I'm having trouble figuring out how to restore the window.onerror
event after including Raven as an AMD dependancy.
I don't want to use Raven at all during development, so I'm only calling config()
in production mode. But in dev mode all errors are still being thrown by TraceKit.report()
... Which is pretty frustrating since the file/line number/stack trace isn't helpful anymore in the browser dev tools.
I've tried calling uninstall()
in dev mode but that didn't help. Is there a reason you're binding to window.onerror
no matter what instead of doing it inside config()
or install()
Found a solution, but it's not ideal...
I was trying to manually set window.onerror = null
in dev mode, but even that didn't work. The problem was I was require()
ing Raven in a couple modules, and each time Raven was re-binding to window.onerror
So instead I stopped using noConflict()
, included it as a global dependancy in the requirejs config, and removed it as a local dependancy from the other modules. This allowed window.onerror = null
to be set without Raven re-binding the event later.
Pretty messy fix though :(
@adambiggs Another solution is to create a wrapping AMD module for Raven-js which does the configure & install call, which means you only import raven-js once, but can import your own module multiple times, afaik.
I think this may be related to: https://github.com/getsentry/raven-js/pull/109 and https://github.com/getsentry/raven-js/issues/91#issuecomment-15560074
This shouldn't be relevant anymore. window.onerror
isn't mutated until calling install()
and is restored when calling uninstall()
. Let me know if there's another issue.
@mattrobenolt, I've upgraded to 1.1.11 and I'm not calling install()
and I still end up with raven handling errors.
@bobbyrenwick Can you link me to something public that is showing this happening?
Is there a workaround for this? Even when I never call Raven.config()
or Raven.install()
or if I call Raven.config(false)
the jquery or onerror handlers seem to be still be installed. The only workaround seems to be never loading the raven js in the first place (which is less than ideal).
See: #282 :)
Are you providing #282 as just background? I don't see any workarounds in there.
Yes, because there is no solution yet.
My only fix is to use require()
in an if
block (the rest of my code now uses import
Is there an update on this?
Any update? It STILL doesn't work correctly.
EDIT: Sorry for my tone. Had a long day.
What are you trying to do? I'm doing this, which is working just fine:
if (process.env.RAVEN_DSN) {
require('raven-js').config(process.env.RAVEN_DSN, {
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV,
Where process.env.RAVEN_DSN
is the DSN of course, and which is only set when building for environments where I want Raven running, via webpack.EnvironmentPlugin
In your version it's impossible to conditionally set up an Angular ErrorHandler. Either you set it up in every case, and then it swallows your errors no matter what, or don't but still list it in providers, which od dev causes entire module to crash.
As far as I know it's impossible to use or not use an Angular provider based on a condition.
I've done many iterations of fix attempts today.
To be honest that sounds to me like an Angular issue rather than a Raven one.
Having said that, I agree that a more general solution would be a good addition.
Just a thought: have you tried setting a pattern in the ignoreUrls
option which matches all URLs? Would that do what you need? Something like ignoreUrls: [/./]
Or maybe set sampleRate
to zero?
It's possible to prevent Raven from sending requests and even from catching errors, but that doesn't stop the Angular ErrorHandler from swallowing errors (= at least losing track of actual lines from where errors were thrown).
I suppose you're right and it's not much of a Raven issue after all.
For those coming here trying to figure it out still, it was a config option I missed at first shouldSendCallback
import Raven from 'raven-js';
const env = 'prod';
const release = '12345';
.config('https://<example>@sentry.io/1234', {
environment: env,
release: release,
shouldSendCallback: () => {
// Do your logic here...
return ['prod', 'staging'].indexOf(env) !== -1;
If shouldSendCallback
is false
sentry will not report. No need for conditional reporting logic in your code with this 馃憤 .
Make your DSN the empty string. It will disable reporting
I have used this way. It seems working for me
if (environment.production) {
and in providers
providers: [environment.production ? { provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: RavenErrorHandler } : [], ...
Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong here.
Most helpful comment
For those coming here trying to figure it out still, it was a config option I missed at first
sentry will not report. No need for conditional reporting logic in your code with this 馃憤 .