Powershell: ForEach -Parallel $pwd

Created on 14 Sep 2019  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: PowerShell/PowerShell

Steps to reproduce

Go to some directory other then ~. Run 1 | % -Parallel {$pwd}

Expected behavior

Output should be the same as just $pwd

Actual behavior

Output is always the ~ directory.

Environment data

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.0.0-preview.3
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.0.0-preview.3
OS                             Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Tue Aug 20 16:57:14 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.271.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Platform                       Unix
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0
Area-Cmdlets-Core Issue-Question Resolution-Duplicate

Most helpful comment


Making Start-ThreadJob follow Start-Job's example generally makes sense, but note that:

(a) it already behaves differently from Start-Job

(b) even if that were to be fixed, Start-Job's behavior is unfortunate

(c) Ideally, we'd have a _consistent_ experience across _all_ job/thread-related features, meaning:

  • Start-Job
  • Start-ThreadJob
  • postpositional & to start a job
  • ForEach-Object -Parallel

The question now is:

Can we consider Start-Job's default-to-$HOME behavior a bug / something worth fixing as a Bucket 3: Unlikely Grey Area change, as argued by @iSazonov above?

If so, we can achieve the desired consistency, by making all features default to the _caller's current location_.

I'm certainly personally in favor of that, but I haven't looked into how likely it is that existing Start-Job code relies on $HOME to be the default directory.

All 13 comments

Runspaces is always initialized to FileSystemProvider and Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().

The behavior is certainly unexpected; there's no good reason for the current location to differ only because -parallel is added.

Technically, the behavior is consistent with Start-ThreadJob behavior (which uses [environment]::CurrentDirectory] as @iSazonov notes).

Start-ThreadJob, in turn, behaves differently from Start-Job, which defaults to $HOME (unlike postpositional &, which sensibly - but inconsistently with Start-Job - defaults to the current location - see #4267).

Sadly, Start-ThreadJob and Start-Job can't be fixed without potentially breaking existing code - though here's our chance to get it right for ForEach-Object -Parallel.

The next best thing to get the behavior that should have been the default all along is to use -WorkingDirectory $PWD with Start-Job; sadly, Start-ThreadJob doesn't support -WorkingDirectory as of v2.0.1 - see https://github.com/PaulHigin/PSThreadJob/issues/44

While working on # 10401, I was thinking over the idea that maybe we should initialize not to Directory.CurrentDirectory(), but to a value from the parent runspace (both provider and current location), but I came to the conclusion that users often don’t understand that many of pwd values ​​can exist (one per runspace) and as a result we will only complicate things and confuse users even more.

The fact is that when users create runspaces manually, they have the same behavior (ForEach-Object -Parallel) for many years. (I don't understand why we ignore this many years but want change this for ForEach-Object -Parallel.)
Changing this either way would be a huge breaking change.

Also there is a problem with $Home in Snap and AppX. It would be more reliable to have Start-ThreadJob initilized to current location too. A script that runs on a regular system may suddenly not work in Snap and AppX #9278 /cc @PaulHigin.

Taking into account that users often do not understand how this works, waiting for a certain initial value cannot be considered reliable practice and we should recommend always setting current location explicitly.

This is pure ergonomics question. Sure when somebody uses runspaces and writes 3 non-obvious lines to create a new runspace and control a lot of things about how it's created, it's reasonable to expect to set the location explicitly. When you have a % loop and realize that it can speed up by parallelization, it would be nice to change as little as possible after adding -Parallel. I don't think that people would know they need the parallelization before actually writing and trying the code for a normal foreach. So less friction is it to include -Parallel the better.

Changing this either way would be a huge breaking change.

ForEach -Parallel haven't been realized in any stable build yet - I don't see changing behavior of it as a breaking change. The behavior of it doesn't need to match the runspace creation 1:1.

@iSazonov: Let me add to @vors' comment:

users often don’t understand that many of pwd values ​​can exist (one per runspace)

Nor should they _have to_ understand, _unless it is inevitable_.

The following user expectation is perfectible reasonable and should never be subverted unless absolutely necessary for technical reaons:

Code invoked by a caller (the current runspace) _on the same machine_ should see the same current location as the caller, unless requested otherwise.

Fortunately, this _is_ true in the following cases:

  • running PowerShell code in the _same_ runspace (but _not_ .NET method calls).

