am i allowed
Why would you want to do that?
i want to join all feature include as sunnah and al qur an
People ask for that but I think it is better to work together and improve one app.
i want to join all feature include as sunnah and al qur an
Yes, you can make modifications, build a new app and publish in Play Store. However,
but , am i allowed to monetize the modificated source then the earning i will donate to suriah , idlib and other country that need help
According to the License
You can use the code for commercial gain. The question is how are you going to do it. Some people just put ads everywhere which would not be nice.
ads are annoying & disturbing for islamic apps.
many times a improper picture of non-mahram woman may appear in ad; which is not at all expected by islamic app users specially in Quran app.
so I am strongly agianst ads.
if someone want to monetize, he can make the app paid. or make option to donate if any one wants to. but not by ads!
That is interesting. Why isn't there a donation button on the current app?
We can call it buy coffee for the developers? 5$
You guys work hard. I would not mind donating.
maybe i will block the porn ads sources ,but let me add the ads outside the main quran ,
please don't do this -
if you want to use ads, please write your own app without using any of our code or content.
even if you block porn ads; there is chance that images of non-mahram may appear. cause for muslims we have to lower our gaze.
it includes women who may not be in improper dress; but her hair/face is open.
i dont think there will be any way to block all woman (i dont mean porn; i mean every improper/proper woman without hijab).
that is unexpected by islamic app users. they dont use islamic apps to do zina of eyes, right?
brother, ahmed i recently wanted to donate on your Quran project. but the donation is showing that you dont accept donations.
can you tell me how can i donate in your app?
jazakAllah khairan @Abdullah076 - we don't have a donation option right now, most importantly, please keep us in your du3a insha'Allah :)
closing, please re-open if necessary
Most helpful comment
People ask for that but I think it is better to work together and improve one app.