from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField as SorlImage
class Person(PublishedMixin):
photo = SorlImage(upload_to='photos', blank=True, null=True)
from sorl.thumbnail.admin import AdminImageMixin as SorlImageAdmin
from reversion import VersionAdmin
class Admin(VersionAdmin):
exclude = []
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('css/admin_forms.css',)
class PersonAdmin(Admin, SorlImageAdmin):
I don't see any changes to the admin form compared to the default one, nothing in console output. Both with and without Grappelli activated.
The root cause of this problem for me was that there were no migrations available for sorl. I'm using python 3.5, django 1.9 and sorl 13.2 with Pillow.
I didn't have time to investigate why the migration was not being applied, but I believe that it may have to be something about django 1.9 or AppConfig...
Ugly temporary fix below...
$ python migrate thumbnail
CommandError: App 'thumbnail' does not have migrations.
$ python makemigrations thumbnail
Migrations for 'thumbnail':
- Create model KVStore
$ python migrate
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: <...>
Running migrations:
Rendering model states... DONE
Applying thumbnail.0001_initial... OK
try to use latest sorl.thumbnail version
pip install --pre --upgrade sorl-thumbnail
It has migrations
Worked great, thanks.
It's works! Thank you.
Thanks for this trick !
Most helpful comment
try to use latest sorl.thumbnail version
It has migrations