Pdf.js: High memory usage when building CRA example

Created on 16 Dec 2019  路  9Comments  路  Source: mozilla/pdf.js

Attach (recommended) or Link to PDF file here: (any pdf produces the same result)


  • Web browser and its version: Google Chrome 79.0.3945.79
  • Operating system and its version: Windows 10 Enterprise 1903
  • PDF.js version: 2.2.228
  • Is a browser extension: false
  • Node version: 12.13.1
  • NPM version: 6.13.4
  • Create React App version: 3.3.0
  • React version: 16.12.0
  • React-scripts version: 3.3.0

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create new react app with create-react-app
  2. npm install pdfjs-dist
  3. Copy example
  4. npm start or npm run build

What is the expected behavior? (add screenshot)
Start or build succesfully

What went wrong? (add screenshot)

  • Very high memory usage
    Memory usage
  • Fails with error
1-dependencies 3-upstream

Most helpful comment

Thank you all for helping out with reporting this upstream! It looks like there is already a pull request upstream to fix it, so that's great. Once it's merged and released, we can update Babel to fix it on our side as well.

All 9 comments

I'm experiencing the same issue. I did some tests ejecting, trying to pinpoint the issue, and it looks like the problem starts with @babel/core version 7.7.0+. If you eject and downgrade @babel/core to version 7.6.4, it works again for me.

This looks like a Babel regression then. Do you know if this is already reported upstream? If not, it should be reported to Babel so it can be fixed there.

I searched through babel issues, and it doesnt seem to be reported yet. Is there anything specific that you want me to tell them to make it more clear?

@artisb45 I've uploaded a repo to test the issue with the CRA example: https://github.com/astrada/pdf.js-cra-test

Thank you all for helping out with reporting this upstream! It looks like there is already a pull request upstream to fix it, so that's great. Once it's merged and released, we can update Babel to fix it on our side as well.

Cheers, helped me out a lot aswell. For anyone who runs into this until it is merged, try overwriting node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js with this file as mentioned in the PR.

I tried replacing the file, but no success there, anyone got it to work?

I tried replacing the file, but no success there, anyone got it to work?

patching @babel/core7.7.5 with the mentioned file doesnt fix the error for me either...

However, When I delete the //# sourceMappingURL ... comments from the pdfjs-dist package I can get CRA to run again.

unfortunately I have no experience with troubleshooting these memory problems so im kind of stabbing in the dark here. Im not sure how i can be of more help

The upstream issue got fixed and we updated our dependency version too, so it's also fixed on our side now for the next release.

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