Rust: Async fn does not compile if lifetime does not appear in bounds (sometimes)

Created on 27 Jul 2019  Â·  17Comments  Â·  Source: rust-lang/rust


use std::marker::PhantomData;

trait Trait {}

async fn f<'a>(reference: &(), marker: PhantomData<dyn Trait>) {}

This fails with:

error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
 --> src/
7 | async fn f<'a>(reference: &(), marker: PhantomData<dyn Trait>) {}
  |                                                                ^
note: hidden type `impl std::future::Future` captures the scope of call-site for function at 7:64
 --> src/
7 | async fn f<'a>(reference: &(), marker: PhantomData<dyn Trait>) {}
  |                                                                ^^

I believe this should compile because:

  1. The non-async function with the same signature does compile;

    fn f<'a>(reference: &(), marker: PhantomData<dyn Trait>) {}
  2. Seemingly insignificant tweaks, like adding a wrapper struct, make it compile.

    struct Wrapper(PhantomData<dyn Trait>);
    async fn f<'a>(reference: &(), marker: Wrapper) {}

Mentioning @cramertj who fixed a similar error message in #59001.
Mentioning @nikomatsakis who touched this error message in #49041 and #61775.

rustc 1.38.0-nightly (c43753f91 2019-07-26)

A-async-await A-lifetimes AsyncAwait-Triaged C-bug F-async_await T-compiler

Most helpful comment

Hmm, it is probably worth revisiting this problem now that stabilization has happened.

All 17 comments

Check-in from WG-async-await meeting: I agree this is a bug -- it doesn't necessarily block stabilization (no fwd compat risk) but would definitely be a good one to fix. Marking as blocking + unclear for the moment and will return to it.

I did a bit of investigation. The error results because we have an inference variable ('_#3r) that seems to have no constraints, but must be equal to one of the captured regions (e.g., 'a). I haven't 100% figured out where this variable comes from, I imagine it's related to 'a though? In any case, the resolver basically winds up in a situation where it could pick any of the lifetimes but has no reason to prefer one over the other, and hence it reports an error.

OK, I think I see what's going on. It doesn't actually have much to do with the unused lifetime per se. What happens is this:

  • The type of the generated result is something like Foo<&'2 (), PhantomData<dyn Trait + '3>> -- i.e., it includes the types of the parameters, though with region variables in place of the known regions. Those types must be supertypes of the actual parameter types.
  • We capture the argument marker of type dyn Trait + 'static -- per the subtyping rules, we create the type dyn Trait + '3 for the type of this captured value, with the requirement that 'static: '3 -- as it happens, this is always true, so there is effectively no constraint on '3.
  • We do impose the constraint that '2 and '3 must both be equal to one of the free regions -- in this case, 'a or the anonymous lifetime of reference (which I'll call 'b).

So thus the region solvers get in a state where '3 must be equal to 'a, 'b, or 'static -- but any one of them would be a reasonable choice.

Removing the unused lifetime ('a) makes this an easy choice -- it can pick 'b, which is smaller than 'static. (Per the "least choice" rules we usually use.)

Removing the type and putting it into a struct (Wrapper) removes the lifetime variable altogether, as then we have Foo<&'2 (), Wrapper>, and there are no lifetime parameters involved.

I'm not sure what I think is the best fix. It would be nice for the solver to pick 'static, though it complicates the algorithm. You could certainly imagine a tweak that picks 'static if the value is legal and otherwise looks for a least choice. That might indeed be superior to the current approach, though I'd want to think about the full implications -- in particular, when impl Trait is used in places outside of the fn return type (e.g., in a let statement), picking 'static might lead to unnecessary borrow check errors. (The alternative would be to only look for 'static when there is no least choice; that seems safer.)

(Interestingly, at some point at least I thought that a polonius-like approach sidesteps a lot of the challenges here-- if we had confidence that we would transition that might ease some of my concerns.)

Now that I understand better what is happening, I don't feel this has to block stabilization -- in particular, I don't think that there is a forward compatibility risk from us improving the region inference algorithm. I don't think we would choose an algorithm that makes existing code illegal. =)

As such, I'm going to mark this as Deferred.

Here's another example of the same problem that doesn't have an unused lifetime (AFAIKT):

struct Foo;

impl Foo {
    async fn wat(&self, _: &'static str, _: Bar<'_>) {}

struct Bar<'a>(Box<dyn std::fmt::Debug + 'a>);
error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
 --> src/
4 |     async fn wat(&self, _: &'static str, _: Bar<'_>) {}
  |                                                      ^
note: hidden type `impl std::future::Future` captures the scope of call-site for function at 4:54
 --> src/
4 |     async fn wat(&self, _: &'static str, _: Bar<'_>) {}
  |                                                      ^^

error: aborting due to previous error

Removing any of the three arguments to the function allows it to compile.

