Pdf.js: Outline (bookmark) pane should be resizable.

Created on 4 Sep 2012  路  15Comments  路  Source: mozilla/pdf.js

The outline pane always has a fixed width. Though a horizontal scroll bar is provided, it is still somehow inconvenient.

Furthermore, there is currently no way to fully display a long bookmark name. I think it can be solved by showing a tip (something like title="") when the mouse is hovered above such a bookmark.

1-viewer 2-feature 5-good-beginner-bug

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Closing since this is implemented by the pull request above.

All 15 comments

I agree - I miss this very much. Would definitely like to have the bookmarks pane horizontally resizeable!

A non-resizable sidebar causes me to not use pdf.js for some PDFs, as I have a hard time reading the outline with so much cut off. And scrolling left and right over and over is very annoying. So I'd really like to have this feature too.

As of #2510, the outline panel now contains wrapped by words text.

Many manuals are made much more navigable with a decent view of the outline. I care deeply about this because of how nice it is not to have to install additional bloated, old, flaky or incompatible software to view PDF documents.

May I suggest limits for the panel's size? A reasonable minimum would be the current/default size. A reasonable maximum might be 50% of the window size, if that's larger than the minimum.

Please and thank you.

Maybe this can help for implementing this? http://jsfiddle.net/bukfixart/wSTcJ/1

@timvandermeij , I think the main problem is preserving the animation and layout of other toolbar controls

@yurydelendik You're right, that is also a problem. Resizing the outline panel should technically be possible, but it's harder to make the overall layout respond to that. In the screenshot below, I've resized the thumbnails panel (since no outline is available, but the general idea is the same) by hand using Firebug and it looks good, but I do not have enough knowledge of the viewer's code base to say whether or not making the rest of the layout respond to this change is do-able or not.


:+1: this is a very important issue


I am not sure why this doesn't have the attention it deserves.

Yes, this would be my #1 Feature Request. Resizable Bookmarks pane.
Wrapping the text allows reading it but makes the list super long to scroll around in. So perhaps an option to wrap or not. But resizable is highly desirable.
Thanks - Daraius

Still no word on this? Would be a very nice improvement to the current viewer, especially for folk using Chrome OS where there aren't really any other options available.

Any word on this? Seriously, I've taken to just editing the CSS properties by hand on most documents I open. Nobody gives a rat's ass about prettiness of animations when the current state is just flat out unusable.

The viewer is now more responsive (and the code more modular) than it was at the time this issue was filed, so this should be a bit easier to fix now. If someone wants to work on this, please feel free to do so. I'm marking this as a good beginner bug because it does not require in-depth PDF.js knowledge to fix and so it gets more attention from developers that want to start working on PDF.js.

@le-jzr I really want to emphasize that most contributors are working on PDF.js in their spare time and therefore issues have to be prioritized. Please either help out by a) contributing a patch, b) providing constructive feedback or c) upvoting the initial comment of the issue to help raise its priority. Bumping the issue with such a comment is not going to fix the issue any sooner. All contributors do whatever they can to improve PDF.js, so please keep that in mind when writing comments. Thank you.

Sorry for my lack of manners. While I don't have any experience whatsoever in matters of browser layouts and JavaScript, I would like to suggest that it's not necessary to start with completely interactive solution.

Say, accepting a query string like ?sidebar=500px might be a good start.

Closing since this is implemented by the pull request above.

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