Hi there! In #162, OctoPi was added to the OS list - thanks for that, that's been a huge improvement for the OctoPrint community!
Today I'd like to request a change of the os-list
JSON snippet to this:
"name": "OctoPi",
"description": "A Raspberry Pi distribution for 3D printers. Ships OctoPrint out-of-the-box.",
"website": "https://octopi.octoprint.org",
"icon": "https://octopi.octoprint.org/rpi-imager.png",
"subitems_url": "https://octopi.octoprint.org/rpi-imager.json"
The goal is to change the JSON URL to a new canonical place and also add a website as recently suggested by @ghollingworth.
Pinging @guysoft so he can confirm.
I confirm :)
Thank you, just confirmed!
Most helpful comment