I've been using PWSH 6.1.1 since introduced and that shell has been working great, mostly.
Decided to give the 7.0.0-rc.2
a run...
.)# type a "$" (the first one is part of the prompt)
$ $β¬[104m
(I had to manually paste a box character above, since it didn't show in the github markup.)
PowerShell Version : 7.0.0-rc.2
OS Name : Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
OS Version : 6.3.9600 [2014-08-16 00:50:01]
OS BuildLabEx : 9600.19538
OS HAL : 6.3.9600.18969
OS Kernel : 6.3.9600.18217
OS UBR : 19599
on Host : xxxx
as User : xxxx
with Privilege : Administrator
ExecutionPolicy :
MachinePolicy : Undefined
UserPolicy : Undefined
Process : Undefined
CurrentUser : Bypass
LocalMachine : RemoteSigned
Console Settings:
Type : ConsoleHost
OutputEncoding : Unicode (UTF-8)
Color Capability : 151
Registry VT Level : 1
CodePage (input) : 437
CodePage (output) : 437
Mode (input) : 0x1f7
Mode (output) :
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 7.0.0-rc.2
PSEdition Core
GitCommitId 7.0.0-rc.2
OS Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600
Platform Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0β¦}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
WSManStackVersion 3.0
Related issue with further descriptions:
@E3V3A Can you install the GA version of the PowerShell 7.0.0 and see if you get the same problem? If the issue repros,
here.& {
$hostName = $Host.Name
if ($hostName -eq "ConsoleHost" -and (Get-Command Get-CimInstance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$id = $PID
$inWindowsTerminal = $false
while ($true) {
$p = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId Like $id"
if (!$p -or !$p.Name) { break }
if ($p.Name -eq "WindowsTerminal.exe") { $inWindowsTerminal = $true; break }
$id = $p.ParentProcessId
if ($inWindowsTerminal) { $hostName += " (Windows Terminal)" }
"`nPS version: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
$m = Get-Module PSReadline
$v = $m.Version; $pre = $m.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease
if ($pre) { $v = "$v-$pre" }
"PSReadline version: $v"
if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {
"os: $(uname -a)"
} else {
"os: $((dir $env:SystemRoot\System32\cmd.exe).VersionInfo.FileVersion)"
"PS file version: $($name = if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { "pwsh.dll" } else { "powershell.exe" }; (dir $pshome\$name).VersionInfo.FileVersion)"
"HostName: $hostName"
"BufferWidth: $([console]::BufferWidth)"
"BufferHeight: $([console]::BufferHeight)`n"
Hi @daxian-dbw , I'm no longer using 7.0.0, but problem persists for 7.1.0...
PS version: 7.1.0-preview.2
PSReadline version: 2.0.1
os: 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
PS file version:
HostName: ConsoleHost
BufferWidth: 160
BufferHeight: 9999
EditMode : Windows
AddToHistoryHandler : System.Func`2[System.String,System.Object]
HistoryNoDuplicates : True
HistorySavePath : C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadLine\ConsoleHost_history.txt
HistorySaveStyle : SaveIncrementally
HistorySearchCaseSensitive : False
HistorySearchCursorMovesToEnd : False
MaximumHistoryCount : 4096
ContinuationPrompt : >>
ExtraPromptLineCount : 0
PromptText :
BellStyle : Audible
DingDuration : 50
DingTone : 1221
CommandsToValidateScriptBlockArguments : {ForEach-Object, %, Invoke-Command, icmβ¦}
CommandValidationHandler :
CompletionQueryItems : 100
MaximumKillRingCount : 10
ShowToolTips : True
ViModeIndicator : None
WordDelimiters : ;:,.[]{}()/\|^&*-=+'"βββ
AnsiEscapeTimeout : 100
CommandColor : β[93m"`e[93m"β[0m
CommentColor : β[32m"`e[32m"β[0m
ContinuationPromptColor : β[37m"`e[37m"β[0m
DefaultTokenColor : β[37m"`e[37m"β[0m
EmphasisColor : β[96m"`e[96m"β[0m
ErrorColor : β[91m"`e[91m"β[0m
KeywordColor : β[92m"`e[92m"β[0m
MemberColor : β[97m"`e[97m"β[0m
NumberColor : β[97m"`e[97m"β[0m
OperatorColor : β[90m"`e[90m"β[0m
ParameterColor : β[90m"`e[90m"β[0m
SelectionColor : β[94;47m"`e[94;47m"β[0m
StringColor : β[36m"`e[36m"β[0m
TypeColor : β[37m"`e[37m"β[0m
VariableColor : β[92m"`e[92m"β[0m
@E3V3A Were you using the 2.1.0-beta1 version of PSReadLine even before switching to 7.1.0 preview of PowerShell? If so, itβs a known issue that the new predictive suggestion feature, which was introduced in 2.1.0-beta1, incorrectly spits out VT sequences on downlevel Windows OS. The fix is to disable the new feature when VT is not supported, which has been merged to master.
