I have the same problem as #1964. However, my extra data is coming from a call to captureEvent
. This seems to ignore the depth setting and only serialize to one level.
What's your setup and which version are you using?
(latest), and the following init:
dsn: /* elided */,
environment: process.env['ENVIRONMENT'] ?? 'unknown',
integrations: (integrations) => [
...integrations.filter(x => !(x instanceof RewriteFrames) && !(x instanceof ExtraErrorData)),
new RewriteFrames({
root: global.__rootdir__
new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 }),
Then I merely just call:
message: 'Defining object bundle',
extra: { definitions: defs },
level: Severity.Debug
The result is that "defs" does not have 10 depths of data, but rather is very shallow.
See: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/pull/2404
You should be able to change it with Sentry.init({ normalizeDepth: 5 })
or other value. I'm still tinkering how to approach marrying this external integration and this new global config option.
Most helpful comment
See: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/pull/2404
You should be able to change it with
Sentry.init({ normalizeDepth: 5 })
or other value. I'm still tinkering how to approach marrying this external integration and this new global config option.