Exactly matching gem is displayed twice in search

Created on 31 Mar 2018  路  5Comments  路  Source: rubygems/

2018-03-31 9 02 06
This is redundant


  • Remove EXACT MATCH
    2018-03-31 9 03 52


  • Remove from the list
    2018-03-31 9 04 25
design enhancement

All 5 comments

I'm not quite familiar with ElasticSearch. But if we think it's not good design, just remove exactly matched one from search results.

@segiddins @m1kit I'll like to handle this issue

I was able to set up the application locally but I haven't been able to replicate the issue stated above.

This is what is displayed when I search for a gem e.g capybara on my local

This is what is displayed when I search for the same gem on production

I'll be truly grateful if someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you
@m1kit @segiddins

This is what is displayed when I search for a gem e.g capybara on my local

When only one gem is found in search result, we redirect directly to the gem page (code). If you really care about your local set up matching our prod, you can load our data dump. Alternatively, you can also create more gems with capybara word in it using rails c.

Closed by #2140

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