........  ....... ........
  0020  09040000 5E000600 6A001700 98000800 A8000700 B6000000 B6000000 B6000700  ....^... j....... ........ ........
  0040  C4000000 C4000C00 01020304 0506DC00 0000DC00 0000DC00 00000000 00005700  ........ ........ ........ ......W.
  0060  53002D00 4D004100 43007400 65006400 69006F00 75007300 2E007500 73006500  S.-.M.A. C.t.e.d. i.o.u.s. ..u.s.e.
  0080  72004000 64003300 31006B00 79007300 67006D00 66003500 A2A5A1A5 92A592A5  [email protected]. 1.k.y.s. g.m.f.5. ........
  00A0  D2A5A6A5 82A5E3A5 54006500 64006900 6F007500 73005400 65006400 69006F00  ........ T.e.d.i. o.u.s.T. e.d.i.o.
  00C0  75007300 54006500 64006900 6F007500 73002E00 54006500 73007400   u.s.T.e. d.i.o.u. s...T.e. s.t.
  Login7 - TDS:0x74000004, PacketSize:0x00001000, ClientProgVer:0x00000000, ClientPID:0x00001820, ConnectionID:0x00000000
           Flags1:0xE0, Flags2:0x00, TypeFlags:0x00, Flags3:0x08, ClientTimezone:-120, ClientLCID:0x00000409
           Hostname:'WS-MAC', Username:'tedious.user@d31kysgmf5', Password:'p@ssw0rd', AppName:'Tedious', ServerName:'undefined', LibraryName:'Tedious'
           Language:'undefined', Database:'Tedious.Test', SSPI:'', AttachDbFile:'', ChangePassword:''
State change: SentPrelogin -> SentLogin7WithStandardLogin
socket ended
State change: SentLogin7WithStandardLogin -> Final
connection to d31kysgmf5.database.windows.net:1433 closed
State is already Final

I was unable to connect to that particular server, but I _did_ notice that you had encrypt: true directly on the config object. That flag needs to be on the options object (per the docs). Can you move that over and see if that clears things up?

    options: {
        debug: { ... },
        database: 'Tedious.Test',
        encrypt: true
    server: 'd31kysgmf5.database.windows.net',
    userName: 'tedious.user@d31kysgmf5',
    password: 'p@ssw0rd'

Indeed, the correct answer was RTFM. Sorry for wasting your time.

Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

No worries! That's what we're here for :)

@rossipedia Should we automatically put encrypt:true when windows.net in the hostname?

I don't think inferring configuration is the road we want to go down. What might be a good idea is to include a section in the documentation about connecting to Azure.

yes... like that.

Hej @rossipedia @arthurschreiber @vvo
I am connecting to an Azure database. But I am receiving connnection error with code: Elogin

name: 'ConnectionError',
message: 'Login failed for user 'd*'.',
code: 'ELOGIN'

var config = {
    userName: '****@*****.com',
    password: '****',
    server: '******.database.windows.net',
    options: { encrypt: 'true', database: 'sensorData'}};

Detailed log is here=>

connected to abcd.database.windows.net:1433
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x002F, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
0000 00001A00 06010020 00010200 21000103 00220004 04002600 01FF0000 00010001 ....... ....!... ."....&. ........
0020 01000000 000000 .......
PreLogin - version: 1, encryption:0x01(ON), instopt:0x00, threadId:0x00000000, mars:0x00(OFF)
State change: Connecting -> SentPrelogin
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x04(TABULAR_RESULT), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x002B, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
0000 00001A00 06010020 00010200 21000103 00220000 04002200 01FF0B00 04DF0002 ....... ....!... ."....". ........
0020 010000 ...
PreLogin - version: 2, encryption:0x01(ON), instopt:0x00, threadId:0x00000000, mars:0x00(OFF)
Connected to Database sensorData
Login7 - TDS:0x74000004, PacketSize:0x00001000, ClientProgVer:0x00000000, ClientPID:0x0000340C, ConnectionID:0x00000000
Flags1:0xE0, Flags2:0x00, TypeFlags:0x00, Flags3:0x08, ClientTimezone:-120, ClientLCID:0x00000409
Hostname:' ', Username:' ', Password:' ', AppName:'Tedious', ServerName:'abc.database.windows.net', LibraryName:'Tedious'
Language:'undefined', Database:'sensorData', SSPI:'', AttachDbFile:'', ChangePassword:''
State change: SentPrelogin -> SentTLSSSLNegotiation
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x0145, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x0DED, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x00AE, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
0000 16030100 66100000 62610404 89529B89 5A209E37 B1443BD0 BF9FDA0B 5B6BED84 ....f... ba...R.. Z .7.D;. ....[k..
0020 85D42CD3 05686E90 8FC18968 C3DCB1E4 39ECB53F 118F49CE C652876B 2B99DC35 ..,..hn. ...h.... 9..?..I. .R.k+..5
0040 A547C90F 9201D64C 4EADD5A8 3ABB1377 FC87F4CE 062DA2B9 DC9BA02D C926B803 .G.....LN...:..w.....-.. ...-.&..
0060 27CBC849 82831957 5CAACF14 03010001 01160301 00306417 065D1796 B0DDDF77 '..I...W....... .....0d. .].....w
0080 CA62DEDF AF8AFE52 547172C0 51BB58E9 BD252B64 753D415D FDEB513D DA848499 .b.....RTqr.Q.X. .%+du=A]..Q=....
00A0 29925000 6787 ).P.g.
Connected to Database sensorData
type:0x12(PRELOGIN), status:0x01(EOM), length:0x0043, spid:0x0000, packetId:0x01, window:0x00
0000 14030100 01011603 010030F9 2601E838 5261DD93 4A950896 B55E959F BA78B84F ........ ..0.&..8Ra..J... .^...x.O
0020 4FEA6B22 92265B0C A01687B1 F6154ECB 42438F60 C01D0022 B33334 O.k".&[. ......N. BC.`...".34
TLS negotiated (ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, TLSv1/SSLv3)
State change: SentTLSSSLNegotiation -> SentLogin7WithStandardLogin
Connected to Database sensorData
{ number: 18456,
state: 1,
class: 14,
message: 'Login failed for user '*'.',
serverName: ' ',
procName: '',
lineNumber: 1,
name: 'ERROR',
event: 'errorMessage' }
{ number: 40608,
state: 1,
class: 10,
message: 'This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '89796195-3696-42c1-a1ae-2bec2f258328'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.',
serverName: ' ',
procName: '',
lineNumber: 1,
name: 'INFO',
event: 'infoMessage' }
{ name: 'DONE',
event: 'done',
more: false,
sqlError: true,
attention: false,
serverError: false,
rowCount: undefined,
curCmd: 0 }
State change: SentLogin7WithStandardLogin -> Final
connection to abc.database.windows.net:1433 closed
State is already Final "

I am new to tedious. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
@bretcope Is there any updates on documentation for connecting to azure

A mi me funciono de esta forma:

const sequelize = new Sequelize('DB Name', 'Username', 'Password', {
host: 'Host',
dialect: 'mssql',
dialectOptions: {
options: {
encrypt: true,

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