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Info | Value |
Platform | iOS
Platform Version | 8.2
SnapKit Version | 3.1.2
Integration Method | e.g. cocoapods
I can get the pods into the project without having a dialogue box for Swift conversion; however, when I try to create an import statement (import SnapKit), I get a red error stating "Cannot load underlying module for 'SnapKit'". As mentioned earlier, I'm using iOS and Xcode 8.2, so this may not have been reached yet.
@aeves313 have you:
Normally these integration issues is one of the above. If SnapKit is compiling fine into a .framework or .module on your system it's something to do with Xcode's build system or your integration method.
I have done 2-4 many times, but the Derived Data approach was something I gave a try. Xcode still complains the same.
@aeves313 hm I'm not really sure what to do, I've not heard of anyone else having issues it's likely just something specific to your machine / Xcode etc…
Closing because I don't believe this is a SnapKit issue but rather an integration issue that is specific to dev machine/configuration.
Most helpful comment
@aeves313 have you:
Normally these integration issues is one of the above. If SnapKit is compiling fine into a .framework or .module on your system it's something to do with Xcode's build system or your integration method.