Swirl: R Programming / Functions - nothing loads in modify script question

Created on 24 Apr 2015  Â·  15Comments  Â·  Source: swirldev/swirl

R Studio in Mac OS 10.10.3

Below is what I get. There's no script to modify.
|============== | 12%

| In the following question you will be asked to modify a script that will appear as soon as you move on from this question. When you have finished modifying the script, save your changes to the script and type submit() and the script will be evaluated. There will be some comments in the script that opens up, so be sure to read them!
|================ | 15%

| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().

Most helpful comment

      Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?
      R Studio in Mac OS 10.10.3

Below is what I get. There's no script to modify.
|============== | 12%
| In the following question you will be asked to modify a script that will appear as soon as you move on from this question. When you have finished modifying the script, save your changes to the script and type submit() and the script will be evaluated. There will be some comments in the script that opens up, so be sure to read them!
|================ | 15%
| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().

Hello, for this issue please delete pound '#' first, then you click Run on console side bar. Nex, Save it and reopen the source, you then click "Run" again, now you type submit() --> Enter. I hope it would run well for you, and the error will be fixed.

delete pound

It worked.

  1. write the function
  2. delete#
    3.click Run
  3. Save
  4. click Run
  5. type submit()

All 15 comments

Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?

Hi Sean,

Thank you - If I quit RStudio and reopen, I get a file deleted message,

If I select Yes, load swirl package, start swirl, and start Functions exercise from the start, the same thing happens - no script appears to modify.

If I open R in Terminal and load the swirl package, I get:

| Hi! I see that you have some variables saved in your workspace. To keep
| things running smoothly, I recommend you clean up before starting swirl.

| Type ls() to see a list of the variables in your workspace. Then, type
| rm(list=ls()) to clear your workspace.

| Type swirl() when you are ready to begin.

[1] "boring_function" "ints”

If I clear the workspace, return to RStudio, load swirl packages, start swirl, return to R functions, the same thing happens - no script appears.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


On Apr 24, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Sean Kross [email protected] wrote:

Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/swirldev/swirl/issues/289#issuecomment-95945927.

Never mind! I didn’t realize the script appears in the source work area of R, which I had collapsed so as to give me more work area in the console. you might consider adding ‘in the source work area above the console’ to the end of 'you will be asked to modify a script that will appear’. Sorry for the trouble.

On Apr 24, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Sean Kross [email protected] wrote:

Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/swirldev/swirl/issues/289#issuecomment-95945927.

I'm so happy it works! I was stumped!

I am reading these others errors people are having. I used RStudio, I used the RGUI, I tried using the newest RGUI 3.2.5, and still after saving the Rscript with the function as shown AND with out the '#' in front of the x, I get the same dialogue box, over, and over, ... again.

You're about to write your first function! Just like you would assign a value

to a variable with the assignment operator, you assign functions in the following



function_name <- function(arg1, arg2){

# Manipulate arguments in some way

# Return a value



The "variable name" you assign will become the name of your function. arg1 and

arg2 represent the arguments of your function. You can manipulate the arguments

you specify within the function. After sourcing the function, you can use the

function by typing:

function_name(value1, value2)


Below we will create a function called boring_function. This function takes

the argument x as input, and returns the value of x without modifying it.

Delete the pound sign in front of the x to make the function work! Be sure to

save this script and type submit() in the console after you make your changes.

boring_function <- function(x) {

I have written this in my R script file:

boring_function <- function(x) {
Then I save it as functions.R in my folder of my working directory, then source it in the console as:
source("functions.R"), and type submit() as the prompt directs the user to do, and I get this message:

Sourcing your script...

| Give it another try.

| Make sure to delete the pound sign so the last expression in the function is
| just x.

So, what am I missing or doing wrong here? Thank you.

What happens if you skip the question?
On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 4:06 PM JanisCorona [email protected]

I am reading these others errors people are having. I used RStudio, I used
the RGUI, I tried using the newest RGUI 3.2.5, and still after saving the
Rscript with the function as shown AND with out the '#' in front of the x,
I get the same dialogue box, over, and over, ... again.
You're about to write your first function! Just like you would assign a
value to a variable with the assignment operator, you assign functions in
the following way:

function_name <- function(arg1, arg2){ # Manipulate arguments in some way #
Return a value }

The "variable name" you assign will become the name of your function. arg1
and arg2 represent the arguments of your function. You can manipulate the
arguments you specify within the function. After sourcing the function,
you can use the function by typing: function_name(value1, value2)

Below we will create a function called boring_function. This function takes the
argument x as input, and returns the value of x without modifying it. Delete
the pound sign in front of the x to make the function work! Be sure to save
this script and type submit() in the console after you make your changes.

boring_function <- function(x) {



I have written this in my R script file:

boring_function <- function(x) {
Then I save it as functions.R in my folder of my working directory, then
source it in the console as:
source("functions.R"), and type submit() as the prompt directs the user to
do, and I get this message:

Sourcing your script...

| Give it another try.

| Make sure to delete the pound sign so the last expression in the
function is
| just x.

