Tedious: Get id of inserted item

Created on 13 Sep 2013  Â·  11Comments  Â·  Source: tediousjs/tedious

I am making an insert and the ID is auto generated in the DB. I need that auto-generated ID on the callback from the request. I tried listening to the doneInProc event, but nothing returns from that event.

All 11 comments

You should add select @@identity to your t-sql command.

var connection = new Connection(config);
connection.on('connect', function(err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        request = new Request("insert into insert_test (text) values ('foo'); select @@identity", function(err, rowCount) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                console.log('Insert complete.');


        request.on('row', function(columns) {
            console.log('New id: %d', columns[0].value);


Thanks this works.

what if i would like to use the result from sql (columns[0].value) outside the connection.on('connect', function(err) {) what should i do?

If you want to run outside of that callback you will need to ensure it has first completed. I suggest using async (npm async to install) to force synchronous behavior.

Alternatively you can set a property in that callback and check the property in other asynch functions.

But I live within that callback. I use it as an initializer and pass the connection I receive to my modules that need the connection. That seems more inline with the way node works.

(Sent from mobile so may contain thumbed errors)

On Feb 4, 2014, at 5:55 PM, sarahpy [email protected] wrote:

what if i would like to use the result from sql (columns[0].value) outside the connection.on('connect', function(err) {) what should i do?

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Just wanted to add my 2c that it works great with the Promise pattern (Q), allowing to use the result via resolve().

Another, and in my opinion better, alternative is to use the OUTPUT clause in your INSERT statement.

Just be careful using @@identity. It will work fine if you don't use triggers, but if you (or your DBA) add a trigger, you may find that @@identity returns what was created by the trigger. You can use scope_identity() to refer to the original ID.

@arthurschreiber @lee-houghton thanks for the tip, scope_identity() is a better choice indeed.

@arthurschreiber : Wanting to go the route of the output clause but I can't seem to get it to play nicely with Tedious.

Following statement works in SQL Management Studio:

INSERT INTO dbo.direct(employeeNumber, job,phase, chargeCode)
VALUES(1, 2 3, 4)

However, if I try to convert that to a Tedious call with parameters:

    const sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO " +
        "dbo.direct(employeeNumber, job, phase, chargeCode) " +
        "VALUES(@employeeNumber, @job, @phase, @chargeCode)";

    const request = db.createReq(sqlStatement, cb);

    request.addParameter("employeeNumber", TYPES.Int, dlInfo.employeeID);
    request.addParameter("job", TYPES.Int, dlInfo.job);
    request.addParameter("phase", TYPES.Int, dlInfo.phase);
    request.addParameter("chargeCode", TYPES.Int, dlInfo.chargeCode);
    request.addOutputParameter("ID", TYPES.UniqueIdentifier);

     request.on("returnValue", function(parameterName, value) {
        console.log(value); // Always returns null?

My console log always returns null for the value.

Mind pointing me at where I'm going wrong?

Is there a reason you're trying to use an output variable?

@arthurschreiber : Yes. Stupidity :smile:

Went this route using on row and had no issues.

    request.on("row", function(columns) {
        console.log(columns[ 0 ].value);

Sorry to bug ya!

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