Pipenv: Pipenv and setup.py

Created on 4 Dec 2017  Â·  10Comments  Â·  Source: pypa/pipenv

Hi guys,

It is not clear for me possible scenarios of using pipenv. It would be nice document a kind of good practices.

For example coexisting of setup.py and pipenv. When do we need setup.py etc.

This is a follow-up from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47227406/pipenv-vs-setup-py/47594760#47594760

Thank you

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Pipenv is for applications. Setup.py is for packages.

All 10 comments

my ideal setup is pipenv + pbr. No more bloaty setup.py and requirements.txt hard to manager. Still some compatibility issues remaining however, but we do us it in prod here

@Stibbons as I got ‘pbr’ reads setup.cfg metadata, but it is also possible via read_configuration from setuptools.config. Is it other advantages of pbr?

Example of reading setup.cfg is here https://gitlab.com/remak_team/open-source/rmk-pypackage/blob/5+7/%7B%7Bcookiecutter.project_slug%7D%7D/setup.py

easier to version (just git tag, version string is updated automatically, ChangeLog and AUTHOR are automatically generated). Maintaining a setup.py is a pain in the a... to my humble opinion. See a live example here: https://github.com/Stibbons/dopplerr.

Pipenv is for applications. Setup.py is for packages.

@kennethreitz thank you

@kennethreitz why do you use pipenv (Pipfile) in requests?

@ZhukovGreen for bootstrapping the dev environment.

OK, thx @kennethreitz

@kennethreitz following up on your comment here: https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/1161#issuecomment-349972287,

Would you mind pointing out how you distringuish between apps and packages.

Just like a class is a level above a function, a module is a level above class, a package is a level above module, is a app a level above a package?

Why do we need different methods to manage different levels of abstractions?

@alphaCTzo7G This blog post may provide information on this distinction: https://caremad.io/posts/2013/07/setup-vs-requirement/

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