So, what am I missing or doing wrong here? Thank you.

You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state.
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you’re not doing anything w/in your function to return a value, so try return x

On Apr 28, 2016, at 4:06 PM, JanisCorona [email protected] wrote:

I am reading these others errors people are having. I used RStudio, I used the RGUI, I tried using the newest RGUI 3.2.5, and still after saving the Rscript with the function as shown AND with out the '#' in front of the x, I get the same dialogue box, over, and over, ... again.

You're about to write your first function! Just like you would assign a value

to a variable with the assignment operator, you assign functions in the following



function_name <- function(arg1, arg2){

Manipulate arguments in some way

Return a value



The "variable name" you assign will become the name of your function. arg1 and

arg2 represent the arguments of your function. You can manipulate the arguments

you specify within the function. After sourcing the function, you can use the

function by typing:

function_name(value1, value2)


Below we will create a function called boring_function. This function takes

the argument x as input, and returns the value of x without modifying it.

Delete the pound sign in front of the x to make the function work! Be sure to

save this script and type submit() in the console after you make your changes.

boring_function <- function(x) {



I have written this in my R script file:

boring_function <- function(x) {
Then I save it as functions.R in my folder of my working directory, then source it in the console as:
source("functions.R"), and type submit() as the prompt directs the user to do, and I get this message:

Sourcing your script...

| Give it another try.

| Make sure to delete the pound sign so the last expression in the function is
| just x.

So, what am I missing or doing wrong here? Thank you.

You are receiving this because you authored the thread.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/swirldev/swirl/issues/289#issuecomment-215546190

Rstudio on windows 7
R version 3.2.4 Revised (2016-03-16 r70336)
Problem encountered : similar to diadema378 - please find the comments which was displayed in the R console -

| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value
| of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x
| without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any
| modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().

Error in editor(file = file, title = title) :
argument "name" is missing, with no default

| Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.
I have closed the R script tabs which was open in the window above the console and restarted the R studio. As per the entry instructions cleaned up the variables using > rm(list = ls()) and then continued as below -



| Hi! I see that you have some variables saved in your workspace. To keep things
| running smoothly, I recommend you clean up before starting swirl.

| Type ls() to see a list of the variables in your workspace. Then, type
| rm(list=ls()) to clear your workspace.

| Type swirl() when you are ready to begin.

Warning message:
package ‘swirl’ was built under R version 3.2.5

[1] "a" "add2" "e" "x" "y"
rm(list = ls())

| Welcome to swirl! Please sign in. If you've been here before, use the same name as
| you did then. If you are new, call yourself something unique.

What shall I call you? Soumik

| Would you like to continue with one of these lessons?

1: R Programming Functions
2: No. Let me start something new.

Selection: 1
I am still encountering the same issue. Not sure if I am doing anythin incorrect. Request guidance on this. Thank you,

Best Regards,

boring_function(x) doesn't work properly in swirl. Its always give delete pound sign comment. And even mentor of Coursera are not helping with it

      Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?
      R Studio in Mac OS 10.10.3

Below is what I get. There's no script to modify.
|============== | 12%
| In the following question you will be asked to modify a script that will appear as soon as you move on from this question. When you have finished modifying the script, save your changes to the script and type submit() and the script will be evaluated. There will be some comments in the script that opens up, so be sure to read them!
|================ | 15%
| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().

Hello, for this issue please delete pound '#' first, then you click Run on console side bar. Nex, Save it and reopen the source, you then click "Run" again, now you type submit() --> Enter. I hope it would run well for you, and the error will be fixed.

delete pound

Hi there, I have the same problem. I did what brianhuynh27 said, but I get the next message from R:

Try again. Getting it right on the first try is boring anyway!

| Make sure to delete the pound sign so the last expression in the function is just x.

I can't continue with that lesson. I hope someone can help me. Regards.

Hi there, I have the same problem. I did what brianhuynh27 said, but I get the next message from R:

Try again. Getting it right on the first try is boring anyway!

| Make sure to delete the pound sign so the last expression in the function is just x.

I can't continue with that lesson. I hope someone can help me. Regards.

Hi. My function works. I delete pound sign, click Run, click save, and then wrote "submit()"in the console and click Run, and it finally works.

      Does this still occur after restarting RStudio and Making sure you have no r script files open?
      R Studio in Mac OS 10.10.3

Below is what I get. There's no script to modify.
|============== | 12%
| In the following question you will be asked to modify a script that will appear as soon as you move on from this question. When you have finished modifying the script, save your changes to the script and type submit() and the script will be evaluated. There will be some comments in the script that opens up, so be sure to read them!
|================ | 15%
| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().

Hello, for this issue please delete pound '#' first, then you click Run on console side bar. Nex, Save it and reopen the source, you then click "Run" again, now you type submit() --> Enter. I hope it would run well for you, and the error will be fixed.

delete pound

It worked.

  1. write the function
  2. delete#
    3.click Run
  3. Save
  4. click Run
  5. type submit()

save the function(just select the function part and save it) before typing submit() in the console

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