There's a problem in the following course:
Mastering Software Development in R
Course 2: Advance R Programming.
Week 2: Quiz Portion.
OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
R Version: 3.4.1
Swirl Version: 2.4.3
One of the quiz questions (in the completion of 69% of the total quiz) in the above mentioned swirl course still asks to answer the question regarding contains() which we cannot find in purrr package anymore. I am not able to proceed further. Every time, I try to solve the problem, I stuck there by getting an error saying:
Error in contains(random_ints, 45) : could not find function "contains"
Could anyone please help me proceed this question?
same problem happened to me. if you solve this plz let me know
This should now be fixed if you reinstall the course.
Thank you, i do it before fixed....
I've just bumped into the same problem. I didn't want to lose all the previous swirl work so I just defined a function like this:
has_element <- function(x,y){contains(x,y)}
and then used it as swirl expected it:
has_element(random_ints, 45)
and passed ... :)
Most helpful comment
I've just bumped into the same problem. I didn't want to lose all the previous swirl work so I just defined a function like this: