I'm using a vanilla setup of StoryBook with no tweaks to babel. If I use async/await
I get an error of:
regeneratorRuntime is not defined
Typically the babel-polyfill
is required to have async/await work on the client. What are the steps to get this working within StoryBook?
I tried importing babel-polyfill
within the .storybook/config.js
but to no avail.
@philcockfield Hope you are using the latest Storybook. I'll dig into this.
@arunoda - "@kadira/storybook": "^2.5.2",
I'll bump to latest 2.18.1
and see if it fixes it.
BTW: 2.5.2 was what was in my package.json - but I was actually on 2.15.1
Confirmed - errors in the way described on 2.18.1
I tried it's works pretty fine for me.
Here's the code I used:
const delayed = new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async function kk() {
console.log('Begin Printing');
const data = await delayed;
console.log('End Printing');
I tried in both NPM 2 and NPM 3.
We don't use babel-polyfill
and we use some other polyfills.
Could you send me some sample code and I'll try to dig into where this goes wrong?
@arunoda - weird, I've just tried your code and it works fine here too - so I've got something else strange happening in the pipeline. Thanks for checking it out, and sorry for the false alarm.
I'm using the latest storybook (2.24.0) and am still getting this issue using _redux-sagas_ and generators. I've done both what @philcockfield did by trying to import the babel-polyfill (as well as setting the webpack entry point for it), as well as what @arunoda said where it should just work with _the latest_ storybook out-the-box.
Similar issue here. I'm on 2.29.3 and have tried using babel-polyfill
in my config.js
, and tried taking it out. The snippet @arunoda posted above, as well as async/await in my code, throw the original error mentioned above. I'm using a couple of custom webpack loaders (for CSS modules, plus I'm importing a non-transpiled library) in my config, and have a pretty vanilla .babelrc
(react, es2015, stage-0). I even tried replacing my config with the react-app preset that storybook uses by default, and it didn't help.
I've tried troubleshooting it on my own a little and could see the regenerator-runtime module adding regeneratorRuntime
as a global (it actually gets executed twice, for some reason), but then by the time my config.js
gets executed, window.regeneratorRuntime
is undefined
. I can't figure out what might be resetting it. I've got a it set as a watch variable in devtools, and for the briefest of moments Chrome reports that variable as being <not available>
, and then when it comes back again it's undefined
. This leads me to believe the global scope is actually getting reset somehow, though I'm not sure how that'd be happening - maybe something having to do with webpack's dev server?
@philcockfield, did you ever figure out what was throwing the error for you? @arunoda any other suggestions on what I might be able to try?
@kgoggin I solved a very similar issue just now (regeneratorRuntime was expected in the global scope by redux-form-saga
so it borked storybook) by simply manually adding regeneratorRuntime to the global scope in config.js (window.regeneratorRuntime = require('babel-runtime/regenerator');
). I don't like this solution and plan to investigate further later, but if you're looking for a quick workaround perhaps that'll help.
@nicolasartman Your solution works only for hot-reloading, I tried to reload a page after that and the error undefined is not a functions
Same issue here, I'm using generators in a Component and I run into this issue.
Did what @nicolasartman suggested and it worked. Good for a quick fix. Didn't get the problem @isomoar had.
to fix regeneratorRuntime is not defined
you can add the regenerator-runtime as a babel plugin.
// .storybook/.babelrc
"plugins": [
["transform-runtime", {
"polyfill": false,
"regenerator": true
import 'babel-polyfill';
polyfill has been added
I still have the same problem with Storybook 4 and Babel 7. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I'm using redux-sagas which requires generators. The default polyfill wasn't there I think and adding it explicitly with custom babelrc didn't work.
@pouyas-github Add import '@babel/polyfill';
to the beginning of your storybook config
Just like @pouyas-github I was having issues with Storybook 4 and Babel 7. It turned out using async/await in a story worked fine, the actual problem was due to a plugin (addon-storysource
). Note to self: pay attention to where the error is coming from!
To fix this, I had to tweak Storybook's .storybook/webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.stories\.js?$/,
loader: require.resolve('@storybook/addon-storysource/loader'),
options: {
prettierConfig: {
parser: 'babel' // needed for async/await in stories
enforce: 'pre',
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