Can you please confirm if you see the same issue with the 2.0.1 version of PSReadLine?
I'm a bit confused to your comment. I have PSReadLine 2.0.1
, so what do you want me to do?
How do I install a different or later version of PSReadLine
in pwsh7?
Oops, I misread your comment. I mistakenly believed PowerShell 7.1 preview would ship the 2.1 beta versions of PSReadLine, and thus the question.
Never mind my previous ask then. I will need to get a Win 8.1 to repro this.
Can you tell me how to install and run a later PSReadLine ?
Maybe I can help test something...
Can you tell me how to install and run a later PSReadLine ?
Sure, you will find the "Upgrading" section helpful: https://github.com/PowerShell/PSReadLine#upgrading
You probably should avoid the 2.1.0-beta1 version of it, because it contains an experimental feature "Predictive Suggestion" that doesn't work well on downlevel Windows like Win 8.1. But knowing the upgrading instructions will help you get to latest PSReadLine in future.
Yes, now I tried latest PSReadLine, which seem faster and better (in general) but suffer same issue.
So, I think I've reached the limits what I can do to investigate.
Let me know if there's any other way I can help.
:warning: WARNING! :exclamation:
After having installed PSReadLine 2.1.0-beta1
, I was no longer able to remove it. I tried all possible Powershell commands but they all failed. The only solution was to force remove the entire installation directory found in:
The only way to find it was:
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name PSReadLine
For some reason, the installation ended up in the Users
directory instead of being under Program Files
which probably was causing the errors. (Admin files written to local user directories.)
I think you should be able to remove it by:
pwsh -nonprofile -noninteractive
from CMD.exeRemove-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ ModuleName = "PSReadLine"; ModuleVersion = "2.1" }
PSReadLine is loaded at powershell startup. Once the assembly is loaded, the assembly file on disk cannot be removed. Maybe that's why you couldn't uninstall it.
-noprofile -noninteractive
basically tells powershell to start without loading PSReadLine.
As I mentioned in the linked issue.
I think the issue is that that particular "blue" is a 24-bit color code, and on non Win10 shells, we don't have that. So that either PSReadLine should probably be fixed to accommodate by not attempting to output 24-bit colors, when not available or that powershell/pwsh is made to filter out those 24-bit escape codes, when found in stream.
@E3V3A Were you using the 2.1.0-beta1 version of PSReadLine even before switching to 7.1.0 preview of PowerShell? If so, itβs a known issue that the new predictive suggestion feature, which was introduced in 2.1.0-beta1, incorrectly spits out VT sequences on downlevel Windows OS. The fix is to disable the new feature when VT is not supported, which has been merged to master.
Ha, I wondered why I had to downgrade from 2.1.0-beta2 -> 2.1.0-beta1 to get the prediction history to work (Win 8.1, Win10 machines). I have downgraded the VSCode PowerShell extension to 2020.04 too (as 2020.06 has a hard stop on prediction history)
PS version: 7.1.0-preview.5
PSReadline version: 2.1.0-beta1
os: 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
PS file version:
HostName: Visual Studio Code Host
BufferWidth: 114
BufferHeight: 3000
Just tried to update to latest PSReadline but I still get garbage on command-line.
Any updates how to fix this?
PS. Again, I would like you to look into the issue I already mentioned above, about the 24-bit color code.
As mentioned here:
should select bright blue as the background color. The difference is that\e[0;104m
also resets the foreground color, font weight, underlining, etc. to defaults. But the console in Windows 7 supports neither of these.
So for W7/8 that code should probably be left out altogether, or filtered out for non VT-compatible terminals.
From here:
Bump? :question:
looks like an escape sequence used for terminal instructions like changing colour of text, e.g. "dotnet" is yellow in your screenshot, so there will be a "change colour to yellow" sequence before it, and a "change colour back to white" after it that get handled by the terminal and not shown as text. This[104m
is not being handled correctly and is breaking through where it shouldn't - maybe it's not written quite right.
is close to it, and would be setting an intense blue background, which you have as the background colour in your screenshot. So maybe that's what it is supposed to say, and has a missing0;
in it, so it's not handled as a colour, and is being printed as text.
... the space charter is displayed as what I believe is the Unicode code. If it was a Unicode space, it would look the same as any other space; Unicode was built so that all the basic English letters, numbers and symbols from American (ASCII) computers would be the same.
should select bright blue as the background color. The difference is that\e[0;104m
also resets the foreground color, font weight, underlining, etc. to defaults. But the console in Windows 7 supports neither of these.
Both from discussion in:
I suspect the problem is here somewhere...
But may also be related to #1110