What needs doing on this in terms of docs?
@shilman can we have a quick explanation/sum-up here on some of the most useful doc block components? Aside from ColorPalette, ColorItem, IconGallery, IconItem, Typeset
since they are kinda already covered here. Even a screenshot of a kitchen sink of all these components dumped together would do. Thanks!
@gsklee definitely -- have a workin progress on my local machine & will try to get it ready for consumption.
@shilman any update on this? would you like some help?
@mehrad-meraji Thanks so much for the offer! I've got my hands full with other stuff but will ping you as soon as I have the bandwidth to work with you on that.
Oh thank goodness, is this content hard to find for anyone else? Lifesaver
I think we need a docs page for all the doc blocks?
Any news on when ColorPalette, IconGallery, Typeset, etc. are going to be documented? I'm currently trying to implement an icon gallery and the "example" on Medium really doesn't get me anywhere 馃槥.
First cut here https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-docs/doc-blocks
Most helpful comment
Oh thank goodness, is this content hard to find for anyone else? Lifesaver