The wiki requirements page recommends the following line to be run:
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396
From the PPA page, the current long-lived branch release is nvidia-410. Should this line be updated to:
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-410
Hello @leifmetcalf, that wiki page in general reflects the oldest known good driver that is required for support with Proton. The documentation should not be incrementally updated as new drivers come available, only when there is a functional difference that makes the older driver version unsupportable.
Additionally, 410.x doesn't support newer Vulkan extensions (such as the important VK_EXT_transform_feedback) yet. 396.x is factually their Vulkan driver.
@Rotscha Beware version numbers, though. 396.54 doesn't support transform feedback, but 396.54.9 (the Vulkan beta) does.
Most helpful comment
@Rotscha Beware version numbers, though. 396.54 doesn't support transform feedback, but 396.54.9 (the Vulkan beta) does.