I have the following code...
var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
var Request = require('tedious').Request;
var config = {
userName: 'myuser',
password: 'mypass',
server: 'biglongservername',
options: {
rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion: true
exports.sqlconfig = config;
exports.getdata = function(req,res,config,sqlstring){
var sqlconnection = new Connection(config);
var cb = req.query['callback'];
var retval = '';
console.log('Line 20');
sqlconnection.on('connect', function(err){
console.log('Line 22');
var request;
request = new Request(sqlstring, function(err, rowCount) {
console.log('Line 25');
if (err){
} else {
retval = JSON.stringify(rows);
if (cb){
retval = cb + '(' + retval + ');'
console.log('Line 41');
console.log 20,22, and 41 all get written. But 25 never does. The fact that 22 gets written tells me that I have a good "connection". I think. That being said, I can't understand why 25 never happens.
The above is just one section of the code. I know that the sqlstring being passed in is good. I'm stumped. Any help would be most appreciated.
Try to use code formatting. It's a lot easier to read the code :]
It looks like you are not actually executing the sql.
Try adding a sqlconnection.execSql(request)
after you successfully connect.
I would love to format the code better, but I see no option for doing that. I read the GitHub Flavored Markdown and searched around a little for how to do it. But couldn't find anything.
As for execSql, I don't think I need it. I have another node.js project and it works beautifully. The line...
request = new Request(sqlstring, function(err, rowCount){
seems to be all it takes to get the code to execute. no execSql at all.
for GFM just put three backticks before and after your code.
"backticks" ?
backticks: not sure what the name of the char is. it is the character typically in the upper left of your keyboard. on the same key you use to make a tilde but don't hit shift.
GFM: from the discussion above: Github Flavored Markup
also, I agree w/ evan, I don't think setting up a Request executes it IIRC. something like myConnection.callProcedure(myRequest)
I'm wish I didn't disagree, but this is what I have in another project...
request = new Request("catalog_name.dbo.proc_name", function(err, rowCount) {
if (err) {
setTimeout(function(){console.log("Script Ending With Error");},10000);
var strBody = '{"monitorName": "myLogglyStuff-err"';
strBody = strBody + ', "timestamp": "' +strDt + '"}';
} else {
console.log(rowCount2 + ' rows');
setTimeout(function(){console.log("Script Ending");},10000);
var strBody = "";
if (rowCount2 > 0){
strBody = '{"monitorName": "myLogglyStuff-counter", "count": ' + rowCount2;
strBody = strBody + ', "timestamp": "' + strDt + '"}';
strBody = '{"monitorName": "myLogglyStuff-heartbeat"';
strBody = strBody + ', "timestamp": "' + strDt + '"}';
It works like a champ has has been for months. Just slaves along 24x7, no worries. No sqlconnection.execSql in sight.
It wouldn't be in the request callback. But, without actually calling one of the execute functions (or callProcedure), how is it actually sending the request to the server?
Oops! You are so right. When I grabbed my working code as a starting point for this one, I failed to see a line waaaaaaayyyyyyyy at the bottom that was doing the execSql.
Thank you, and my most sincere apologies.
No problem. Glad you found the issue
Ok. Got that to at least "work". Code looks like this...
exports.getdata = function(req,res,config,sqlstring){
var sqlconnection = new Connection(config);
var cb = req.query['callback'];
var retval = '';
sqlconnection.on('connect', function(err){
var request;
request = new Request(sqlstring, function(err, rowCount, rows) {
if (err){
} else {
retval = JSON.stringify(rows);
if (cb){
retval = cb + '(' + retval + ');'
Now, I have a different question. The above returns json that looks somewhat like this...
"value": 146,
"metadata": {
"userType": 0,
"flags": 16,
"type": {
"type": "INT4",
"name": "Int",
"id": 56
"colName": "LocationID"
"value": "Abilene",
"metadata": {
"userType": 0,
"flags": 8,
"type": {
"type": "BIGVARCHR",
"name": "VarChar",
"hasCollation": true,
"dataLengthLength": 2,
"maximumLength": 8000,
"id": 167
"colName": "LocationName",
"collation": {
"lcid": 1033,
"codepage": "WINDOWS-1252",
"flags": 208,
"version": 0,
"sortId": 52
"dataLength": 64
Instead of that, I would much prefer to simply get JSON like this...
"LocationID": 146,
"LocationName": "Abilene"
Any thoughts on the best way to accomplish that? I simply don't need all the metadata about the columns in the resultset. In fact, I could also do without one set of [ ] .
Figured it out. Takes a few minutes to get the hang of it, but very powerful stuff...
exports.getdata = function(req,res,config,sqlstring){
var sqlconnection = new Connection(config);
var cb = req.query['callback'];
var retval = '';
sqlconnection.on('connect', function(err){
var request;
request = new Request(sqlstring, function(err, rowCount, rows) {
if (err){
} else {
var rowarray = [];
var rowdata = new Object();
columns.forEach(function(column) {
rowdata[column.metadata.colName] = column.value;
retval = JSON.stringify(rowarray);
if (cb){
retval = cb + '(' + retval + ');'
Most helpful comment
Figured it out. Takes a few minutes to get the hang of it, but very powerful stuff...