_(raven for node)_5.0.3
I can no longer use jasmine spyOn for the captureException call.
Error: <spyOn> : captureException is not declared writable or has no setter
This worked in 4.6.6, and I think it's ideal to have this possible for purposes of testing my integration with Sentry and my Angular 7 app.
These are the tests that fail:
import { ErrorHandler, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import { ENV, Environment } from './env.provider';
import { SentryErrorHandler } from './error-handler';
fdescribe('SentryErrorHandler', () => {
let handler: ErrorHandler;
let mockEnv: Environment;
let sentrySpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(() => {
sentrySpy = spyOn(Sentry, 'captureException');
mockEnv = { production: false, staticAssetsUrl: 'foo-bar-baz' };
const injector = Injector.create({ providers: [
{ provide: ENV, useValue: mockEnv },
{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: SentryErrorHandler, deps: [ ENV ] },
] });
handler = injector.get(ErrorHandler);
it('should be registered on the AppModule', () => {
handler = TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ AppModule ] }).get(ErrorHandler);
it('handleError should call Sentry.captureException in production', () => {
mockEnv.production = true;
const error = new Error();
it('handleError should call console.error in dev mode', () => {
spyOn(console, 'error');
const error = new Error();
Is there another way to write tests for Sentry integration?
I just tested the simple spyOn
scenario using jasmine and @sentry/browser with no issue.
Can you provide a fully working repo with repro-case that I could use to debug this?
@HazAT I was having the same issue. It's because captureException, with many others, is a direct export from @sentry/browser
and because of this it's treated as a readonly constant. I believe Babel/TypeScript enforces this which may be why you're not getting the same problem by running it directly in node.
I don't necessarily think this is a problem. It appears to be by design. I've encountered it before a while back.
@rgant To solve your problem, you must use spyOnProperty
instead. See here:
You can see the docs for spyOnProperty here: https://jasmine.github.io/api/edge/global.html#spyOnProperty
Thank you @HazAT
Oops, thank you @ashpr :-D
Most helpful comment
@HazAT I was having the same issue. It's because captureException, with many others, is a direct export from
and because of this it's treated as a readonly constant. I believe Babel/TypeScript enforces this which may be why you're not getting the same problem by running it directly in node.I don't necessarily think this is a problem. It appears to be by design. I've encountered it before a while back.
@rgant To solve your problem, you must use
instead. See here:You can see the docs for spyOnProperty here: https://jasmine.github.io/api/edge/global.html#spyOnProperty