Multiple connection occours while initializing in React Native

Created on 13 Nov 2020  路  3Comments  路  Source: socketio/

I am currently developing a project in React Native. In the version of 3.0.1, I am trying to connect to a server, it connects multiple times maybe 5 times when the app is opening. I fixed this issue by downgrading the version to 2.1.1.

`Client connected -> ASkjAS35USD
Client connected -> WEIAUHB98
Client connected -> KALSKF876
Client connected -> LKKJHJSDNB90

Client disconnected (time out)-> ASkjAS35USD
Client disconnected (time out) -> WEIAUHB98
Client disconnected (time out) -> KALSKF876

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I am facing the same issue with an angular project. I am using version v3.0.3 of It connects around 7 times and then starts disconnecting them automatically.

All 3 comments

I am facing the same issue with an angular project. I am using version v3.0.3 of It connects around 7 times and then starts disconnecting them automatically.

it's also happening to me in version 3, i'm looking forward to using it due to the new features, but i had to limit myself to 2. because the problem doesn't happen

Angular Project also, like the @ved-numeroeins project

Hi! I'm not able to reproduce:

Which version of Socket.IO server are you using? (because you cannot reach a v2 server with a v3 client, and vice-versa).

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