Shapely: 1.7a1 release

Created on 21 Jan 2018  路  5Comments  路  Source: Toblerity/Shapely

I went through issues on the 1.7 milestone and bumped the ones that were making no progress down the road. @snorfalorpagus do I have your approval for a 1.7a1 release around Feb 1? Is there anything you'd like to add to the 1.7 milestone?


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Can you please include in the next release? We've been seeing issues due to that bug for a while.

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Can you please include in the next release? We've been seeing issues due to that bug for a while.

@jtschoonhoven Yes indeed! I'm going to cherry pick it for the next 1.6 release as well, which I thought I had done (see, but actually failed to do 馃槮


looks like the PyPI history needs an update to the year counter? Has 1.6.4 as a 2017 release?

@michaelaye thanks for pointing this out. I've fixed it!

The 1.7 pre-release is delayed due to travel and sickness on my part this month, let's reschedule for Mar 1.

1.7a1 is tagged and distributions have been uploaded to PyPI:

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