error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module path
from node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/item.js
: path could not be found within the project.
If you are sure the module exists, try these steps:
Describe what you expected to happen:
I am writing a code that suddenly reports an error. I did not install any new plugins or versions before or after the error caused me to be overwhelmed. The problem is now. After installing 'path', react-native reports an error 'fs' not found. I think
Anxious for help
Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:
Any help?
observing the same mistake
@afeichuanqi Did you find a solution? I've tried all the steps rn told me too and still get the same error. cant work
I am currently having the exactly same problem.
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from @babel/core.
That helped me.
after that remove
import { loadPartialConfig } from '@babel/core';
everything go right
I found I imported resolvePlugin from '@babel/core' accidently.
import {resolvePlugin} from '@babel/core'; I think this imported while I typing resolve automatically, also I am using vscode.
I remove it and it's working well.
Thanks @chronikum
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from @babel/core.
That helped me.
I faced the same problem and I tried as you said. It's resolved.
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from @babel/core.
That helped me.
That helped... you saved my life man ... * stars for you :)
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from @babel/core.
That helped me.
Thank you, I imported { transform } from '@babel/core'
Or sometimes this happen because you imported something from "jest-resolve"
I am using VSCode and it inserted import { types } from '@babel/core'
accidently to cause this error.
Please make sure to prevent any imports from @babel/core
in the codes.
check your current working JS file, you may accidentally or your editor inserted the import { anything } from '@babel/core';
Remove it and it will work.
Thank, you save my life
check your current working JS file, you may accidentally or your editor inserted the import { anything } from '@babel/core';
Remove it and it will work.
thank you
In vscode it automatically imported from @babel/core. I removed it and problem resolve thanks for @valerit and @farazAdnare
@MebDevelop @chronikum In which file did you find it, I already checked each one that I noticed, I can't find any that have that import
Most helpful comment
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from @babel/core.
That helped me.