Sentry-javascript: Deeply Nested objects aren't being serialised

Created on 28 Mar 2019  路  13Comments  路  Source: getsentry/sentry-javascript

Important Details

I have a Node JS 11.9 application

  • [ ] On-Premise docker [Version xyz]
  • [ ] Saas (
  • [X] Other AWS Fargate


Just upgraded the package to "@sentry/node": "^4.6.5" from "@sentry/node": "^4.5.4".

When adding objects to Addition Data I would see the following logged:

    ExMessage: ,
    level: error,
    Payload: {
        AcquisitionId: ,
        ClientId: ,
        DeviceData: {  <<  - Note this 
            Browser: {
                major: ,
                name: ,
            Cpu: {},
            Device: {
            Engine: {
                name: ,
            Os: {
                name: ,
        Environment: ,
        EventDate: {},  <<  - Note this 
        Fingerprint: ,
        Geographical: {}, <<  - Note this 
        IpAddress: ,
        Referer: ,
        Sequence: ,
        SessionId: ,
        Type: ,
        Url: ,
        UserAgent: ,
        UserName: ,
        Version: ,
        Weather: {} <<  - Note this

Unfortunately, now after upgrading I am getting:

    ExMessage: ,
    level: ,
    Payload: {
        AcquisitionId: ,
        ClientId: ,
        DeviceData: [Object],  <<- Note this
        Environment: ,
        EventDate: [Object],  <<- Note this
        Fingerprint: ,
        Geographical: [Object],  <<- Note this
        IpAddress: ,
        Referer: ,
        Sequence: ,
        SessionId: ,
        Type: ,
        Url: ,
        UserAgent: ,
        UserName: ,
        Version: ,
        Weather: [Object] <<- Note this

Steps to Reproduce

I have this class

export class TrackerError extends Error {
    Payload: any;
    ExMessage: string;
    constructor(message: string, err: Error, payload: any) {
        if (err) {
            this.stack = this.stack
                .slice(0, 2)
                .join("\n") +
                "\n" +
            this.ExMessage = err.message;
        } else {
            Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

        if (payload) {
            this.Payload = payload;

which I then use as follows:

Sentry.captureException(new TrackerError("My Error Message", myErrObj, myPayloadObj));

What you expected to happen

As per previous versions, deep objects should be logged in detail

Most helpful comment

This seems to have regressed. I have this:

import { ExtraErrorData } from '@sentry/integrations';
        dsn: 'MYDSN',
        release: `${}@${module.exports.version}`,
        integrations: [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })],

And I get this

    AcquisitionId: "",
    ClientId: "",
    DeviceData: [Object], <<- Note this
    Environment: "",
    EventDate: [Object], <<- Note this
    Fingerprint: "",
    Geographical: [Object], <<- Note this
    IpAddress: "",
    Referer: "", 
    Sequence: "", 
    SessionId: "", 
    Type: "", 
    Url: "", 
    UserAgent: "", 
    UserName: "", 
    Version: ""

All 13 comments

You should be able to define the depth yourself:

integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })],

We reduced the limit drastically since it caused many problems for users.
Hope this helps.

Where is this documented? And is this specific to the JS library?

TBH, this is sadly poorly documented and should be here:

I will write this down to improve, and yes, this is JS specific.

OK Thank you.

Sorry to come back to this but I have just updated to 5.4.0 and its now erroring with:

Property 'ExtraErrorData' does not exist on type '{ Console: typeof Console; Http: typeof Http; OnUncaughtException: typeof OnUncaughtException; OnUnhandledRejection: typeof OnUnhandledRejection; LinkedErrors: typeof LinkedErrors; Modules: typeof Modules; FunctionToString: typeof FunctionToString; InboundFilters: typeof InboundFilters; }'.

21 integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })]


import { ExtraErrorData } from '@sentry/integrations';

This seems to have regressed. I have this:

import { ExtraErrorData } from '@sentry/integrations';
        dsn: 'MYDSN',
        release: `${}@${module.exports.version}`,
        integrations: [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })],

And I get this

    AcquisitionId: "",
    ClientId: "",
    DeviceData: [Object], <<- Note this
    Environment: "",
    EventDate: [Object], <<- Note this
    Fingerprint: "",
    Geographical: [Object], <<- Note this
    IpAddress: "",
    Referer: "", 
    Sequence: "", 
    SessionId: "", 
    Type: "", 
    Url: "", 
    UserAgent: "", 
    UserName: "", 
    Version: ""

You need to use the undocumented new param normalizeDepth and set it to normalizeDepth: depth + 1 :

In your example:

        dsn: 'MYDSN',
        release: `${}@${module.exports.version}`,
        integrations: [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })],
        normalizeDepth: 11

See also:

I've run into the same problem and can confirm that adding normalizeDepth resolves the problem. I also double checked if integrations: [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })], is necessary at all and it turns out it is not, removing it results in the same output on Sentry.

The option was add in (shipped in v5.12.0), but I could not find any documentation

We are aware of this issue -
It will be fixed in v6, as it's breaking change.


I have an issue that might be related and that I can not get to work. Just to be sure, [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 10 })] is supposed to modify ADDITIONAL DATA field depth in the error report right ?

If so, I am using Sentry 5.22.1 and it doesn't seems to work:
javascript Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://mydsn', integrations: [new ExtraErrorData({ depth: 9 })], normalizeDepth: 10, });

And the additional data __serialized__ object looks loke this:
JSON { error: { errors: { Views: [Array] }, status: 400, ... }, ... }

I just verified it locally and it works just fine for me:


  dsn: "__public_dsn__",
  integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.ExtraErrorData({ depth: 9 })],
  normalizeDepth: 10,
  beforeSend(event) {
    return null;

const err = new Error("foo");
err.some = {
  additional: {
    data: [{ foo: { bar: 123 } }],


Ok, thank you for your reply, I'll try to figure out where my problem comes from.

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