I am not sure where to post this question, feel free to delete it if it doesn't belong here.
Here is a small Accordion with AccordionPanels. It uses hooks to manage state and when some panel is opened we need to scroll to it, so we need a ref.
My question is: Is this how hooks are supposed to be used? Do you see some problems with this approach?
function App() {
const panels = [
'Panel 1',
'Panel 2',
'Panel 3'
const [currentIndex, onClick, refs] = useAccordion(panels.length);
return <Accordion>
{panels.map((panel, index) => (
isOpen={currentIndex === index}
onClick={() => onClick(index)}
function useAccordion(panelsCount) {
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(undefined);
let refs = {};
for (let i = 0; i <= panelsCount; i++) {
refs[i] = createRef();
useEffect(() => {
if (currentIndex !== undefined) {
}, [currentIndex]);
function onClick(newIndex) {
setCurrentIndex(currentIndex === newIndex ? undefined : newIndex);
return [currentIndex, onClick, refs];
const AccordionPanel = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const containerRef = useRef();
useImperativeMethods(ref, () => ({
scrollTo: () => console.info('do scrolling')
return <div onClick={props.onClick} ref={containerRef}>
{props.label}, {props.isOpen && 'open'}
function Accordion(props) {
return <div>{props.children}</div>;
The part that looks shady to me is this:
let refs = {};
for (let i = 0; i <= panelsCount; i++) {
refs[i] = createRef();
That should, I think, happen only once. useRef()
would make more sense to me but it doesn't allow lazy initialization.
A workaround for lazy init is:
let ref = useRef();
if (ref.current == null) {
ref.current = ...;
(Edited to use ref.current
not ref
Edit from @gaearon: see also https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14490#issuecomment-454973512 for a potentially nicer pattern.
You mean ref.current
Is it possible to use useRef
inside of loops?
@gaearon Sorry, edited.
So is putting refs inside of state a good idea? This is the only way I managed to put it inside of useEffect
. Otherwise it doesn't seem to work.
const [refs, setRefs] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
let refs = {};
for (let i = 0; i <= panelsCount; i++) {
refs[i] = createRef();
}, []);
Hmm sounds complicated. Just refs alone should work. Mind posting this as a code sandbox?
I created a fork of the sandbox:
This does not solve the original problem, that we can't really have an array of refs.
But it does seem like a clean workaround to me at least for this particular usecase.
I'm happy to receive feedback on this.
This doesn't preserve old refs if panelsCount
changes (they'll be reattached after the current render commits), but you can use useMemo
for this:
const refs = React.useMemo(() =>
{ length: panelsCount },
() => React.createRef()
There are really good reasons why hooks can't be used in loops and this seems to try to be clever and workaround it but will inevitably only hit the same problems. The solution is to create a separate component for each items so that each item can have separate state (with keys, not index!).
This leaves the problem that you might require two passes to figure out which the currentIndex is. That's what the "Call/Return" thing is supposed to solve but it doesn't exist yet so the best you can do is the two passes.
How do you envision writing this without lifting state to the parent component?
Activating one of the children implies de-activating its siblings.
Although the side-effect of scrolling to the child can be done by the child themselves (Element#scrollIntoView
I guess there is currently no true idiomatic way of dealing with sets of refs. The issue is that the set itself grows or shrinks between updates but the true value changes in the commit phase as a side-effect. I think for most cases, you just want to change the set as a side-effect too. You can do that simply by mutating a persistent Map.
If you're dealing with raw children and want a ref to each item in the list, you should use the React.Children helpers to create a list where each item has a unique key.
Then you can attach a ref to that which stores the result in a Map based on that key.
let refs = useRef(new Map()).current;
let childrenWithKeys = React.Children.toArray(children);
return childrenWithKeys.map(child =>
React.cloneElement(child, {ref: inst => inst === null ? refs.delete(child.key) : refs.set(child.key, inst)})
If it is a custom data structure like the example above then you can do the same thing but that data structure needs a key as part of it:
const panels = [
{key: 'a', name: 'Panel 1' },
{key: 'b', name: 'Panel 2' },
{key: 'c', name: 'Panel 3' },
let refs = useRef(new Map()).current;
return panels.map(panel =>
ref={inst => inst === null ? refs.delete(panel.key) : refs.set(panel.key, inst)}
isOpen={currentKey === panel.key}
onClick={() => onClick(panel.key)}
Regarding lazily initializing useRef
, our recommendation is here: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14490#issuecomment-454973512.
@gaearon I can't uderstand why I have to use useImperativeHandle
hook when I use forwardRef
in my functional component.
For instance I have something parent component, when I create ref and send this ref to children component:
export const SliderWithTabs = ({
}) => {
const slidesCollection = useRef(null);
And I return array of refs from children components
export const Tabs = forwardRef(
({ items }, ref) => {
const tabRef = items.map(() => useRef(null));
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => tabRef.map(({ current }) => current));
return (
{items.map(({ key, title }, index) => (
Example above works for me! But I can't understand why I can not use forward ref without useImperativeHandle. Next Example doesn't work:
export const SliderWithTabs = ({
}) => {
const slidesCollection = sliderItems.map(() => useRef(null));
And I return array of refs from children components
export const Tabs = forwardRef(
({ items }, ref) => {
return (
{items.map(({ key, title }, index) => (
When children component mount I can get my array of refs and this will be [{current: null}, {current: null} ...]
. But next component update I get just null
instead array of refs. And I see I have to use useImperativeHandle
always. But I don't understand why I get null
instead array of refs?
Most helpful comment
I guess there is currently no true idiomatic way of dealing with sets of refs. The issue is that the set itself grows or shrinks between updates but the true value changes in the commit phase as a side-effect. I think for most cases, you just want to change the set as a side-effect too. You can do that simply by mutating a persistent Map.
If you're dealing with raw children and want a ref to each item in the list, you should use the React.Children helpers to create a list where each item has a unique key.
Then you can attach a ref to that which stores the result in a Map based on that key.
If it is a custom data structure like the example above then you can do the same thing but that data structure needs a key as part of it: