Sentry-javascript: How to disable user feedback or globally configure it?

Created on 26 Jun 2019  路  7Comments  路  Source: getsentry/sentry-javascript

Similar to this thread which was started by another user 2 months ago.

Is there a way I can disable user feedback prompt?
or customize its text globally?

I am using "@sentry/browser": "^5.4.0" and Angular.


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@nawlbergs it's part of Sentry's Angular Error Handler example. You have to remove this line:
// Optionally show user dialog to provide details on what happened. Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId });

All 7 comments

Is there a way I can disable user feedback prompt?

It's never shown automatically, so you have to call Sentry.showReportDialog yourself in order to show it in the first place.

customize its text globally

Yes, showReportDialog method accepts ReportDialogOptions

im not calling it.. but its showing up for me... (i didnt even know it was a thing)


@nawlbergs it's not possible for report dialog to show by itself. There's not a single invocation of this code in our codebase. It has to be called somewhere manually.

@nawlbergs it's part of Sentry's Angular Error Handler example. You have to remove this line:
// Optionally show user dialog to provide details on what happened. Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId });

this is what you were looking for, with this example (in the oposite way) you can disable this dialog on Angular2+

In React, I'm using one Sentry.ErrorBoundary to wrap the whole app.

I am trying to stop the report dialog from automatically appearing because I want to conditionally use showReportDialog function in beforeSend handler.

I have tried omitting showDialog property:

          fallback={<FallbackComponent />}

I have also tried setting showDialog to false explicitly:

          fallback={<FallbackComponent />}

But the dialog always appears.

This is my Senty.init:

    dsn: env('SENTRY_DSN'),
    release: `perseus-pwa@${env('VERSION')}`,
    environment: env('ENV'),
    beforeSend: (event, hint) => {
      const error = hint.originalException
      if (error?.name === 'ChunkLoadError') {'Sentry sees ChunkLoadError')
      } else {
          eventId: event.event_id,
          title: 'Something went wrong.',
          subtitle: 'It might be your internet connection. Please tell what you did before this happened.',
          successMessage: 'Your feedback has been sent. Thank you!'
    integrations: [
      new Integrations.BrowserTracing()
    // We recommend adjusting this value in production, or using tracesSampler
    // for finer control
    tracesSampleRate: env('ENV') === 'production' && 1.0

Have been using Safari in iOS 14, and Chrome 87 in MacOS.

    "@sentry/react": "^5.27.2",
    "@sentry/tracing": "^5.27.2"

I worked around this by removing the beforeSend handler from Sentry.init and using a dynamically-rendered fallback component in the error boundary:
fallback={({ error, componentStack, resetError }) => {
let reloadLabel = 'Reload App.'
if (error?.name === 'ChunkLoadError') {
reloadLabel = 'Sorry to interrupt, we need you to upgrade to the new version of this app. Please tap here.'
} else {
eventId: event.event_id,
title: 'Something went wrong.',
subtitle: 'It might be your internet connection. Please tell what you did before this happened.',
successMessage: 'Your feedback has been sent. Thank you!'
return (




      provide: ErrorHandler,
      useValue: Sentry.createErrorHandler({
        showDialog: false,
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