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What is the current behavior?
My app renders fine with no errors but I can't seem to figure out why I keep getting this warning:
index.js:1446 Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
in ArtistProfile (at App.js:51)
in component (created by Route)
api-calls.js (Here's a link):
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
user: {},
spotifyAPI: {}
componentDidMount() {
if (user_token) {
sessionStorage.setItem('access_token', user_token)
spotifyAPI: new spotifyAPI( user_token )
} else if (sessionStorage.getItem('access_token')) {
spotifyAPI: new spotifyAPI( sessionStorage.getItem('access_token') )
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.spotifyAPI !== prevState.spotifyAPI)
.then(data => this.setState({user: data}))
render() {
const { user, spotifyAPI } = this.state
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('access_token')
return (
<div className="App">
{ (spotifyAPI.user_token && user)
? (<div className="logged-in">
<div style={{width: "250px", height: "100%", position: "relative", float: "left"}} >
<Nav image={user.images ? user.images[0].url : null} user={user} />
<main id="main">
<Route path={`/${user.type}/${}`} exact component={() => <Home spotifyAPI={spotifyAPI} />} />
<Route path="/artist/" component={() => <ArtistProfile spotifyAPI={spotifyAPI} />} />
: <div onClick={() => window.location = "http://localhost:8888/login"} >log in</div>
const ArtistProfile = props => {
const [artistData, setArtistData] = useState(null)
const { getArtist, getArtistAlbums, getArtistTopTracks } = props.spotifyAPI
useEffect(() => {
const id = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop()
const ac = new AbortController()
getArtist(id, ac),
getArtistAlbums(id, ["album"],"US", 10, 0, ac),
getArtistTopTracks(id, "US", ac)
.then(response => {
artist: response[0],
artistAlbums: response[1],
artistTopTracks: response[2]
.catch(ex => console.error(ex))
return () => ac.abort()
}, [])
return (
{artistData ? => {
return (
: null}
What is the expected behavior?
If you can see in ArtistProfile.js I am using a clean up function that aborts when the component does unmount. The fetch would be aborted and state shouldn't update but for some reason I am still getting this memory leak warning.
What I am expecting is for the warning to no longer throw because am using a clean up function that aborts the fetch.
Link to repo:
My stackoverflow question:
Which versions of React, and which browser
React 16.8.2
Latest version of Chrome
What I am expecting is for the warning to no longer throw because am using a clean up function that aborts the fetch.
If you're getting that warning, it means that your setState
call is still being executed. Are you sure your cancellation is working correctly? Have you verified that the cleanup function returned in useEffect
is being called when you expect it to be? If it is, then React is working as expected and you'll need to investigate why your cancellation isn't working.
Also it looks like you're under-specifying dependencies for your useEffect
hook. It uses methods from props.spotifyAPI
, but it doesn't declare them in the dependency array. We have an ESLint plugin that will catch problems like this for you.
When loading the component I added a console.log()
to the clean up function. The log gets called once when fetching data (not expected), and another when I click to a different page (what I expected). I don't know why it unmounts when loading data. But my clean up function should cancel requests.
Can you try and create a CodeSandbox that reproduces the problem? It's difficult to try and setup and run a full application that makes actual API calls and requires user tokens.
To avoid calling setState after unmount from a hook, you can use the useEffect callback to set a ref value on unmount, and use that as a guard in your promise callbacks to check whether the component is still mounted before updating state. Here's an example:
But to be honest you're probably better off not reinventing this wheel and use useAsync directly, because it's fully tested and covers other edge cases as well.
@ghengeveld Installing useAsync resolved the issue I was having
Let's keep it open though. There might be a false positive warning in some cases.
It would really help if you turned this into a CodeSandbox...
Alright I will try my best to recreate it maybe using another API like a weather API. The only reason I couldn't here was because I was using Spotify and you need to have an account to get an access token
I tried to recreate the warning but I'm not getting it to show in this demo
Hi, I was getting this warning as well.
To reproduce you need to unmount the component calling useEffect before the promise resolves.
I've edited the (CodeSandbox) to add a 5 second delay.
Steps to reproduce:
Since we can't cancel out a Promise here's an article that explains a workaround.
I believe it would make a nice QOL improvement to supress the warning (or even prevent promise execution) if the component is unmounted.
Something like returning the Promise in useEffect and let internals take care of the "isMounted" validation?
Edit2: Was not aware that useAsync was a thing
Edit: in your example try putting a console.log before the promise resolving (or rejecting) and see if it's being called. In my project I also got random warnings like those until I "guarded" all of the state updates on promises. Never saw one again.
Edit2: Took a look at the codebase, you're not using the signal on the fetch calls so the ac.abort call is not aborting them. Like so
Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component.
This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.
To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
const { adcode, regions = [] } = regionData;
const [regionName, setRegionName] = useState('all');
const [tableData, setTableData] = useState(regions);
useEffect(() => {
let isSubscribed = true;
// getRegionName(adcode).then(setRegionName);
getRegionName(adcode).then(() => {
if(isSubscribed) {
return setRegionName;
const promises = [];
regions.forEach(item => {
.then(name => { = name;})
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
.catch(() => console.log('error', item.code)),
.then(() => {
if(isSubscribed) {
return setTableData(regions.filter(({ name }) => !!name));
return () => isSubscribed = false;
}, [adcode, regionData, regions]);
How to clean up subscriptions in react components using AbortController
Facing same issue
Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
in ForwardRef (at PlanSelection.jsx:43)
const [planViewMinHight, setPlanViewMinHight] = useState(null);
const carouselRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
if (planViewMinHight !== carouselRef?.current?.clientHeight) {
}, [carouselRef, planViewMinHight]);
I have the similar issue, I have canceled the axios request, but I get this Warning only on the first unmount of a component. This warning does not happen on the next umount of a component.
See below codes:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import CurrentOperatingStatus from "./current-operating-status"
import { useDataApi } from './lib/data-api'
import Controllers from './cos-table'
export default function ContentOverall() {
const [{ data, isLoading, isError, }, doFetch] = useDataApi(
if (isError)
return <div> Something went wrong...</div>;
else if (isLoading || data === null)
return <div> Loading ...</div>;
else if (data && data.apiStatus.status == 'failure')
throw new Error(;
return (
<div id="content" className="d-block col-auto FsUI_content">
{/* content */}
{/* content header */}
<div className="w-100" id='1'>
<div className="row FsUI_content_header">
<div className="row d-xl-none w-100">
<ul className="nav FsUI_breadcrumbs">
<li>Overall Monitoring</li>
<div className="row w-100 FsUI_block" id='2'>
<CurrentOperatingStatus data={data?data.list:null} />
<div className="col-auto FsUI_block">
<div className="row align-items-end FsUI_block_header" id='1'>
<h6 className="FsUI_block_title">Current Operating Status List</h6>
<div className="FsUI_block_base" id='2'>
<Controllers data={data?data.list:null} />
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from "./axios";
const useDataApi = (initialUrl) => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [url, setUrl] = useState(initialUrl);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken;
const source = CancelToken.source();
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const result = await axios.get(url, {
cancelToken: source.token
} catch (error) {
if (axios.isCancel(error)) {
console.log('Request canceled', error.message);
} else {
// handle error
return () => {
source.cancel('Canceling HTTP request in useEffect cleanup function...');
}, [url]);
return [{ data, isLoading, isError, source }, setUrl];
export { useDataApi };
I have a similar problem
I open a websocket connection and store it in a useState, I pass that connection into props for 4 routes.
Every time I launch an "emit" on these pages, I get an error like that for each route I visited before
This is the code of my page
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { useCookies } from "react-cookie";
import api from "../../services/api";
import apiHeader from "../../utils/apiHeader";
import ModalCaller from "../../components/modalCaller";
const WaitingPage = ({ websocket }) => {
const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);
const [passwords, setPasswords] = useState([]);
const [pass, setPass] = useState(false);
const [cookies] = useCookies(["token"]);
const handleToggleModalCaller = (toggle, currentPass) => {
websocket.emit("call", { pass: currentPass });
// Eventos websocket
useEffect(() => {
if (websocket) {
websocket.on("call", pass => {
setPasswords(passwords.filter(value => !==;
// Carrega senhas na fila
useEffect(() => {
api.get("/passwords?status=1", apiHeader(cookies.token)).then(res => {
}, [cookies.token]);
return (
<main className="adminPageBody">
{menuOpen && <ModalCaller setState={setMenuOpen} pass={pass} />}
<h3>Aguardando ({passwords.length})</h3>
{, i) => (
<div className="card" key={i}>
<button onClick={() => handleToggleModalCaller(true, pass)}>
export default WaitingPage;
Is is so bad to leave this warning ? Does it really impact performances ?
I've been wondering about the case where you would want to dispatch actions anyways (for example after a PUT/POST request where you want to update your context even if the component umounts).
Then you would have to handle a "cancel logic" in your context (in case your context is unmounted).
I tried it in the "Fetch and store in a context" example here.
This looks painful though, shouldn't we be able to tell react to ignore the call and not have a warning ?
The solution to this problems it to use a flag to check if a component is unmounted, avoid setting state update, as the following in a useEffect hook.
let ignore = false;
if (!ignore)
return () => {
ignore = true;
The solution to this problems it to use a flag to check if a component is unmounted, avoid setting state update, as the following in a useEffect hook.
let ignore = false; . . . if (!ignore) setServerError(errors); return () => { ignore = true; }
Yes but what if you're dispatching actions to a context and want to dispatch even if the component unmounts ? For exemple you have a popin with a form that change the color of your website. You would still want to update the website color even if the user has closed the popin while the API call was still being processed
How about exposing (exporing) a setColor from a top level component that is always mounted, and use this setColor inside popin component?
Well yeah this would work but that's not the point, you could have a context that is not always mounted. The question being "What happens when react prints this warning", is it harmful in some way ? If so how should we handle aisMounted
boolean in the contexts ?
Esto me ayudo mucho
Well yeah this would work but that's not the point, you could have a context that is not always mounted. The question being "What happens when react prints this warning", is it harmful in some way ? If so how should we handle a
boolean in the contexts ?
@gaearon @bvaughn Any thoughs on this ?
It's so stupid such BS exists out of the box, I'll leave a compilation for not-a-lot-of-time-at-hand-but-dont-wana-pollute-code-with-bs-boilerplate-either-people.
(performance), but go right ahead, better than this nonsense, this is half the cure@TomPradat What's harmful is the lack of one's thought alignment with useEffect
. The docs haven't been updated since adaptation phase, so they still say it's a cool replacement of lifecycle methods. It's tricky understanding what's under the hood just like flux was when it first came out, but you should get right to it instead of circling around the warning.
I'm not circling around the warning, I'm trying to understand if there is an idiomatic way to handle this that i would have missed.
I don't want to overly complicate my apps for edge cases that will rarely happen. Though I'm interested what ppl think about those edge cases. What's more I'm not sure that "wanting to update a context after a POST request" is such a rare use case.
I'll take a look at the useLayoutEffect
hook 馃憤
I get the impression that an isMounted
flag will mitigate the race condition in most cases. But there could still be a problem if the component unmounts after the callback guard is evaluated, but just before a state update is scheduled with the fetch payload. It doesn't look like this can be fixed by using the lifecycle methods of class components either.
In practice, this could only be an issue if an impatient user navigates away just as the data comes in.
I dont understand the solutions given here. Am also facing same issue
return () => { ignore = true; }
It is obvious that if this simple trick makes the difference it's because React is bad designed. They cared so much about the management of the state that the state ended up managing them.
Most helpful comment
same question
cancel promise solution