Quran_android: Reward for reading Quran

Created on 15 Jan 2018  路  7Comments  路  Source: quran/quran_android

I was thinking of tracking the reading of Quran by audio and video and reward the reader with cryptocurrency or digital currency. Anyone would be interested in seeing this feature implemented? The algorithms would be a little complex but it's doable. What do you guys think?

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No, they don't necessarily need to be able to use the points. See, for example, how stack exchange network sites work.

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Cryptocurrency? )) Simply give them some points, that'd do the job.

They need to be able to 'use' the points/coins. Maybe company can partner to provide products or services that can be purchased with the coins.

No, they don't necessarily need to be able to use the points. See, for example, how stack exchange network sites work.

Usable points will give more incentive to read like this walking app https://sweatco.in/hi/bustamamharun

Although I see what you are saying, the problem would come with people trying to abuse it.

closing for now

@ibnharoon sweatcoin points are basically unusable.

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