I am also affected by this bug, where having both a reference and a box as parameters to a function causes the cryptic "hidden type for impl Trait captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds" :

trait Trait {}
async fn f<'a>(_a: &(), _b: Box<dyn Trait>) {}


Is there a resolution in sight ?

'a is unused in that function - if you remove the <'a> it compiles.

Ok, let me change it to something closer to what I had in my original code:

trait T {}
struct S;
impl S {
    async fn f(_a: &S, _b:&S, _c: Box<dyn T>) {}


I think I found another example of this:

trait T {}

struct L<A = Box<dyn T>> {
    value: A,

async fn test1(l: L, s1: &str, s2: &str) {


This example more or less represents what I met in my code (when I tried to pass a structure with a type parameter to an async function with the default value for this type parameter being a trait object), but it can be simplified by removing the default parameter assignment and passing the Box<dyn T> argument to L explicitly:

trait T {}

struct L<A> {
    value: A,

async fn test1(l: L<Box<dyn T>>, s1: &str, s2: &str) {


Curiously, if you replace async fn ... { ... } with fn ... -> impl Future { async { ... } }, the error goes away:

use std::future::Future;

trait T {}

struct L<A> {
    value: A,

fn test1(l: L<Box<dyn T>>, s1: &str, s2: &str) -> impl Future<Output=()> {
    async {


It is important to note that the test1 function has two additional arguments. If you remove one or both of them, it starts compiling again:

trait T {}

struct L<A> {
    value: A,

async fn test2(l: L<Box<dyn T>>, s1: &str) {

async fn test3(l: L<Box<dyn T>>) {


@netvl 's comment is a minimal reproduction of what I ran into. I had a function async f(a: &CacheA, b: &CacheB, c: &CacheC, d: Arc<dyn Client>). If I remove two of the cache arguments it compiles. As soon as I add one back in it gives me the title error.

Hmm, it is probably worth revisiting this problem now that stabilization has happened.

Any word on this? I'm getting this error as well.

pub async fn publish(
    conn: &mut StateConnection,
    file: &FileID,
    user: &UserID,
    latest: ChangeID,
    mut subscribers: Vec<Box<dyn ChangeSubscriber>>,
) -> Result<(), ObjError> {
    let to_publish = gather_changes(conn, file, latest).await?;
    for sub in subscribers {
        sub.get_changes(file, user, latest, &to_publish).await?;

Changing mut subscribers: Vec<Box<dyn ChangeSubscriber>> to subscribers: &mut Vec<Box<dyn ChangeSubscriber>> fixes the issue. Only problem is that I actually want to move that vector in because I want to tokio::spawn each call to get_changes.

No progress or major updates. The description here is still accurate as to the root cause, but I think we don't yet know the best fix.

this is going to become a problem now that #72459 is merged.

It makes it impossible to implement IntoFuture for types with lifetimes, when the future that's returned is unnameable.


pub struct Request<'a> {

impl<'a> Request<'a> {
    async fn send(self) -> Result<(), Error> {

// does not compile
// "cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements"
impl<'a> IntoFuture for Request<'a> {
    type Output = Result<(), Error>;
    type Future = impl Future<Output = Self::Output>;

    fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {

// does not compile
// "hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds"
impl<'a> IntoFuture for Request<'a> {
    type Output = Result<(), Error>;
    type Future = impl Future<Output = Self::Output> + 'a;

    fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {

Here's another very simple example:

struct SomeStruct<'a> {
    s: &'a str,

async fn something_asynchronous(_a: &'static str, _b: &str, _c: &SomeStruct<'_>) {}
error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
 --> src/
6 | async fn something_asynchronous(_a: &'static str, _b: &str, _c: &SomeStruct<'_>) {}
  |                                                                                  ^
note: hidden type `impl std::future::Future` captures lifetime smaller than the function body
 --> src/
6 | async fn something_asynchronous(_a: &'static str, _b: &str, _c: &SomeStruct<'_>) {}
  |                                                                                  ^

Removing any of the 3 parameters makes the code compile. Alternatively, removing the static lifetime of _a (→ _a: &str) makes it compile as well.


I get the following error that matches what everyone is also getting:

error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
  --> src/
91 |     ) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: hidden type `impl futures::Future` captures lifetime smaller than the function body
  --> src/
91 |     ) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
pub type BoxError = Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;

    pub async fn run_profile(
        app_config: &AppiConfig,
        app_args: ArgMatches<'static>,
    ) -> Result<(), BoxError> {

Another case showed up yesterday:

async fn test(test: &String, test2: &String, test3: &'static String) {}
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