Server: Wrong time in weather widget

Created on 12 Oct 2020  路  11Comments  路  Source: nextcloud/server

The time displayed in the weather widget is not correct. I took this screenshot just now (~ 13:00 in Germany) but it's showing 17:00. Is there any setting I am missing?


0. Needs triage design enhancement

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Thanks for the explanation.
For me it was not clear that you are displaying the forecast instead of the current weather. Is there any plan to show this information as well? Every weather widget I know of displays at least the current conditions.

All 11 comments

This is unrelated to this project, this issue should be addressed in nextcloud/server

Why is this unrelated? Can you please explain? All other places in my Nextcloud setup show the correct time.

Since we show the upcoming weather instead of the one right now, the time is indicating the time of the forecast.

Not sure if we could indicate that a bit better? cc @eneiluj @jancborchardt

Thanks for the explanation.
For me it was not clear that you are displaying the forecast instead of the current weather. Is there any plan to show this information as well? Every weather widget I know of displays at least the current conditions.

The idea was that the _current_ conditions are pretty useless because that can be gotten by looking out the window. What is needed is an overview of the day, or basically the "worst possible condition" like e.g. rain, low temperature etc. So we can definitely improve there. But only showing the _current_ condition is definitely a step back as said. :)

As a wording fix, we could adjust it to say "in 4 hours" or "later", or just cut it.
As a proper fix it would be good to just say "No rain all day" or "Low temperatures until 13:00", a summary of the day (or tomorrow if it鈥檚 very late in the evening) just like does.


I agree with @jancborchardt that current weather might not be relevant in this widget.

What is needed is an overview of the day

It's hard to summarize the weather forecast for a day in one small widget. What about making something looking like favorite locations? I mean adding a foldable entry showing entries for weather in 2, 4 and 6 hours (as we already have the data)?

As a wording fix, we could adjust it to say "in 4 hours" or "later", or just cut it.

Why not. I think showing the absolute time is more precise...but do we need precision in this widget? :grin:

As a proper fix it would be good to just say "No rain all day" or "Low temperatures until 13:00", a summary of the day

I would say it's hard to do and does not provide the information whether (not weather :wink:) it's becoming better or worse.

I guess there are plenty of ways to present summarized weather. I prefer seeing a series of forecasts than a sentence. I don't know if it's because I'm used to it or because I really think it makes more sense. What do y'all think?

@jancborchardt That makes total sense. I was just expecting a different behavior. Maybe some wording changes or an expandable widget for more information would be nice.

Worth noting that I though the same thing and found this issue after triple checking my timezone was correct.
Maybe we need a clock widget to compliment the weather one 馃

If it is indeed like that, which sounds about right, then it just needs to formulated a bit different.
Because if you just take a look at it, it might indicate the wrong thing.

It would be nice to have an option to show the current weather instead of the upcoming weather.
My offices don't have a good view of outside, and if I need to go out to do something it would be nice to see the current temperature and weather so that I can dress accordingly.

Options are always nice to have, of course :)

As a wording fix, we could adjust it to say "in 4 hours" or "later", or just cut it.

This would be welcomed. X degC in 4 hours is nice and humanly readable, with no avenue for misinterpretation. It is less precise, but I would prefer it.

Secondly, I would very much like a "current" temperature. The current conditions I can see looking out the window, absolutely. The current temperature not so much. It can vary (roughly, subjectively speaking) by as much as 15 degC from what it "looks like" to "what it is" (or better: "what it feels like", since it can be hard to see wind conditions if there's no trees etc. nearby).

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