Sorl-thumbnail: model KVStore initial migration not in package when installing via pip

Created on 15 Jul 2016  路  8Comments  路  Source: jazzband/sorl-thumbnail

I installed the package via pip and I was getting a programming error. I had to create the KVStore inital migration manually to make it work because apparently it was not there.

python makemigrations thumbnail

Migrations for 'thumbnail':
- Create model KVStore

It should be included in the package to avoid problems. thank you

All 8 comments

Any updates to this issue?

@mariocesar This really needs addressed! No one can use this library without googling around and figuring out that it's not working because migrations aren't included in the package they installed.

@dmwyatt You are right, need wrap a plan to maintain some compatibility and release a new version in the process.

If you want to help, solving tests and maintaining compatibility while doing the upgrade will fix all we need to release.

Installed with pip, followed the documentation, decided to use the default settings and bumped into this. Easy to solve of course but for a beginner user this still seems to be an issue.

Main issue is that the stable version is really outdated, and the work on the next released is stalled. If someone wants to give a hand on the next release is welcome. There is really not much work, update some tests, rename somethings, and other minor things

@mariocesar, thanks for the update. Is there a todo list for the new release somewhere so newcomers can try to help?

Can we at least have a release 12.3.1 branched off with 12.3, but with just the migration included? Currently, bootstrapping most projects has hacks in place to generate that migration (or curl it from github), and it's really hacky.

Also, like @pembeci said, a list of things that need work for the next release (maybe just tag the GH issues) would be great. I'm sure I can make the time to work on them at some point, but most importantly, I'm sure other are.

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