Availablity of locale "de"

Created on 19 Mar 2016  路  7Comments  路  Source: rubygems/

When will be the German-translated RubyGems website for everybody available:

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Ah, we just needed to add it to the list of available locales. I've added it here:

All 7 comments

As soon as you submit a pull request! ;)

There is no designated or special "team" working on translations, we just accept them as they come in.

@nateberkopec I already submitted a PR (#1140). :smile:

See the file here:!

Ah, we just needed to add it to the list of available locales. I've added it here:

@dwradcliffe :+1: Thanks.

When will this updated with the website?

Should be deployed in the next hour or so.

Thanks for the information! :smile:

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