Rpi-imager: [OS Request] OctoPi-Klipper

Created on 9 Jan 2022  路  16Comments  路  Source: raspberrypi/rpi-imager

Update: Fixed and tested
I am the maintainer of OctoPi-Klipper and OctoPi.
OctoPi addition went pretty well, I wish to add OctoPi-Klipper too.
There is an issue with the manual install documented on Klippers issue tracker here: https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/pull/4635
Publishing the images makes it accessiable as mainline OctoPi.

Following instructions as here: https://github.com/raspberrypi/rpi-imager/issues/162

Note that it should go in the Other spesific purpose OS section.

    "os_list": [
            "name": "OctoPi-Klipper",
            "description": "Includes the OctoPrint host software for 3d printers and Klipper 3D printer firmware service",
            "icon": "https://github.com/guysoft/OctoPi-Klipper/raw/main/media/rpi-imager-OctoPi-Klipper.png",
            "subitems_url": "https://unofficialpi.org/rpi-imager/rpi-imager-octopi-klipper.json"

And the json file is in place:

The json file is built automatically using github actions now :)

Tested locally and it works

OS request

Most helpful comment

It is fine since "subitems_url" is used.
Problem was with nested inline "subitems" nodes.

All 16 comments

This is a sub-category of OctoPi list now.

I don't think you can do this. Version 1.6 of RPi-Imager will crash when you select this menu...

@ghollingworth It seems to work for me on 1.6.2, and the one that introduced it was @foosel so I assume it works for her too.
In what scenario is it expected to crash?

I tested on the platform I have immediate access to (Windows) and assumed since it worked there I thought it was fine and supported.

Can roll it back for now to not cause crashes, if that is indeed happening on other platforms, but for cases like this it would be good if there was some kind of JSON schema or some other form of dependable spec for the supported JSON structure, since apparently it is not self documenting and recursive (as in, looking at the master document does not hint at what works in sub trees).

edit now also tested under Linux and couldn't repro any crashes, selected through all OctoPi submenus. What am I supposed to see, when should it crash?

edit 2 asked a buddy with access to a Mac and he can't repro either. Everything on RPi Imager 1.6.2.

It is fine since "subitems_url" is used.
Problem was with nested inline "subitems" nodes.

Thank you for clarifying @maxnet!

Ah ok,

So we'll remove the upper level Klipper entry

Please don't confuse Klipper with Octo-Klipper 馃槄 Octo-Klipper did never made it into your main json file last I checked, which is why I put it into the OctoPi one to help out Guy. Octo-Klipper is OctoPrint with Klipper, but I think there might also be a Klipper-only image, possibly with other frontend alternatives on board.

Well, everything is now in rpi-image if you check (i.e. as of the last hour or so...)


All of these are not in the v2 json file, but if they were meant to be, I'll add them now.

Give it a go now. I've added the OctoPi-Klipper entry as well, so it can be removed from OctoPi's json.

I can understand the good intentions, but please don't use your own json files to circumvent the right process.

Good point, the v2 file cannot have the sub-menu. Those will have to wait for a couple of days until we release a new rpi-imager update

Give it a go now. I've added the OctoPi-Klipper entry as well, so it can be removed from OctoPi's json.

Can confirm. And the submenu-url from OctoPi's json should be gone too, see the above commit.

I can understand the good intentions, but please don't use your own json files to circumvent the right process.

Noted. It was merely an attempt at helping out, no harm intended :)

@ghollingworth Suggestion: If you guys have some kind of documentation, or even open the wiki here so we could document what should work, it would be spec-tacular :)

@XECDesign We have no intention to go against due process. After the comment that this can actually break something @foosel removed the klipper entry. And after @maxnet 's comment that it should be fine it was added back again. We don't enjoy doing multiple work as do you. I do think though that rpi-imager has lots of potential to make people flash and boot usage-specific stuff on their pis. And that its worth figuring out how it all comes together.

Quick correction to that, I didn't remove things in between these two time points as I was still assessing the situation and the "all good" from @maxnet came before I did the deed. But now the OctoPi-Klipper subentry is gone, the nightlies however are still in there (as a subitem url, not as subitems).

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