I struggled for a while to understand that socket.io rooms are a server-side concept only - based on googling/reading stack overflow questions, I may not be the only one. I have two suggestions for enhancing the documentation:
Would it be possible to update the documentation to make it clear that rooms are a server-side only concept? Consider that many readers may skip straight to the section for Rooms
Would it be possible to add rationale for why rooms can't be joined on the client? socket.io makes already use of reserved events (like ping/pong), which I like others learned the hard way when I tried to use them - what is preventing you from adding a 'socket.join()' method on the client that sends a message with a reserved name to the server to join a room there?
Thanks for your consideration.
I agree. Furthermore, the docs should probably say what the differences between rooms and namespaces are for, philosophically speaking. Which use cases are best suited for a namespace vs a room?
Most helpful comment
I agree. Furthermore, the docs should probably say what the differences between rooms and namespaces are for, philosophically speaking. Which use cases are best suited for a namespace vs a room?