Since we are looking to consolidate corefx and coreclr repos together, it is worth understanding who the area owners are for each area label in coreclr. This might be implicitly known by the coreclr members but if we can identify that, then the labeler can reliably set owners as reviewers to issues/PR at the time of assigning labels.
The existing list of area owners maintained for corefx can be found here:
The goal of this issue is to compile something similar to the issue-guide above (as a single source of truth), but for coreclr instead.
Below is the list of areas identified thus far:
| Area | Owners |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| area-AssemblyLoader | @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas |
| area-Build | @dotnet/coreclr-infra |
| area-CodeGen | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib |
| area-CrossGen/NGEN | @fadimounir |
| area-crossgen2 | @nattress @MichalStrehovsky @trylek @fadimounir |
| area-Diagnostics | @tommcdon |
| area-ExceptionHandling | @janvorli |
| area-GC | @Maoni0 |
| area-Host | @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas |
| area-ILTools | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib |
| area-Infrastructure | @dotnet/coreclr-infra |
| area-Interop | @jeffschwMSFT @AaronRobinsonMSFT |
| area-Meta | @joperezr |
| area-Meta-corelib | @joperezr |
| area-Microsoft.CSharp | mentioned here |
| area-PAL | @janvorli |
| area-R2RDump | @nattress |
| area-ReadyToRun | @fadimounir |
| area-SDK | @janvorli |
| area-Serialization | mentioned here |
| area-System.Buffers | mentioned here |
| area-System.Collections | mentioned here |
| area-System.Data.SqlClient | mentioned here |
| area-System.Diagnostics | @tommcdon + what is mentioned here |
| area-System.Diagnostics.Process | mentioned here |
| area-System.Diagnostics.Tracing | mentioned here |
| area-System.Drawing | mentioned here |
| area-System.Globalization | mentioned here |
| area-System.IO | mentioned here |
| area-System.IO.Pipelines | mentioned here |
| area-System.Linq.Expressions | mentioned here |
| area-System.Memory | mentioned here |
| area-System.Net | mentioned here |
| area-System.Numerics | mentioned here |
| area-System.Reflection | mentioned here |
| area-System.Reflection.Emit | mentioned here |
| area-System.Resources | mentioned here |
| area-System.Runtime | mentioned here |
| area-System.Runtime.Extensions | mentioned here |
| area-System.Security | mentioned here |
| area-System.Threading | mentioned here |
| area-System.Threading.Tasks | mentioned here |
| area-System.Transactions | mentioned here |
| area-TieredCompilation | @kouvel |
| area-Tracing | @sywhang @josalem |
| area-TypeSystem | @davidwrighton @MichalStrehovsky @fadimounir |
| area-VM | @sergiy-k ?
cc @jeffschwMSFT as a repo owner.
area-CodeGen - @BruceForstall or @dotnet/jit-contrib
area-Infrastructure - @dotnet/coreclr-infra
area-R2RDump- @nattress
@maryamariyan It is a bit crusty, but has some context.
area-Interop - @jeffschwMSFT @AaronRobinsonMSFT
area-AssemblyLoader - @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas
area-Host - @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas
area-GC - @Maoni0
area-Diagnostics - @tommcdon
area-ExceptionHandling - @janvorli
/cc @jaredpar
Thank you for the responses. Please feel free to update my comment above containing the table with the appropriate entries.
cc: @richlander @jkotas
area-CrossGen/NGEN area-crossgen2 -- @nattress ?
area-VM -- @sergiy-k ?
area-System.Threading, area-System.Threading.Tasks -- @kouvel ?
area-PAL -- @janvorli
area-CrossGen/NGEN @fadimounir
area-crossgen2 @nattress @MichalStrehovsky @trylek @fadimounir
area-ReadyToRun @fadimounir
The owners for area-System.*
should be identical to CoreFX. Link to the CoreFX doc to avoid duplication?
Thanks @jkotas. Updated table by linking to that page for area-System.* items.
about 5 more areas left. I guess area-Meta and area-Meta-corelib can also be combined with the corefx area-Meta.
What is left is area-Snap, area-Setup and area-Tracing
area-Tracing: @sywhang @josalem ?
area-Setup, area-Snap: these don't exist
Thanks @BruceForstall.
I see that area-Setup and area-Snap are labels for core-setup repo.
They got populated in my list above because the below (originally coreclr) issues were transferred to core-setup and I read labels from them.
I'll ignore them. Thanks.
area-System.Threading, area-System.Threading.Tasks -- should be same as other table, updated
area-TieredCompilation -- @kouvel, updated
Closing as the table is now complete.
Thanks everyone for your help and contribution on filling out the blanks.
Most helpful comment
Closing as the table is now complete.
Thanks everyone for your help and contribution on filling out the blanks.