Any plans to update the library to support Swift 4?
Hello. First of all, thank You for Your job.
........./Pods/SCLAlertView/SCLAlertView/SCLAlertView.swift:160:999: Global function 'UIColorFromRGB' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
I receive the following error:
Related code:
public init(kDefaultShadowOpacity: CGFloat = 0.7, kCircleTopPosition: CGFloat = -12.0, kCircleBackgroundTopPosition: CGFloat = -15.0, kCircleHeight: CGFloat = 56.0, kCircleIconHeight: CGFloat = 20.0, kTitleTop:CGFloat = 30.0, kTitleHeight:CGFloat = 25.0, kWindowWidth: CGFloat = 240.0, kWindowHeight: CGFloat = 178.0, kTextHeight: CGFloat = 90.0, kTextFieldHeight: CGFloat = 45.0, kTextViewdHeight: CGFloat = 80.0, kButtonHeight: CGFloat = 45.0, kTitleFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20), kTextFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14), kButtonFont: UIFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14), showCloseButton: Bool = true, showCircularIcon: Bool = true, shouldAutoDismiss: Bool = true, contentViewCornerRadius: CGFloat = 5.0, fieldCornerRadius: CGFloat = 3.0, buttonCornerRadius: CGFloat = 3.0, hideWhenBackgroundViewIsTapped: Bool = false, contentViewColor: UIColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xFFFFFF), contentViewBorderColor: UIColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xCCCCCC), titleColor: UIColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x4D4D4D)) {
........./Pods/SCLAlertView/SCLAlertView/SCLAlertView.swift:549:192: Var 'defaultColorInt' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
Thank You very much
Have a nice day
for now you have to do this ^_^
@jlaws feel free to submit PR, I would be happy to merge
I have a same problem:
Global function 'UIColorFromRGB' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
end other like:
Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'tapped' that is not exposed to Objective-C
I'm confused. I checked out the project and with Swift 4 the code is fine .
When you call the pod like this pod 'SCLAlertView', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
you will getting a working Swift 4 version.
Only If you call pod 'SCLAlertView'
or pod 'SCLAlertView', '0.7.0'
it doesn't work. Is there another version to check out?
Can we (or I) help to release a working version without checking out the master branch?
Can anyone please update this ????
Using pod update didn't download the latest update (which fixes Swift 4 compatibility). Download the files "SCLAlertView.swift
" and "SCLExtensions.swift
" from the GitHub repo here and replace them in Pods/SCLAlertView
@vikmeup 鈽濓笍
Could you guys submit PR, I would be happy to merge!
@vikmeup: The code is already updated to Swift 4. No PR is needed. It's just that you haven't git tagged a new version and pushed to the pod trunk.
Until that is done, we can use the latest code with the following in our pod file:
pod 'SCLAlertView', :git => ''
Any timeline for tagging a new version with official support for swift 4?
@ahmedsafadii Thanks! Really helped.
Tagging and updating lib versions would be nice. Still in 0.7.0 but not compatible with swift 3.2 anymore. Still have a project to update to swift4 but it have to build before. So I had to point my podfile directly to 3687d7965630e58abae114c6544f9412c5e09b66
I will do tonight! Sorry guys for long delay.
@vikmeup great! Thanks! Better late than never.
@vikmeup how about tonight :)
This would be awesome if possible!
@vikmeup we are waiting "tonight" :D
Pushed! finally can close this!
Most helpful comment
I will do tonight! Sorry guys for long delay.