Rq: RQ Worker returns: ModuleNotFound: No module named 'xxxx'

Created on 20 Apr 2018  路  6Comments  路  Source: rq/rq

Hi there,
this is not properly an issue but I help I can find some help over here since I am following a very basic python-rq example described at http://python-rq.org/docs/ and it does not work properly.

I created two python files as follows:

`import requests

def count_words_at_url(url):
resp = requests.get(url)
return len(resp.text.split())`

`from rq import Queue
from redis import Redis
import time
import requests_test

redis_conn = Redis()
q = Queue('TT', connection=redis_conn) # no args implies the default queue
job = q.enqueue(requests_test.count_words_at_url, 'http://nvie.com')

So I executed the rq_test_1.py several times in order to add jobs to the queue. After that I started my worker by typing "rqworker TT" on a terminal console (Linux).

The worker gets the jobs but it can't execute them since it cannot find the requests_test module.

What did I do wrong?
WorkerLog: https://ibb.co/hiCQ7S

Most helpful comment

What does your directory structure look like? In what directory are you starting the worker? What happens if you try something like the "Bypassing Workers" section: http://python-rq.org/docs

All 6 comments

What does your directory structure look like? In what directory are you starting the worker? What happens if you try something like the "Bypassing Workers" section: http://python-rq.org/docs

Please check your import paths and make sure that your code can import requests

Hi, @selwin and @yosemitebandit I think it is not the perfect solution to this question. I am using it with Django and I have a similar problem, RQ's enqueue function can not able to find imported function and also want some specific reason for this. I also searched a lot for this. There is no discussion on it in documentation also.

Hello guys, I'm facing the same problem.

It is possible to have a sample or blueprint in order to understand why this happens. I'm sure is something about my path but after 3 hours I have no solution to this issue.

@matabares If you are using the Django framework than you can use

import django

And if you are not using the Django then make sure that you give the path of the relevent setting file to your worker script.
I hope it will work.

For me this portion of the docs was useful: https://python-rq.org/docs/workers/#performance-notes

In particular, the file in which I was starting my workers via

w = Worker(qs)

did not import the function I was trying to add to the queue, thus the worker did not know that function existed

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