  • invoking an _external process_ (in which case the _filesystem provider_'s current location is used).

    • Including use of Start-Process, even with -Verb RunAs, if the target executable is pwsh itself.
  • when using ... & to create a background job - but _not_ with Start-Job.

It is _not_ true in the following cases - regrettably so, but I presume it's too late to change that:

  • Start-Job (defaults to $HOME)
  • Start-ThreadJob (uses the process-wide working dir, [Environment]::CurrentDirectory)
  • (This may be a technical necessity, I'm not sure) Start-Process -Verb RunAs with an executable other than pwsh (uses $env:windir\System32).

As @vors points out, it is _not_ too late to fix this for ForEach-Object -Parallel - and I don't see a problem with diverging from Start-ThreadJob, if necessary, as the connection between the two isn't obvious, and it's conceivable that users will make do with ForEach-Object -Parallel without ever needing Start-ThreadJob.

It _cannot be done for technical reasons_ when calling .NET methods (per-runspace location in PowerShell vs. single, process-wide working directory in .NET)

This is and will remain a perennial pain point when attempting to pass relative paths to .NET methods.

I'm starting to wonder if we should ask CoreFx for an opt-in to thread-local working directories to resolve this problem.

(By contrast, execution of code _on a different computer_ justifiably should carry no expectation of the caller's location being retained (which may be impossible anyway)).

Last days I was somewhere deep in PowerShell code :-) so my comment was from that side.
If look from user side I full agree.

So we have two rules:
rule A - "new runspace inherits current provider and location".
rule B that "new runspace has FileSystem provider default and Directory.CurrentDirectory location".

I am sure that we should have single rule and it is rule A so as not to mislead users and fix all three cases.
We could expose this as new experimental feature.
I think there are not problems with -Parallel and Start-ThreadJob. As for Start-Job defaulting to $Home it looks like a bug ("I am on my working dir but a job puts results to home dir". also there could be problems in containers as mentioned aboved) and we should fix it.

Thanks, @iSazonov - I'm definitely in favor of a fix as well.

I agree that fixing Start-ThreadJob is probably unproblematic, given that Start-ThreadJob's behavior is virtually unpredictable from the user's perspective (it's whatever PowerShell's startup directory was - irrespective of a -WorkingDirectory argument - or whatever in-session code that changed the process-wide current directory last set it to). I've created an issue for it: https://github.com/PaulHigin/PSThreadJob/issues/46

However, given that for Start-Job it is a _fixed_ directory, users are much more likely to have come to depend on it.

Given that experimental features are an "on-ramp" for regular features, how do you see that transition unfolding?

Even if users adopt the experimental feature in significant enough numbers, turning it into a regular feature can still break existing code if it is turned into a regular feature.

I suggest to consider Start-Job case as _bug_.
If my work folder is c:\work and I run a job which switched to $home that is c:\users\isazonov - the last place is the worst place where user would like to see a resulting file. We could guess that user would use relative path to Documents folder. But most likely when faced with this inconsistency, the user will use the _exact_ path to the working directory (c:\work), especially since the job is perceived as some kind of background process.

Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town last week. I agree that this is a bug and that foreach -parallel should preserve the current working directory, and be consistent with foreach as much as possible. I am not as sure about threadjob since my goal there was to make it work like Start-Job.

@SteveL-MSFT It would good to get a conclusion for the issue before 7.0 GA. Maybe PowerShell committee do it?


Making Start-ThreadJob follow Start-Job's example generally makes sense, but note that:

(a) it already behaves differently from Start-Job

(b) even if that were to be fixed, Start-Job's behavior is unfortunate

(c) Ideally, we'd have a _consistent_ experience across _all_ job/thread-related features, meaning:

  • Start-Job
  • Start-ThreadJob
  • postpositional & to start a job
  • ForEach-Object -Parallel

The question now is:

Can we consider Start-Job's default-to-$HOME behavior a bug / something worth fixing as a Bucket 3: Unlikely Grey Area change, as argued by @iSazonov above?

If so, we can achieve the desired consistency, by making all features default to the _caller's current location_.

I'm certainly personally in favor of that, but I haven't looked into how likely it is that existing Start-Job code relies on $HOME to be the default directory.

I have submitted a PR for the fix for ForEach-Object -Parallel (#10672 ).

Thanks, @PaulHigin - I've created #10673 to address the larger issue.

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