Pygithub: Unable to publish new version to PyPI

Created on 21 Aug 2018  路  7Comments  路  Source: PyGithub/PyGithub

HTTPError: 400 Client Error: User 'pygithubtravis' does not have a verified primary email address. Please add a verified primary email before attempting to upload to PyPI. See for more information.for more information. for url:

PyGithub.egg-info/PKG-INFO already exists, no checkout
PyGithub.egg-info/SOURCES.txt already exists, no checkout
PyGithub.egg-info/dependency_links.txt already exists, no checkout
PyGithub.egg-info/requires.txt already exists, no checkout
PyGithub.egg-info/top_level.txt already exists, no checkout
Could not restore untracked files from stash entry
PyPI upload failed.
failed to deploy
project management

Most helpful comment

I've just published (Actually, it was published automatically by Travis when I pushed tag v1.43. That's good.)

I've also removed permissions from the @pygithubtravis PyPI user, and fixed permissions for actual maintainers: I am the only "Owner", and @jzelinskie and @sfdye are "Maintainers".

Let's not bother @ jayfk anymore: he must have moved on to other projects.

All 7 comments

Ping @jayfk

It seems only you have access to this account, so could you please help?

@jayfk please! there are large problems due to TLS on the current version

@jayfk +1 on this

ping @jayfk again

I've just published (Actually, it was published automatically by Travis when I pushed tag v1.43. That's good.)

I've also removed permissions from the @pygithubtravis PyPI user, and fixed permissions for actual maintainers: I am the only "Owner", and @jzelinskie and @sfdye are "Maintainers".

Let's not bother @ jayfk anymore: he must have moved on to other projects.

For reference, the Travis log of the successful release:

Thanks a lot @jacquev6 !

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